
9 de marzo de 2018

ABERTIS moved to Madrid, and the capital of the kingdom were crushed and chopped opado. TORNA-HI!

ABERTIS left of Catalunya. Those of "seny" moved to Madrid. 
And there, in the capital of Spain, the highway concessionaire La Caixa, have been violated, opados and sliced ... Good 
riddance ...

I still remember how the old Convergència supported them in the famous  NO VULL PAY!  And that was the first sign that Spain was going to Francoland. The laws were changed to a highway worker could draw a fine ...

Well, the point is that ABERTIS had enjoyed great institutional and business support in Catalonia. With La Caixa as "cousin Zumosol" ... 
But outside of Catalunya protection ends ... 
The first thing I did when moving to the capital of Spain is oparla (Madrid does not pay traitors).Advantage of 155, although little pressure could have done the Catalan government about a company that was already part of Madrid ...

Florentino ACS and Italy's Atlantia have played so far the former Catalan dealership and, like two hyenas fighting for a piece of carrion, has finally broken.

All this reminds us of Endesa with Enel and Acciona ...

Chop depends on how it is very possible that we lengthen the Catalans concessions now would be terminated, and sufragaremos next signing of Real Madrid ...

Or this time we will have more gonads when VULL reactivate NO PAY?

Anyway, you see what facilitated the relocation of companies, to remove any Catalan Control ... 
The truth is that I give a higa, but may ABERTIS was one of the most important indigenous multinationals that have had Catalunya (although we fuck your business). 
A warning that Spain will try to destroy the whole Catalan economy but also out injured. So given that Europe sends them a check every month.

I fear that we will see other ABERTIS. 
Sabadell and La Caixa will be the next thing they 

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