
17 de abril de 2018

Sleep and be reborn

Monday, April 16, 2018 

We are happy to meet you , dear children of the Earth, a new message. You are currently experiencing the approach of spring, which is the renewal of your nature, either vegetable or animal. Plants, trees begin to point its small green leaves with much sweetness and love. In fact, nature is pleased with this renewal, a rebirth every year. 

But what about revivals in the life of a tree? Do you think? During the many years that can live, create small green leaves, then flowers sometimes and then several fruits in the fall, it loses its leaves and falls back into the winter sleep.
We will say this: you too, human beings on Earth, each year live this dream and this Renaissance in connection with nature. You know, the Earth and you are one, you can not separate you , we told you so often. 

Nature includes your sleep and Renaissance. Even if you have the impression that a tree and a "something" that is not conscious, we will tell you: Think again!
A tree, of course, does not have the same consciousness as yours, but you have yours. A tree knows how to run your life for the better for him. He knows how to partner with all the surrounding nature for your best self. A tree knows how to run your life for better fruiting or to have the most beautiful foliage. A tree can be connected to all living organisms around their roots. A tree is a living being who lives every year a winter death and rebirth spring. 

See them children of the Earth, how nature is alive around and fully aware of their own life! The spring nature is awakening now shows you the strength and the Beauty of Life:

How, from a small seed, sometimes small, emerges a beautiful tree! Would he have thought that this little seed could contain a tree? The life of this tree is well contained in this seed. For you, it is natural planting and harvesting. But when planting your plants, whatever they are, have you thought about the life they contain, the strength and stamina needed to face sometimes hard soil in which it grows and weather conditions? sometimes it disturbed? Have you thought about this power of life that exists in the smallest of seeds? 
Have you thought that this little seed is a Superior Force to all that can exist on your planet Earth, ie, a divine force that is the real life?

We know that often do things without asking questions. For you, it is normal sowing, harvesting but from now on , if you think planting these seeds which can evoke Life, The Great Life! 

Dear Children of the Earth, the Great Life is this every year: a small earthly death for a revival to come and forever. This shows you how life is eternal, interminable, because what you call "death" is just a dream for a resurrection into another state of life.

Dear Children of the Earth, understand that the renewal that are experiencing this spring shows you what you are also experiencing: every day you live a new Renaissance of the previous day, every winter you about experiencing a fall in the dream of his watch biological, even if you do not feel, and every spring his cells recover in the necessary way to live the renewal of its Earth in union with nature.
As you can see, you are also a human being, he is falling asleep and has a Renaissance every year. But, we know, you're lost in the whirlwind of your social or family life and do not listen to yourself, do not look within yourself, just let time pass without trying to understand what earthly life wants to show who you are: beings eternal that even the day we leave this physical body that lets you live the earthly spiritual experience, luminous beings will become in their real world of Pure Love and Light. 

Renacer sleep and are the watchwords of Life, which thus do on Earth.

But when it comes to fall asleep, we also want to talk about falling asleep when, during your life, do not even know who you are, you do not try to understand the real reason for your life at this time. planet, and you are not aware of the true reality of your life. 

There are two types of sleep: one that totally obscures the true reality of his being and the dream of life on Earth through the different stations that are the real life on Earth, followed by the Renaissance. 

Renacer sleep and are the daily fate of your earthly life, but also the result of the different seasons of your earthly life.

Stations have not been placed in the way of your life by chance. You are very close to nature, you just said, and nature is your Grand Master. But for that, it is important to see her live, love and respect. How can you live on the beautiful, beautiful planet Earth without your heart this spark of love and admiration for nature around you? Know that without it could not exist. Protects you, it helps you live, thank you with all your heart and surround him with all the love that God has placed in the depths of giving you life. 

We love you and we accompany you with great joy.

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