
17 de febrero de 2018

Karmic ties and sex

Resultat d'imatges sex chakra

In a previous article we talked about the energy consequences of sexual relations, highlighting how -due to the opening of the aura energies pass each other occurs during íntimas- relationships, being a source of sharing emotions (high and dense ) and energy waste: larvae and astral entities. 
 Thus, if one of the two brings crap in your auric body, the two end up sharing it At the time the two are separated, each has some energy on the other, with all that that entails. Also it happens that when we join our energies in this way, we also give our power and vibration of life to another person, creating what was formerly called bridges of power or karmic ties.

Semen and vaginal fluids become energy plasmas within the subtle bodies and thus the bond is not easily broken. Thus we remain united with all those with whom we shared our bed, our space and our physical and energetic body. This energy union lasts seven years from the last sexual relationship. While the energy union makes other energy mix with our aura, to merge with each other, even during union ties or cords are formed through the chakras.

 Such cords are also durable and provide a bridge for constant energy communication, even if the relationship is over. This explains the addictive relationships (depending on the chakra with higher laces), addictions and difficulties that have to break with unhealthy relationships.
 Energy ties have a positive and a negative. If we have a relationship with someone who loves us, he sends us good thoughts and energies. If the person does not want us and are thinking bad about us, or is attached and obsessed, we receive thread through the bad thoughts, blockades, obstacles and bad energy, to the point that we can get sick. At the same time, this hinders the formation of a better relationship. The energy content

It also happens that one of the two, or both, have sex with several very dense and infected couples with energies of others, creating what is called a nest of larvae, within which they have relations. 
 If you are with a person who does not do any internal cleaning his being, has been with many others and has not cleaned what others have left in it, not just part of its energy load is acquired, but also takes part the energies of others who commanded her.  If a woman becomes pregnant in this type of link, being that embodies comes from the lower astral or impregnated with very dense loads, which has an impact on their quality as a human being.

Things get complicated when the chain is large; and married or committed infidels pollute their partners by bringing all that energy waste your conjugal bond, "adulterating" the energy created in their stable relationship. Sex and accountability Knowing all these implications, before having sex with someone, we should ponder what this will generate in ourselves and in the other person. Know the other becomes important in every relationship of intimate delivery.

This is difficult in modern times, characterized by fast relationships guided by lightning attraction and an alleged "sexual chemistry". This means that most people have high energy pollution in their fields, being possibly one of the main causes of the difficulties that many experience to mate and establish stable and harmonious relations.
 I observe, especially, it is very difficult to understand the karmic bond terms and their seven-year, with the resulting mixture of energy derived from waste energy jumble of previous sexual partners of two people; This coupled with the number of relationships that can be had in those 7 years, mainly because the trend is to move from one relationship to another quickly, and more often than not taken the time to clean before starting another link.
 As a result-contrary to WISHES- begin to attract more people charged and problems encountered in previous relationships, increase in power and even multiply, as per Law of Attraction, those who come share our vibration according to "energy loads are carried in the aura". If we are heavily contaminated with larvae and parasites, both belonging to former partners, prospects will attract relationships on the same frequency.

This explains the importance of mastering sexual impulses through the exercise of will and health care for our energy and spiritual anatomy; if not, we will be affected both by pollution of our auric fields as unwanted karmic ties. Thus, the momentary pleasure becomes a permanent problem.

Sex is spirit and life to the service of happiness and harmony of the universe. Therefore, it demands responsibility and discernment, where and when to express yourself The individual needs and should know what to do with your sexual energy, observing how, with whom and who uses such resources, meaning that all commitments in sex life are also subordinate to the Law of Cause and Effect; and, according to that exact principle, everything we give to another in the emotional world, that other will also give us. Is it possible to clean and break the bond of 7 years? One of the main concerns of those who learn of energy and spiritual implications of sex, is the duration of bond that generates energy; seven years.

To clean and break that bond, esoteric say the best antidote is celibate during that same period. Therefore, in ancient times it was recommended to wait 7 years between a relationship and another, even in cases of widowhood. 
 Obviously, at this time people do not want and often can not (instinctual compulsions and socio-cultural pressures) wait that long. In response, there are some options that do not exempt of responsibility and decision recommended in previous paragraphs consciousness. 
 The proposals are: sexual Fasting: it is the cleaner method, mainly after ending a relationship, being the best for emptying other information. It would be ideal, take at least one year of sexual fasting after ending a relationship.

As we see, the main option is celibacy, although time is reduced to one year to clean energy relationships and couples who have had. However, this alternative is still a huge challenge for the majority, especially in a society bombarded by sexuality, and where the pursuit of pleasure is a priority. Raise the vibration: Another alternative is to meditate and do a recapitalization, thanking each of the couples, forgiving and self-forgiving cleaning energy to go through meditations bodies with white light, golden, or violet. The idea is to change the vibrational frequency through positive thoughts and attitudes.  

Exercises can be done to cut energy cords, besides using mantras, music, floral baths with herbs or sea salt and olive oil with sandalwood. This second option looks more attractive and easy to do, although not as strong and transmuting like the first, it does not require the exercise of greater willpower with its consequent change and raising the level of consciousness.  Ideally combine both methods for sexual energy cleaning

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