
9 de mayo de 2018

Deprogramming of the filters that prevent data integration

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

We had left the explanations of the preliminare topics s that we integrate with respect to the rules of the new evolutionary level explaining that there will be certain changes in the way in which the new reality "tangible" to the senses that we perceive as our "new reality "will work. This is not a change at the whim or a change that will provide us with less control over reality, but it is the way in which all races have not been manipulated so as our work.

In a "normal" evolving environment, the members of any species share a IC consciously projecting therein what they want to be part of their environment, once the IC is with the right content, mechanisms manifestation actually projected from the mental plane energy and mental forms that members of that species have agreed and projected, these are coded and manifested in the etheric plane and then literally form the physical reality according to the desire and design of the whole society . 

This was designed in its original parameters creating structures on any planet where there conscious life, with the same members of those races or species responsible for consciously create their own evolving environment.

What happened to us? If those who changed our bodies and energy systems have left this untouched mechanism in its infancy would not have been able to manage or control the reality of the human being nor hide from us in those frecuenciales limits our senses do not grasp, therefore, they had to manipulate complete the process of creating and planetary common reality on Earth imbuing the mechanisms in the psyche and mental spheres of every human being, changing channels manifestation through the IC to the mental sphere preconsciousUsing the pineal gland as a projector of reality and thus ensuring that simply by inserting them in our IC what they wanted us to have as a "hologram" and we saw as "real" outside "downloaded" in our minds and projected in the form of holocuánticas waves outward. Basically, they put the film projector in each viewer instead of leaving it out of them, and prevented the film to be screened would have been determined and created by all before entering the same room. I hope that this will understand what I explained in the last article and thus resolve some of the questions you have sent me about it .

Reviewing pending issues

However, in another vein, another point that we need to retake it has not been entirely composed of those in the timeline 42 (remember that we monitor the state of the IC and so we know what concepts have "crystallized" and have been integrated into our psyche and which we must return to play), is the idea that we have the power to create what we see how the world solid. This, in most, has not passed the filters of the preconscious mental sphere and literally we do not believe. Nothing happens, as I said, we'll have to make thousands of deprogramming and healings until it is something tangible, real and that you can see for yourselves, so today we will execute one of them to make it easier to start to show them, for you same,

Thousands of filters

To facilitate the programming that we limit ourselves to go still low and gradually our YS can help us integrate these new concepts, we will remove another layer of programming that prevent certain parameters are stored in the mental body, which would and the integration of knowledge, it would mean they would have passed the various filters of different mental spheres and, then, would have been "accepted" by the belief systems we have as data and "valid" ideas, we can incorporate into our cognitive structure . Therefore, what we will remove today, whoever, they are a series of filters that act on the whole process of forwarding data packets ranging from the physical senses to the neocortex,

These mentioned steps, each stimulus, data or information that comes in through the senses is cut, filtered, diluted and adapted to the models of beliefs we have scheduled, so you can imagine that you can give a book with the best kept secrets the universe that, when they enter these visual stimuli eyes have a kind of coded information, but when they reach the mental body have been so diluted that the only thing we remember and accept as valid is a line of a page that is more or less inconsequential and does not conflict with belief systems that govern human beings. It is for this reason that in general, we tend to not accept anything that goes against what we accept, we believe it is valid and often take for correct, as there are several thousands of filters from the information source to the storage of it that difficult to really integrate what comes to us (not that we do not understand, means that it is not stored as part of the integrated knowledge and, after a few days, is erased from our memory by natural processes of "clean energy" that we all have those data packets are discarded by mental processes). In addition another article, we gave some guidelines on It is erased from our memory by natural processes of "clean energy" that we all have those data packets are discarded by mental processes). In addition another article, we gave some guidelines on It is erased from our memory by natural processes of "clean energy" that we all have those data packets are discarded by mental processes). In addition another article, we gave some guidelines onhow to detect it is true and what is not working with the archetype of the "truth" of the causal plane and here on how to deprogram what prevents us from recognizing the right thing. 

So therefore to remove a portion of these filters and we can begin to understand and accept what our YS try to get us, we can use this:

I request that all filters levels 1 to 5 of my belief system in the preconscious mental sphere, the mental sphere conscious and the mental body are removed. Request that the preliminary filters that dilute the content of anything that is not in accordance with programming imbued in me by the control system through the collective unconscious that I am connected are removed. Request that locks, implants and systems embedded in my brain level, in my senses and programs and processes sending information from senses to the mind and to the mental body facilitating the passage of all data packets are removed my YS assumes valid as part of my personal growth, spiritual and evolutionary path.

Again, we must make the request several times, as this deprogramming works in layers, so that every time we make this request our YS removes some of it. You have to find a way to c AAqomprobar what% of the request has been completed with the different tools that I have mentioned in previous articles (revisadlos, are in the archives of the blog , lest I come back to ask about the subject) and a few days, at most a few weeks, a large portion of these filters would have to be out.

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