
8 de febrero de 2018

Debugging starts in the United States. Trump takes lis tanks in Whasington DC against the deep state

BREAKING: Trump has just ordered the military to fill the streets of EE. UU. With everything they have - he's not playing 




February 7, 2018 


Frank Lea 

Donald Trump President has ordered the army to flood the streets with tanks, soldiers and all they have. This was a run command addressed to the US Army. UU.And the Pentagon confirmed communication. Sarah Huckabee Sanders also confirmed that there are plans for Trump wants what is planned and enacted as soon as possible.

President imagines soldiers rolling down the street in tanks, on foot, covering all aspects of the locations designated streets. This will stun all Americans who see what is happening because they are witnessing a massive show of force that will be displayed in the military parade that President Trump wants to plan. The ceremony will be a massive show of strength and honor those brave Americans who serve the country to fight for freedom, to protect people and ensure that our great nation is kept as amazing as possible.

Trump said that the celebration of Bastille Day in Paris inspired him. He said how nice it was and it was honorable and a fantastic display of military. He was quoted assaying that " It was one of the greatest shows I've seen ... It was two hours on the button and was military, and I think it is tremendous for France and for the spirit of France." 

If there is a military parade in the United States, it could be one of the most incredible things our civilians have had the pleasure of seeing. 

The Washington Post reported more about Trump marching orders:

"The vision of President Trump of marching soldiers and tanks rolling down the boulevards of Washington is closer to reality at the Pentagon and the White House, where officials say they have begun planning a large military parade later. Year showing the power . of the armed forces of the United States 

Trump he has meditated publicly and privately about wanting a parade like that, but a meeting on 19 January between Trump and senior generals in the tank Pentagon - a hall reserved for secret discussions - marked a turning point, according to two officials briefed on the planning.

Surrounded by officials of the highest military rank, including Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and the Chief of Joint Staff , General Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the seemingly abstract desire for a parade Trump suddenly heard as a presidential directive , officials said. 

"The marching orders were: I want a parade like France , " he said a military official who spoke on condition of anonymity because they are supposed to planning discussions are confidential. "This is working at the highest levels of the military." 

After The Washington Post first published this story, the press secretary of the White House, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, he issued a statement confirming that plans are underway.

"President Trump is an incredible support for members of the US great service who risk their lives every day to keep our country safe , " Sanders said. "He asked the Department of Defense to explore a celebration in which all Americans can show their appreciation." 

The Pentagon also confirmed plans after the initial report of The Post. "We are aware of the request and we are in the process of determining specific details. We willshare more information during the planning process , " the Defense Department spokesman, Thomas Crosson said in a statement.

Military parades are usually not performed in the United States. We need to show our strength to potential opponents is unnecessary and our allies are well aware of the ability of US authorities. The military parade will be a gift for our great American and a civil and honorary ceremony for the troops, something they deserve.

American civilians would be the most entertaining as they are treated by a beautiful display of amazing military technology and weaponry. Americans do not often see the US military exposed. What little we have to do is usually on the Internet or television. Some people living near an arsenal and can see a bit of the fantastic items you have our army, but a military parade will be amazing.

There may be several criticisms, but those criticisms might be people who oppose the military or are part of the movement of "resistance" against Donald Trump has struggled since the beginning of his career as president. That's no big deal because the enemies that are anti - Americans do not like anything, including themselves.The opposing liberals are irrelevant and intolerant, so do not take seriously. 

Do you join the festivities if the Pentagon plans a military parade

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