
18 de abril de 2018


Julio Ferreira
Channeled by Veronica Keen on 08/04/18
Since my death in 2004, I declared categorically that IRELAND IS THE KEY TO ALL UNLOCKED.
Julius Caesar wrote about the murders in Ireland that most scholars. This man wrote more about him than you find in most books from the 1920s Caesar was in office in 49 BC over 2000 years ago.
He wrote: "What genocide Irish are a people devastated Irish are a people violated the Irish do not know their own land is a temple....
Psyche is no more violated since the dawn of time Irish psyche.
We know that Irish is a deep spiritual core. They know that Irish is a romantic who loves the earth. How Irish coopt this deep spiritual core? Putting atenistas hard core ".
Ireland today remains in the stranglehold of the Vatican. The cabal has established a Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar, which will complete the destruction of IRISH PEOPLE to bring 1 million people from other cultures to dilute their DNA.
The full DNA Irish fear.
Chemtrails chemical spill on Irish to keep controlled asleep so are substances. Fear has been instilled in them. Some try to raise his head above the parapet, but always surrender to fear and then become abusive and aggressive with anyone who dares to shed light on the real truth.
Then again they sink into the pit of mistrust, hatred and anger that keeps them under control. They should be pitied, worthless. They fear passing light where there is no place for anger and hatred.
All that will be eliminated in 2018.
You all know the energy changes that are happening every day. Those who are angry and fearful cling. They seek to destroy those who try to move humanity towards the light.
They cause as many problems as possible. Misfits are used by the Camarilla to obstruct the progress of light. One can only feel sorry for them.
Although they failed in life, they feel it gives them some importance to destroy the light and prevent its progress.
Lack of courage and lack the ability to be constructive. Then all your energy comes into being destructive. It takes courage to embrace the Light.
Bombard you with lies every day.
All TV news produce the same lies worldwide.
Your newspapers are exactly the same. Who decides what lies they use every day? Who do they belong? One has to seek the truth if you want to know the truth. To survive, you need to know the truth and live it.
The demands of World War III and frightened by the strident voices of the cabal are becoming stronger.
Every time you hear them, remind WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. You will not fall back into those lies.
THE SAME PEOPLE WANT 3ra. World War. You're older and hopefully wiser. The war was never the answer nor will it be now. The war cabal demands, although no one else wants. Before the invasion of parasites, humans lived in peace on Earth.
Energy is expanding. Brings the desire to live in peace and harmony with your neighbor. Kabbalah is losing control of you. They are scared. Without you, his followers, are nothing. When you stop obeying, they end and they know it. Your time is running out quickly. Only nonsense will try to keep them in power.
Those who have undertaken projects at this time should be aware that many will be used to try to prevent them. You, my dear, you can verify that this is absolutely true. Weak-minded people are easily influenced. They will believe any lie that is put forward. This is how operates the cabal.
The medication is being used to destroy humanity.
Look to nature for what your body requires. Never vaccinated. Everything is designed to eliminate humanity on Earth.
Why do you accept what it tells you the Cabal?
You know who they are, have made life on earth is a struggle to survive.
They create money out of nothing and banks to ensure that you are completely under your control. All you need to survive on Earth is controlled by them.
Introduce viruses that produce in their laboratories to make you suffer and die. Fear and suffering caused by these diseases is oxygen for the cabal, and who thrive on fear.
They hate and despise humans who see them as servants, always inferior to them.
Awaken, my friends, see things as they really are, not as they are told they are.
You have lived under the spell of the cabal for so long it's hard for you to face the fact that you have isolated and imprisoned in your own land.
You're waking up now, seeing things as they are.
You're seeing those who control everything with new eyes, eyes open and do not like what you see.
You wonder how they could have trusted people as evil. But it was easy, because they had control and did not know otherwise. You were caught in a control situation, believing that this was all there was to life on Earth.
Actually, you are Beings of Light, having an experience of life on Earth.
Now you are in the process of recovering your full power and release the Light of Source, All That Is.
When you do this, everything will become crystal clear, and the beauty of the earth will reveal. The sun lights up everything that was hidden from you. Humanity will live in peace.
All this is in process happen despite those trying to stop it and those who attack people who are part of the process.
Know that these people were designated to be on Earth at this time in order to carry out the necessary measures to bring to Earth to Light tasks. Come together, make this awakening is a happy for everyone on Earth occasion.
Dear, I'm so glad that your friend has found the signal to be transmitted to your living room via the telephone terminal. It was wreaking havoc. It was put there at night to hurt you.
Do not worry about the two have joined forces to attack you. Look at their empty lives. They are not able to be constructive so that they become destructive.
One can only feel sorry for them.
What a waste of life.
Pray for them.
Always adores you, Monty.

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