
6 de diciembre de 2017


Important News New Solar Command Interconnect Government.
Archangel Jophiel.
The Age of Pisces is behind us, discuss or try to understand our new attitude and vision, those who live in fear and ignorance of entry into a New Age or change of consciousness, is a useless and unnecessary wear.
Those who are really understanding all this paradigm shift and we are far from many limitations, attachments and fears, we should not get into old conversations and discussions that do not lead to anything.
Our attitude must be permanently Alegre, we can not take anything seriously and we should not try to explain anything to anyone, unless we ask with great interest and respect.
Communication of our life plans, our vision of the moment and the way we act must be sharp, strong, ironic and full of humor and love ... We should never be open to receive opinions, since they are not understanding anything because of their fears and their miserable vision of something so big !!! ... and of course, we will not get help, seriously, someone who is not open to an event of this magnitude.
With love and forcefulness, and being terse, if we want and is beside the point, we can discuss issues such as the Galactic Confederation light cameras and the slowing of aging, free energy, the future single currency and Electronics or in less than three years, work will be optional, all offhandedly, nor depth, making these comments seriously and frivolous, they help destroy the state of your current beliefs ... in which already unconsciously not believe.
By doing so, dinamitaremos Mind / Fear programs and 3D Hologram atentaremos poor because every mind that attack, is a quantum mind and they are all the same, we are all the same in Ascension Cosmic Mind and Ego 3D dying.
Because the density and rooting 3D / Fear Program is so strong at this time of Armageddon, our war must be cold, hot becomes very aggressive on their part and very exhausting for us, and it is not easy through foolish reasoning dealing with pragmatic, asleep and catharsis.
This strategy is that in the future we will have to take since aggression and denial and stubbornness, versus fears, will be more active as the Hologram 3d social level, have already become less foundation and meaning, and getting more nervous they go to see their beliefs and pillars are broken out and in their minds.
Henceforth, discharges frequency codes 5d, will be increasingly powerful and our separation from the herd will be necessary for the sole purpose of being able to remain stable in our Ascension process, everything is for good later, ours and theirs, to be fed in the future of our electronic frequency as well as the New Red glass are setting.
We shoot Codes 5 Dimension with plenty of power and irony to all, without going into questions, repartamos Love without fear or interest, love and fraternity, Rigor and Coherence and many permanent Interconnect Joy !!!!
Safe work is etheric Ascension !!!!
Commander AA Zaphiel 12/22/34. 
Gold Boddisathva. 
Galactic Confederation of Free Worlds.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...