
11 de mayo de 2018

Judith Kusel - The floodgates have opened...- May 5, 2018

The floodgates have opened up with energy upgrades and it is working very deeply on the following levels:

1. It is coming through the Stellar Gateway and Soul Star Chakras, into our brain area, and it is dissolving all the stuck, and old programming there, accumulated through generations, and is dissolving it, opening us up for the activation of the new human mind, which has a much higher capacity to function in the 5th to 7th dimensional frequency band.

2. It is working deeply with the dissolving of old family karma and generations of genetic codes as programmed into us at cellular and DNA levels. It is therefore showing us what needs to be released along ancestral lines, and along the place or country lines (meaning that every family and every country holds collective karma or sluggish energy created over its existence as a group or tribal group, or whatever you wish to call this, over centuries. Remembering that there were also the conquerors and those being conquered and those being enslaved etc.)

3. It is working with us at now to release whatever shackles and bondages have kept us bound to the 3D. Remember that a lot of the false programming, the shackles of emotional charges, etc. lie at very deep subconscious levels. It will now start surfacing and we will have to deal with it, and ask for its release. We are allowed to make a Divine dispensation, asking for whatever that needs to be released, to be released, by calling in the Lords of Karma.

4. It is working in our intimate relationships with our Divine Others, where the law of forgiveness and grace, will force us to face the shadow within ourselves and the Other, and find that pure unconditional love and loving Grace, which surpasses all understanding. As we work through this, we are freed up to relate at much higher frequency level as we merge more and more in the higher state of balance and harmony. Remember that you have the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine WITHIN yourself, which also needs to be married and brought into balance.

5. It is working on the full opening up of the veils of amnesia and the veils of illusion, and the full opening up of the third eye. Our inner seeing, hearing, and knowing opens up more and more and will continue to do so.

6. It is reminding us of the Law of Responsibility, that we have to take full responsibility for our own enlightenment, our own inner work, our every living moment, every thought, action, deed, or what we do not do. We have to gain mastery now to the highest degree, in order to pave the way for the New Master Race, now being born.

7. It is the Rain of Divine Will and Power, and therefore it is bringing us back into the full understanding, that we are working and being upgraded within the Divine Will and Power, in order to regain the 7th dimensional state we were in, when the planet was first created.

The upgrading is immensely potent and it will challenge us to keep up with its intensely and can lead to feelings of disorientation at times and therefore we need to keep ourselves grounded firmly into Mother Earth at all times and take walks in nature, as Mother Earth will help us to stay grounded.

(Judith Kusel)

Photo: Ellen Vaman

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