
10 de marzo de 2018

Planet Earth needs a new system and a new way of thinking

Watch our future The  planet Earth needs a new system and a new way of thinking  When Atlas shrugged In a parody of the novel ' Atlas Shrugged ' written in 1957 by Ayn Rand, which describes a compelling story comparable to current state of affairs related to human greatness, murder and rebirth of the spirit of man, in his battle to free the world from its enemies, who at the time and could have been the same players of Deep state. The deep state, also known as the Illuminati, or the Cabal is made by the  Vatican

 , Masons' Ur-Lodges, Knights of Malta, City of London, Washington DC, Rothschilds, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Beatrix, King Juan Carlos of Spain, and all central banks.

We are living in a time that is out of sync with reality. Make no mistake about it. The underlying basic patterns are gaining strength required at a rate established by the Divine. The Illuminati were devastated when Trump won the election, and now are in a state of total panic, trying to cling to any semblance of control they feel they can still have.  They were not planning awakening of the population, and were not planning to go after them. We are recovering our control on many levels now are not up to us all united, awake and allies against them. Together, we can rid the Earth of evil which for centuries has been attacking us. The history

In 1868 the Jesuits of the Vatican, with the help of the British monarchy, created a global system of debt money, based on a central banking system still printed notes; IOUs. To legitimize non - Catholic regions, they invented capitalism, communism and Nazism using secret societies like the  Ur-Lodges Masons  , Knights Templar, Round Table, Rotary and Lions of  Freemason  . They controlled financially Britain and until the fall of 2013, owned by the United States. In the process, they instigated all major wars in the world, killing millions of Jews, Christians and Muslims. To better understand this Worship Satan Cabal, based on Mind Control through child exploitation, rape and human sacrifice, you can be found further clarification  here  .

Since 1871, USA Inc. was owned by the British, the Vatican and Rothschilds. They have deceived Americans in wars for profit on a plan for a renewed Roman Empire to the Vatican Jesuits are the instigators behind smokescreens. Their attacks against the population through food poisoning, Chemtrails, electromagnetic damage, diseases of sugar, GMO, modification of wheat, immunizations, disease Morgellons  , Nanotechnology, AIDS, Fluoridation and further poisoning of our waters and killing of doctors by mercenaries Big Pharma, are all part of a scheme "Soft Kill" to reduce and control the world 's population. The Vatican has been centrally involved in many of the machinations behind the scenes involved in the global financial meltdown of 2007-2008, and blocking the Global Law Reform and Economic Security - GESARA- that is the agreement of international prosperity. In April 2008, Joseph Ratzinger - Pope Benedict XVI - failed in an attempt to claim a large section of the prosperity funds GESARA. According to reports, he told his closest colleagues: "Kids can not handle this money is due, but the Church itself can"The cabal still believes that the Light must accept the existence of USA Inc. as a true sign that the illegal agreement forced on America in 1871 should be allowedstay. 

What the elite does not know is that this reality is only a temporary condition. Indeed, the rope was put around their necks. This effort has now gone too far.

NESARA and GESARA  It has launched a trigger that collapse the stock market and introduce to force the new global financial system  artificial intelligence with gold backed currencies / assets. This trigger is activated once the Cabal has been completely neutralized. March 2018 will be a crucial point in history. On February 28 executive order to collapse the stock market was signed, incorporating the gold standard / assets and nationalizing banks and the Paris Agreement revised, which means that NESARA GESARA is ready toimplemented.

Expect the bag begins to fall like a house of cards. The key is to systematically tear down the old financial system.  Once the stock market falls to a certain extent, the gold standard / assets is presented as a global solution. The introduction of the gold standard / assets and RV will occur simultaneously, thus bringing the new financial system. Yuan Futures Contracts Oil-Gold will enter into force on 26 March. According to sources, the goal is to have the new financial system functioning before Yuan Futures Contracts Oil-Gold take effect on the same date.

Following the release of RV, hosted quantum system will exchange online. For the general public, the RV will not be disclosed until after the event is completed transition, including the full implementation of  NESARA in the US. UU. And GESARA for the rest of the world.

  • NESARA is the National Economic Security Act and Reform
  • GESARA is the Law Reform and Global Economic Security

NESARA stands for "National Economic Security Act and Reform". The law was approved by the United States Congress in 2000. While GESARA represents the Law of Global Economic Security and Reformation, which was implemented by 209 sovereign nations in the world and will be the act of reform most innovative to sweep the planet. The program GESARA global prosperity is about to be announced and active. One of the hedge funds that are said are involved is called  The Saint Germaine World Trust  . Unknown to most,  Sanctus Germanus

(St. Germaine), has been the inspiration and promoter behind the tremendous explosion of innovations involving computer and the Internet. His fund has delivered precious metals and coins worth more than US $ quattuordecillion. The word quattuordecillion sometimes quatrodecillion is written. Meaning 1040, or $ 1 with forty zeros. Resources Saint Germaine World Trust in addition to, and separate from,  The World Global Settlement Funds and  Global Collateral Accounts. This single act eliminates Central Banking, the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS and USA, Inc. is the Deep shadow Khazar state government, and more.  When publicly announced at the United Nations in New York City,

GESARA implement the following changes:

  • Cancellation of all credit cards, mortgages and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. Many refer to this as a "jubilee" or complete forgiveness of debt.
  • Abolition of income tax, with employees transferred to the national tax department Treasury sales.
  • Creating and implementing a 15% flat rate of new non - essential items only income from sales taxes for the government. In other words, food and medicines will not be taxed; nor did assets such as old houses were taxed.
  • Greater benefits for seniors.
  • Return of the Constitutional Law to all courts and legal issues.
  • Restoring the original amendment of the title of nobility.
  • Establishment of new presidential and congressional elections within 120 days after the announcement of GESARA.
  • An interim government canceled all domestic emergencies and will return to constitutional law.
  • Election monitoring and prevention of illegal electoral activities of special interest groups.
  • Creating a new arcoíris currency US Treasury backed by precious metals gold, silver and platinum, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
  • Banning the sale of records birth certificates of US bonds owned as personal property by the United States Department of Transportation.
  • Initiation of New System Bank US Treasury. UU. In alignment with Constitutional Law.
  • Elimination of the Federal Reserve System and all other central banks around the world. During the transition period, the Federal Reserve may operate with the Treasury of the United States for a year to remove all notes from the Federal Reserve money supply.
  • Restoring financial privacy.
  • Retention of all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.
  • Cessation of all aggressive military actions of the government of the United States and NATO worldwide.
  • Establishment of peace throughout the world.
  • Launch packages of unprecedented prosperity with huge sums of money for humanitarian purposes.
  • Release of more than 6,000 patents suppressed technologies that are hidden to the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, healing antigravity machines, sonic,  Internet high  speed high  speed that connects everyone on the planet.
  • Elimination of all current and future nuclear weapons on planet earth.

Great abundance  This new period will be announced by an infusion of great abundance. This prosperity is largely attributable to the strength of our Earth allies and the brilliant strategies put in place many centuries ago by the Ascended Masters  . They were able to bring this planet a new financial and monetary plan whose secret purpose is to allow great wealth falls at the right time. The Ottoman Turks, the Austrian Habsburgs, the Bourbons of France and the Holy See conspired in the past to create a banking system and confidence that has lasted until today. 

The origins of the system created fractional reserve banking are revealed in the ancient treasures of Rome, Persia, India and China, and many empires in the New World.

In Europe during the Middle Ages, the control system is transmitted to the Pope and a number of Monarcas allies. The funds were disbursed with the advent of the Second Millennium of Christianity. As the moment approached, however, it became increasingly clear that the cabal that controls this world until today, wanted to avoid this payment. The cabal are fighting tooth and nail to prevent even  the consciousness of GESARA, and much less their implementation, and, at this point, delay the announcement that must by law precede enactment of the widespread provisions. Prevention of this announcement through its controlled media is the only weapon that remains at this point. The fight

The Cabal relentlessly try to infiltrate this process GESARA - RV to benefit from it only for themselves and regain their power over this planet. But the Alliance, the white hats, are actively seeking to apprehend these infiltrators. All attempts made to infiltrate the RV process have not been successful. Corrupt bankers bribed by the Camarilla have been caught and arrested almost every other day. Cabal remaining cleaning continues. The Alliance can trigger the collapse of the stock market at any time and replace it with the new financial system AIIB, while we, the Awakened, we are elected to lead this economic revolution.

The cabal has succeeded so far in implementing delays by many means: assassinations of influential people who favor initiating the provisions without delay and others actively working towards this end; death threats to families of workers of Light and the workers themselves; double agents within the ranks of light workers; and terrorist attacks. American terrorist act in the work of the September 11, 2001 was the most dramatic of these tactics. Gold that must support the new currency was stored in the WTC towers and robbed by the clique. Building 7 was the center of operations for September 11 and was destroyed after the operation was completed.

When people are concerned about simple survival requirements, giving them not only spiritual messages will produce global reforms they need to get out of their misery. That's why the provisions of GESARA are monumental in scope, embodying sweeping reforms for Earth that will begin as soon as the legislation is officially announced. When people become aware of the reforms, you will be motivated to participate according to their capabilities. As with all other aspects of polarity still existing on Earth, GESARA is at one end and the dark forces that ... the members themselves call the Illuminati are on the other.

Tentacles [the Illuminati] reach the highest levels of government; banking establishments; all media; churches; multinational corporations; royal families; educational corporations, medical and drug laws and justice systems - none of influential nature on our planet is free of Illuminati control. This powerful cabal has long recognized that to maintain control of the people of Earth must keep them in ignorance and fear and for millennia has worked well for those who are currently in power as he did for his dark predecessors.Now they are realizing that they can not work for much longer, and do not skimp tactics to maintain their control that decreases rapidly.

The capitulation of [the Illuminati] would be welcome, but they are not of the nature to admit defeat. In the end, you may have to be forced, since the mission should begin in earnest soon. Strength is not a word (the Alliance) likes, but does not mean the use of physical force, but rather as in a chess game, it will be checkmate. The fate of the world will  write at once  a  time GESARA is implemented, the population of poverty and enslavement of Earth will ease, allowing them to devote himself to  the supreme task of planetary transformation.

When GESARA is activated, it will mean that the war will be over forever. It means that everyone on Earth will be rich and improve their living standards. It will mean that the coins with gold backing will no longer be manipulated and that the work will be displayed everywhere. It will mean that NESARA and GESARA are on track to give every person in the world more than enough money to calm each of its shortcomings forever. It will mean new technologies, free energy, environmental cleanup, flying cars and time travel to the stars. It will mean perfect health for all, including lost limbs to regrow. It will mean the beginning of the new era and most importantly, mean that it is unstoppable.


Not only will forever change your destiny, but also change and the fate of every form of life on this planet will be rewritten. Not only the people of this planet, but all other civilizations with which we interact. The whole world and all other star nations will be affected and will have a destination changed at the same time, when finally GESARA operational.

Readers may ask; "What if these national corporations go bankrupt and lose my pension?" Do not worry. You actually their priority creditor. The new system will be much better than any other currently available and provide a much broader spectrum of care and higher pension payments for both veterans and Retired general, whether public or private. It will also provide services that are not currently available; as counseling and physical therapy options that do not exist now, internal treatment programs for alcoholism and drug addiction, nutrition and natural healing options that are not currently covered, hospice services and palliative care and much, much more.

  • In the United States, Trump will begin with the reversal of the manufacturing infrastructure stripped, laying the foundation for eradicating poverty and increasing prosperity.
  • In China, Xi Jinping will start infrastructure projects with thousands of Senior Centers and actual production of organic food.
  • In Russia, Putin imitate the United States and China.

Planet Earth needs a new system and a new way of thinking  If your question is, what on earth is wrong now? The answer is: everything is wrong, everything from food, agriculture, language, education, health, technology, science, sports, money, business, almost all, if not all. GESARA is designed to erase poverty and all the attendant ills of the Earth during the transition phase. Changes will not be imposed for the sake of it, but part of the plan to provide comfort and protection, which will raise people 's experiences to a new level, giving joy and happiness. Being happy with life itself will be the overall experience. 

Some may say that money can buy happiness, but money can only buy goods and services! See the many stories of celebrities for more information.

Stupid people who want robots replace humans think everyone should agree with them. But the truth is that no robot can replace a human. Nobody wants to go to the restaurant where the same stupid robot voice takes your order! Planet Earth will have a new metric for Environment, Food, Happiness, more jobs involve saving the planet Earth. GDP metrics will be obsolete, since spend that money only represents an illusion, numbers inventory values, etc. People are starting to realize their life purpose that most of Earth has forgotten. The entire human population will benefit from GESARA. Earth is the most abundant planet. 

There is more than enough gold-backed human money currently in existence on Earth so that every human being is a millionaire no debt of any kind.

People need to learn to think for themselves and act innovatively, since most of the existing parameters, if not all, will become obsolete. The meaning and value of money will be completely different from today. Everyone will have enough money to live. There is no need or advantage of corruption or bribery. Eligibility will be limited only by the experience. All will be free, will take their hobby to live and work when they want to. The bottom line

The conclusion is that GESARA is much more than a financial event, because it means that the new era will happen and happen soon.  Once you start, it will be the end of the Camarilla, and the beginning of everything good in the world. Cabal is why we have done everything possible to stop it They know that once turns the switch, the energy firm and the destiny of the world and all life forms on it will change instantly.

That great reality not only cause great changes in Fate, but emit visible and unmistakable feelings of happiness. People will begin to feel better and people who are not yet awake not even know why. Of course, the Awakened know why, and this event will be even stronger for them for that reason. GESARA This event will prove to be the most important in world history of human event and will be in our lives! In this assay, it described what will change and why it has taken so long to get it going. It may be a good idea to send this information to anyone you know, to be prepared for the huge changes ahead. The transition to the new system has already begun, the  people do not know ... IMPORTANT MESSAGE

RED ALERT - STARTS - NOW IS THE TIME! This explanation Q is amazing! 'Leave everything and look at this now !!! He describes exactly what will happen and when. POTUS said it all in a tweet last fall. It's happening. Q REPRODUCED FROM THE VIDEO POST  IN ORDER POTUS we have initiated certain cases to safeguard the public safety of the primary consequences that are scheduled to occur 03.11 after the announcement of the arrest of Mr. Podesta. Confirmation (the public) of what is happening will be revealed and will not openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of higher public officials.

IN ORDER POTUS, a state of temporary military control will be applied and carried out special operations. There have been several false leaks to retain within the confines of the United States to avoid extradition and special needs of the operator. Rest assured that the safety and welfare of all men, women and children of this country are running out completely. However, the atmosphere within the country is divided and unfortunately many have fallen into the hands of corrupt and evil that have been handed down for long. We initiate the emergency broadcast system (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding false news) to all citizens. 

Organizations are with rapid fury certain laws have been previously raised.

Source:  The Final Wakeup Call

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...