
24 de noviembre de 2017

The Anunnaki first part - The Coming of the Gods to Earth and the Creation of the Human Race


From the perspective of conventional archeology, Homo sapiens appeared on Earth more than 100,000 years ago and then began to form complex sedentary civilizations makes about 6 millennia.

The official version of modern scholarship asserts that the history of human civilization dates back only to the fourth millennium BCE and had previously only primitive communities of hunters and gatherers.

Instead, the literary legacy of many of the oldest cultures like Sumero-Akkadian, Egyptian and Hindu presents a history of human civilization dating back to a much earlier time and speaks of a leyendario world forgotten which powerful divine beings walked the Earth, founded great prehistoric civilizations and interacted with early humans.

The truth is that there is a large discrepancy between the records inherited from our ancient ancestors and the doctrine of the current archeology. 

Currently the amazing content of written records of our ancestors is simply rejected as fictitious primitive myths and allegories by mainstream academia.

Similarly, the same stories are easily overlooked or denigrated as  primitive pagan mythologies  by  religious institutions  traditional whose credibility would be greatly undermined if its widespread revelation.

In 2003, during the  Iraq War , the owners of power, namely the military superpower of the United States and Great Britain, carried out the looting of the National Museum in Baghdad and systematically destroyed thousands of historical Small Tablets that had not yet It has been published.

Obviously  the world elite  seeks to conceal our true past. "Experts" would have us believe that self - proclaimed our primary story was a simple fable and our great ancestral gods, Enki and his heroes Anunnaki, were nothing more than natural abstractions or fragments of ancient imagination.

They claim that there were no gods and humanity simply invented when he came to a philosophical stage of its evolution.

Many modern "scholars" so arrogantly mock the idea that the old stories of the Gods have a true base. 

But still the old bequeathed well detailed records of their civilization and made it clear that they received help from higher beings of celestial origin they called "the Gods".

Actually, current conventional archeology is deception.

Today the "scholars" want to imagine the immense and mysterious  megalithic structures  of yesteryear as the great pyramids of Egypt were built by workers from the Bronze Age with the primitive tools of the period. An awesome nonsense ...!

Instead, ancient historians give us a clear answer:
Human civilization has a much longer and more complex history than thought today and in a distant time man was taught and helped by superior beings, celestial gods, if you really existed.
In this series we will review the textual evidence that our ancestors left us and reveal the true history of the human race.


The arrival of the Gods Anunnaki to Earth and the reason for his coming

In the last decades of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, many ancient cuneiform tablets were discovered in the archaeological sites of Mesopotamia and its contents were deciphered.

It was a truly amazing find. Assyriologists who studied the texts realized that the tablets were of the ancient Sumerian civilization and literature were the most hoary ever found with a history of more than four millennia.

In addition, it was clear that many of his stories resembled the later biblical narrative of Genesis and indeed those had influenced the content of the story of the creation of the Hebrew Bible. 

However, the most ancient Sumerian texts tell a Hebrew version that much more mysterious story late. 

According to the Sumerian version, an enigmatic race of superhuman deities, known as the Anunna gods in the Sumerian records and then as Anunnaki in the Akkadian literature and whose home was in the 'sky', descended to Earth in primeval time in the which the man did not exist.

The Anunnaki , arrived in a pristine and virgin land, established a pre-human civilization and pricked their sacred cities in the region of Mesopotamia. 

The Igigi, lesser gods subservient to the Anunnaki were those who werecharge of the work.

However, according to texts such as the famous  poem Atrahasis  and the ancient myth of Enki and Ninmah (Ninhursag), the Igigi tired of so much struggle and decided to riot in protest. They burned their tools and even surrounded the earthly house of their sovereign Enlil.

So held the first general strike in the history of our planet. 

Looking for a solution to the political turmoil that had assembled in the pre-human world, Enki, the great sage prince of the Anunnaki and authentic Father Creator, was presented at the Celestial Council of the Anunnaki and proposed an ingenious plan.

His proposal was the creation of man (Homo Sapiens) in order to replace the Igigi in their work.

The project was authorized by the Council and Enki formed the prototype of the human race in its sacred Abzu. Enki was helped by other deities, especially by the "goddesses maternity cases".

The first humans were created successfully and they took care of the work of the Igigi. 

Mesopotamian records make it clear that initially Man was created as an intelligent working for the gods. However, the question of "why the Anunnaki came to Earth first" finds no clear explanation in ancient texts and remains a mystery to many. 

Russian author  Zecharia Sitchin  proposed in his book  
The 12th Planet  (1976) that the Anunnaki came to Earth in search of gold that supposedly needed to repair the waning atmosphere of its home planet Nibiru course suffering a global climate catastrophe.

For Sitchin and his followers, the Anunnaki would create the man through extraterrestrial genetic engineering as a slave for the extraction of gold mining. 

However, the problem with this interpretation of Sitchin is that the texts available there is little evidence that the Anunnaki came from a place  called Nibiru  and sees no emphasis on the importance of gold mining in particular. 

The texts do suggest that the Anunnaki were an alien race that came from another world detailing that they had their origin in the " 'heaven'."

We see the same phenomenon in the later Bible according to which the throne of "God" is located in the 'heaven' and also there in the heavenly realm happen wars between angels. The '' sky '' refers to outer space beyond our Earth and the distant worlds that exist there.

However, the truth is we do not know whether the Anunnaki really come from a planet called Nibiru or if the celestial body exists.

The true origin of Enki and the Anunnaki is a planet in the constellation Orion  and several ancient cultures had a fascination with it.

It is true that the Igigi and then the men were devoted to gold mining on Earth.

Although the word 'gold' explicitly, the Myth of Enki and Ninmah, original Sumerian story behind the poem Atrahasis mentions that before the creation of man the Igigi digging canals and drew slime in the region Harali is not emphasized .

This mythological place name is a subtle gold mining in old terms reference.

In ancient Mesopotamian culture, the legendary land of Harali, also known as Arallu, gold was considered a place known for its abundance of precious metals (Ebeling and Meissner, 1997, i  Reiter, 1997 ii ).

Interestingly we can see that until later biblical narrative of Genesis, a ridiculous late plagiarism which is still several components of the original Sumerian version retained, subtly alludes to a relationship between the creation of man and the importance of gold.

Immediately after the formation of man in the image and likeness of God, the biblical narrator makes a very brief mention of the land of Havilah near Eden whose gold is plentiful and very good (Genesis 2: 10-12).

Well, yes Sitchin was correct in asserting that man replaced the Igigi in gold mining. 

However, it would not be correct to say that gold was the main reason for the coming of the Gods. In fact, its mention in the texts is quite peripheral and removal is just one of the many activities performed the Igigi and then the men.

Atrahasis poem emphasizes the importance of agriculture.

In the pre-human was the lesser gods dug watercourses, irrigated fields and enlivened the earth (Atrahasis 1: 21-26) and later human, after replacing his divine ancestors, built large irrigation dams to meet he,
"Hungry men" and the "desire of the Gods"
(Atrahasis 1: 337)
Similarly, the so - called  Story Bilingual Creation of Man , another related Sumero-Akkadian text, place an emphasis on maintaining the economy of civilization.

According to him, human tilled the fields of the Anunnaki, expanding the country's wealth, were dedicated to livestock and worthily celebrating the festival of the great Gods (Creation Bilingual 35-37; 40-41).

In short, men are not only engaged in gold mining, but were farmers who supplied the civilization of the Anunnaki food and then entertained their divine teachers with their festivals. 

Now you can see why the Anunnaki came to Earth? The answer is now clearer. 

They did not come for gold for the salvation of his supposed dying planet as Sitchin said. Enki did not create us as a slave race as claimed by sitchinianos fans.

Enki and his heroes are very powerful Anunnaki gods and do not require precious metals like gold for survival! 

Here I reveal a new perspective. 

Enki and his divine fellow astronauts were very advanced and capable of interstellar travel extraterrestrial civilization. Exploratory had much curiosity as the great beings they were.

The Anunnaki came to the habitable zone of our solar system and our Earth found alive.

They landed in the region of Mesopotamia and founded a small extra-planetary colony in what would later become our world. His species had perfected the science of space colonization.

This interpretation would explain why in the ancient stories many of the highest gods like Anu for example had its home in the 'sky' and falling to Earth only on special occasions as important councils as a small team of gods led by  Enki  and his brother  Enlil  had permanent residence on Earth where they built their sacred cities and watched the maintenance of pre-human civilization. 

Obviously the Anunnaki needed a team for the development and operation of its new Earth colony.

At the beginning were the Igigi, lesser gods, which irrigated the fields, tilled the land, did the harvest, raised cattle and conducting mining operations in mineral deposits to maintain the colonial civilization of the Gods.

After the uprising of Igigi, Enki, the great geneticist, manipulated DNA primitive terrestrial homínido (Erectus) had found on Earth and formed Homo Sapiens using its own genetic material.

His project was a great success.

The new hybridized hominid took the blood of his divine doers and replaced the Igigi in their tasks.

At that time humans were still living in the wild steppe (called "Edín" in Sumerian) outside of divine cities and supplying the colony of extraterrestrial visitors. 

We were never  slaves  in the eyes of Enki; we were the custodians and future inheritors of the Earth colony of Anunnaki.

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