
7 de marzo de 2018

Young Lightworkers Channel - Judas Iscariot Channel 3-5-18

Published on Mar 7, 2018

I am Judas Iscariot and I know that you are waiting dear Earthlings, but what are you waiting for? You are waiting for manna from Heaven to rain down, when the manna is already with you. Everything you need exists on Earth today and all you need is to have trust in your own heart. 

The heart leads you on your path each step that you take and together all steps become a giant step for mankind. It is thanks to a great collaboration that you have taken the steps that you have taken today and the collaboration grows each day.

It is now that you show proof of being a collective unit – A unit that strives towards the same goal consisting of justice and love for all concerned, and it concerns all who live on Earth. It is with great love that I witness this and it is with gratitude in my heart that I see now grand movements of freedom and love are on the way on Earth. 

Dear children on Earth, it is now that it is happening, you turn darkness to light, hate to love, captivity to freedom. You take each other by the hand and dance to a united brother- and sisterhood. A great dance is underway on Earth, a long line of people dancing… holding hands, with all sorts of other people who dance together.

It is beautiful to see. I can see it already in my inner vision. You are all happy and you laugh with love and relief. We dance with you and enjoy the new era that you now enter into. It is fantastic, dear wonderful children on Earth. It is a fantastic vision that I share with you now. This is the way it is going to be, so have trust, have trust in your heart and what it whispers there. It whispers about the new era that you enter into and the few steps that remain for you to bring home the whole harvest – The harvest of freedom and love.

And to be allowed to be the one you are – a creation that always is beautiful, created by our loving Father/Mother God. Only love can come from God and you are love. You are all love and you will all enter through the portal of love to be resurrected in yourselves, the true you, your true essence.

It is an incredible journey that you are making now dear children on Earth. Feel inside how it vibrates and your veins are expanding. It is the song of love that once again is sung on Earth. Hear its song, feel its vibration, feel that everything is perfect just as it is right now. Stand still and feel the vibrations of the New Earth, it has started to vibrate in you now. Receive it, welcome it, let it open from your inside and then let love flow out. We are with you and share the love with you. Let it flow out into the world.. so that you all can unite in the song of love and vibration. I can hear this song in my heart. 

This wonderful love song is sung by thousands of hearts on Earth today, if you listen carefully you can also hear it. It is an ancient and unifying song and it sings of brotherhood and sisterhood, it sings about the wind, the water, fire and earth, it sings about life, life that is holy, powerful and enlightening. It carries you home now dear children on Earth, it carries you…. Home.

Much love,

Via: Ann Dahlberg

Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan


The messages posted on can freely be posted by other Lightworkers with the proper recognition of the channel and the translator as well as the website source

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