
12 de febrero de 2018

CLINTON against the ropes ... FBI Informant Testifies: Moscow bribed in exchange Clinton Foundation Uranium "- FBI spied TRUMP to favor HILLARY during the election campaign

Pump / FBI informant testified : Moscow enrumbó million to the Clinton Foundation in the "Russian strategy of domination of uranium"

* The end of Killary this every time closer no longer hesitate to point it out ...
by Tyler Durden 
  • The undercover FBI informant William Campbell gave written testimony to congressional investigators  after an order of "Iron Gag" to rise in October
  • Campbell was a valuable asset of the CIA and FBI deeply rooted in the Russian nuclear industry, while Robert Mueller was the director of the FBI.
  • Campbell  was required by the Russians threatened to launder large sums of money, which allowed the FBI discovered a huge "nuclear washing apparatus money" Russian.
  • He collected more than 5,000 documents and reports for a period of six years, some of which detail Moscow's efforts to send money to the Clinton Foundation.
  • Campbell claims to have video evidence of bribe money related to the treatment of Uranium One that is getting into suitcases.
  • Obama's FBI knew about the bribery scheme,  however, the administration still approved the treatment of Uranium One.
  • Thank you for your service,  Campbell received $ 51,000 from FBI officials at a dinner celebration at Chrystal City 2016
  • When it emerged that Campbell had evidence against Clinton Foundation,  one  article from Yahoo News  by Michael Isikoff (of Fame applying FISA order) Campbell criticized as a potential "disaster" witness
William D. Campbell became an active FBI counterintelligence after spending several years as a CIA agent who developed relations in the nuclear industry in Kazakhstan and Russia.
"For several years, my relationship with the CIA consisted of an interrogation after a trip abroad , " Campbell said in his testimony,  which was obtained by this reporter.  
Gradually, the relationship became the CIA who commissioned me to travel to specific countries for specific information. 
In the 1990s, I developed a working relationship with Kazakhstan and Russia in their nuclear power industries.  When I told the CIA about this, I was handed over to FBI agents counterintelligence " .
Campbell slammed the FBI in the Russian nuclear industry for six years, where he gathered extensive evidence of two separate but related schemes "pay per play"  related to the uranium industry in the United States:
First,  Campbell discovered that  Moscow had agreed to a US carrier uranium Transport Logistics International (TLI), in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Abroad.  -  who he bribed a Russian nuclear official in exchange for a contract of carriage EE uranium. UU. With Russian mines, including uranium "yellowcake" secured the agreement of Uranium One.
In  second  place, Campbell says  Russian nuclear official told him on a  plan to send millions of dollars to the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)  through the lobbying firm Arpco,   which was expected to channeled part of its share of lobbying annual $ 3 million to charity.
The contract required  four payments of $ 750,000 for twelve months.  APCO was expected that would provide free assistance to the Clinton Global Initiative as  Campbell
Campbell told congressional investigators that the agreement Uranium One with billions of dollars in other contracts uranium in the United States during the Obama administration  f ue part of a  "strategy of domination of Russian uranium"  involving Tenex and He tenem its US arm. -  both subsidiaries of Russian state energy company Rosatom.
"The emails and documents intercepted in 2010 made it clear that  Rosatom bought Uranium One  -  for both its assets Kazakhs and Americans  - he said. 
"I obtained documentary evidence that Tenex helped Rosatom to obtain approval from CFIUS, including an email of October 6, 2010 ... wondering specifically to help overcome opposition to the treatment of Uranium One".
"Rosatom / Tenex organized a party to celebrate, widely attended by officials of the US nuclear industry.  At the request of the FBI, he attended and recorded video footage of the new offices of Tenam "he added.

Uranium yellowcake

APCO officials - lobbying firm accused of channeling money to the Clinton Global Initiative, told The Hill that his support for CGI and work for Russia were not connected in any way and involved different divisions of the company.

Kickback scheme

While they were undercover, the Russians forced Campbell to give bribes to the transport company TLI Maryland in increments of $ 50,000 a Russian nuclear official Vadim Mikerin of Tenex. Campbell did under the direction of the FBI in order to maintain his cover, in front of hundreds of thousands of dollars,  he says that was never repaid.
As a result of the work of Campbell, co-president of TLI Mark Lambert was charged in an indictment with 11 counts relating to the plan, while Vadim Mikerin, who lives in Maryland, was prosecuted in 2015  and is half a four - year sentence.

Mark Lambert

Starting at least from 2009 until October 2014,  Lambert conspired with others "Transportation Corporation A" for corrupt and fraudulent payments of bribes and kickbacks to offshore bank accounts associated with shell companies, under the direction of: and the benefit of, a Russian official, Vadim Mikerin, in order to secure unfair business advantages and obtain and retain business with TENEX . -DOJ
Notably  Rod Rosenstein  did not interview before prosecuting Campbell Vadim Mikerin when Rosenstein was the chief federal prosecutor in Maryland, instead relying on the evidence that Campbell had gathered. This failed  after prosecutors insisted on sitting with Campbell for more information, forcing prosecutors to reformulate its entire case against Mikerin.
Campbell received a report after the criminal charges were filed, but was never brought before the grand jury accused the Russian figure in November 2014, although the informant was portrayed as "Victim One" in this indictment, confirmed officials
When prosecutors finally interviewed Campbell more widely in early 2015 and reviewed all records that had gathered for the FBI, they learned new information about the sequence of transactions that performed under the supervision of the FBI, as well as the extensive nature of their work counterintelligence for the US government. UU. that was beyond the case Mikerin, dating at least 2006, officials said. The Hill

Approval of Uranium One

An extremely important aspect of the timeline Campbell is that the FBI Obama, headed by Robert Mueller, knew the bribery scheme with the carrier  before approving the agreement Uranium One  would have used TLI to transport the uranium mined .
a person who worked on the case told The Hill, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals by US officials or Russians. " -The Hill
Therefore,  the supply of Uranium One clearly should never have been approved .

Praising Campbell

Campbell testified that the FBI thanked him for his cover - up with a check for $ 51,000 in 2016, which according to a  November report , was given to him at a dinner celebrating 2016 Chrystal City, VA according to the lawyer Campbell (former Justice Department official Regan and former Senior Advisor to the Senate Intelligence Committee), Victoria Toensing.
"My FBI handlers praised my work , "  testified Campbell. "I was told on several occasions that the details of the secret investigation had been directly informed senior officials of the FBI. Twice my handlers were particularly excited it,  claiming that my undercover work had been informed President Obama as part of his presidential daily briefing , "he  said.

Campbell muddying

The following reports John Solomon of The Hill and Sara Carter Circa News revealed that Campbell had gathered evidence implicating the Clinton charity and the government of Obama,  Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News wrote an article criticizing Campbell article -  saying it would be a " disaster "as a witness because some of their claims could not be documented, said  an anonymous source to Isikoff.

Michael Isikoff, Head of Research Correspondent Yahoo News

And where we heard the name of Michael Isikoff recently?
Another article from Yahoo News written by Isikoff was used by the FBI as supporting evidence in an application for the FBI FISA warrant against former campaign adviser Trump, Carter Page. Isikoff used the information provided by former UK spy Christopher Steele  -  who armed the antitrump infamous dossier and not verified in the FISA application was based largely.
Isikoff says he was "stunned" to learn that his article was cited in the order of FISA. We "believe" in it.
Rosenstein sessions and were running interference
And in a move that can only be interpreted as an effort to protect the FBI, the Obama and Clinton,  AG Jeff Sessions and Rep AG Rod Rosenstein even tried to suggest that the case of discovered nuclear bribery Campbell is not related to the according to Uranium One.
By John Solomon of  The Hill  last November:
"The Attorney General Jeff Sessions in testimony last week and Rod Rosenstein Deputy Attorney General in a letter to Senate last month tried to suggest that there was no connection between Uranium One and the case of nuclear bribery. 
His argument was that criminal charges are not filed until 2014, while the approval of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US (CFIUS) from the sale of Uranium One occurred in October 2010 ".
This annoyed many Republicans in Congress the wrong way:
"The Attorney General Sessions seemed to say that crimes of bribery, racketeering and money laundering involving Vadim Mikerin of Tenex occurred after the approval of the treatment of Uranium One by the Obama administration. 
But we know that the confidential FBI informant was compiling incriminating evidence already in 2009,  "Rep. Ron DeSantis, (R-Fla.) Told The Hill, adding that " it is  difficult to understand how it could have approved  such a transaction without having revealed the underlying corruption"
The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a similar Rosenstein reproach, saying that the first response to the committee deputy attorney general "largely forgotten point" of congressional investigations.
"Ask your politics"
When Campbell asked the FBI why he was not processed all illegal plans he discovered, he was told explicitly that it was political:
" I remember an answer I received from an agent when I asked how it was that CFIUS approved the sale of Uranium One when the FBI could prove that Rosatom was involved in criminal conduct. His answer:  "Ask your politics , " Campbell said.
From his undercover work in Russia, Campbell has undergone 35 intensive radiation treatments after being diagnosed with brain cancer and leukemia.
Look at John Solomon and Sara Carter Campbell discuss the evidence of last November:

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