
15 de marzo de 2018


We retransmit directly from the Library Portólogos where many of us spend most of our time. Although our time frame differs from yours, yet we look at the time and order our routes and our days. Hollow Earth is rejoicing with the magnitude of raising awareness of land as witnessed by the announcement of the Euro in the news today, joining many European countries as one. This is a big step for the population of the surface, leading to a United World Earth. We in the Hollow Earth have a system for all of us, keeps us unified in all areas of business and life. It has taken a big step, and many other countries will follow.

Your health is connected to your wealth. By this we mean that your emotional health and your sensitive body, because the healthier they feel, the more clean and pure are your thoughts and feelings, and much clearer their intentions. It is the intention of you that goes to the Universal Campos de Luz, and returns them what they requested. Every thought is a call, and each call has an answer. Then tune into their thoughts and feelings and monitor what they are sending. If only send what is positive, that is what they will receive.

 This is a time of great confusion and turmoil on the surface, as when people wake up because of the string of events that unfold. Stay within your own heart, go deep, just feel calm and tranquility that exists within you, and radiate this to counter the negativity and shock is happening around you.This is his way, this is what it means to hold the Light. It means they are holding the Light that always exists within you, and choosing only reflect light, and confusion around you. Then go inside and stay inside, even if they are existing in all outward appearance. It's so simple, yet so profound.

In the Hollow Earth, all live from our heart center and radiate tranquility only within us. This tranquility pervades the entire cavity of the Earth and brings us health and wealth that always surround us. As in the surface people start to live from within your heart center, this purity and strength and peace pervade their physical bodies and surface conditions, and gently will bring peace that resides within us and within our Earth.This is our dream for you and OUR DREAMS always done.

We bring you greetings from Hollow Earth located in the deepest recess of your planet. We dwell there in peace and prosperity and abundance. We use precious gems and gold adorning our bodies and houses, and all have as much as ever could wish for. Everything is in prolific abundance including peace and unconditional love. Because it is this peace and this love that creates wealth and prosperity and longevity of life. This is the secret-the magic of life.

Just live in peace and harmony and love one another, and heaven on earth is yours. It is truly magical. Because living in peace can only bring more peace and great wealth beyond their three-dimensional imagination. Peace is the answer to all the ills of their society. Love is the answer to all your problems of family and relationship.Peace is the answer to their economic woes and market fluctuations. Peaceful coexistence is the purpose of life and the reason they are here. Do not allow the circumventing this, and not let the Sept. 11 tragedies and prevent others feel peace within you. These events are just strategies to put an impediment to peace that already exists within each of you.

 These events are orchestrated on purpose to push humanity off course on his imminent ascension.No matter what happens in your surface world, stay calm and centered within their souls and "feel peace." It is only through the feelings that peace can emerge. Sustain this peace and let itextend to the surface, and touch every soul with which they come into contact. That's how you spread peace and fight back the darkness around the Earth. The Forces of Light are here in large numbers surrounding the Earth and every man, woman and child. Our Central Sun sent legions of angels to guide and protect, because the energies coming to Earth are so powerful now that all that is not love is being pushed to the surface to be healed.

We in the Hollow Earth we are isolated from the chaos above, because the Earth is a great insulator and provides a protective shield all around us. We can be in touch with you, but we can not be contacted by negativity. Simply can not reach. Our shield is simply too strong. We have woven a force field around us that is impenetrable to all that is not of the Light. We are safe and secure within the Earth because it is the only way we can exist and evolve. When you achieve these peaceful living conditions, we can then emerge and welcome to the Confederation of Planets, where they will show you how to turn your world back into a paradise.

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