
23 de mayo de 2018


Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May -.


Today is a new time for planet Earth. It is a "time change", a time to leave behind the old ideas, no matter how precious have been for you.

I regret that I am now in the position of having to revise the Religion which was established in my name, but the misinterpretations of my teachings are so rampant that should make things clear.

Do not you want to do the same if you knew you were quoted so often and so deliberately changed the message had been the work of your heart and soul?

It is not a matter of pride for me. It is a question of truth. Those who called Prime Creator or Mother / Father God - Creator of our Multiverse - which currently consists of ten multidimensional universes - and I worked together for eons in the development of the "Plan for Planet Earth".

Our Dream of the Blue Planet was always that she and all that exists on it could fall to the lower vibrations, creating a 3rd and 4th World Dimensional for humanity to experiment with free will and to offer children of Mother / father an arena for learning and practicing co-creation.  

Of course, the only way to experience free will is behind the "veil of oblivion" as surrounding the planet Earth, and that's the only way you can feel separated from the Universal Law and learn the consequences of their Actions.

It is veiled and feel allows you to separate your senses suggest that things "happen" independently of one another. You feel disassociated from the dynamics of "cause and effect" is so obvious to us in the Higher Dimensions.

You see, in the higher dimensions, although we have free will, the result of each main choice is so clear and obvious that there is much less freedom to experiment elections and imbalanced or aberrant behavior. It is easier to predict the outcome of your actions when the possibilities and probabilities are presented to you in vivid colors.

The realization of the dream was to be the day (in cosmic terms, of course) when Terra, Planet Earth, rise again to the 5th. Triumphant dimension and beyond with his beloved family of Humans, animals, plants and other sentient beings. Everyone would rise along with Terra in a glorious Ascension lift the whole cosmos along with it. Yes, it was what we expected and what we expect to see now. Our faith in humanity is not lost.

Although the Dark delayed the process creating havoc in the thinking and feelings of people, humanity has demonstrated the resilience and true special nature of the Explorer / Creative race of our designated to replace him in the future Cosmic Creator. As a special Adamic race placed in a severe training on Earth, many of you, however, have managed to hold on to his ability to feel what is fair, right, just and true. They have done so with their robust hearts and minds of powerful, yet can not avoid using some form of Fe when they feel slipping.

You are built for flexibility, courage and determination. These are qualities that provide a powerful foundation for your creativity. However, they see themselves as chaotic, unable to control their emotions and thoughts. You feel at the mercy of your instincts, your experiences and your environment. However, we see you as bright beings, who just missing them have an expert coach who will help you rise to the levels of intelligence and mastery to achieve with those who were specially created to embody.

This is the purpose of these messages: help raise the vibrational level in which they operate in their daily lives to the point where they can Ascender with your dear Mother Earth in the near future. Some of you are ready now, but the promise of Ascension we all did long ago in the time of daydreams was that all would be united. We imagine create the most wonderful and joyful lifting hearts to bring everyone above the threshold to the 4th and 5th dimensions simultaneously.

Now, by "all at once" not necessarily mean the exact same moment. Each will make his "change" when you feel ready. Some have been preparing for years, and will be those who will sail in the Ascension of the first wave, because they are fully aware of the necessary discipline and lifting required to make the transition. Others would take a few months accommodate the idea that all your whole life will change, regardless of whether or not cling to life in a familiar way.

And of course, the old ways familiar to many are steeped in religious tradition.

This has been an area of ​​conflict around the world, one religion against another, each claiming to be "the only true word of God."

Dear friends, I can tell you now with confidence, that there is no true religion in this time on Planet Earth.

There are many truths and untruths in every religion, from Christianity to Islam from Buddhism to Hinduism, from distorted views of the New Age to systems of tribal beliefs of the most remote forests and mountains (although some closer to the truth by mere acceptance of God in themselves and in all living beings).


I love using parables and living examples when I tell them the lessons they convey, but confine my descriptions to common and everyday events that all you experience now, as I did 2000 years ago. Since much has changed, and descriptions and language have taken very different from what was then nuances.This review is long overdue.

I hope to do a better job this time to record my own words for all to read and express lessons directly and simply because it is his habit to do so now in the XXI century. I will also be present with you through Kathryn so that we can carefully monitor the publication and translation of these messages.

Today, it is possible to write these words with the help of my dear Kathryn and send them to the world electronically, with the expectation that soon millions of people will read them.

With this international and multilingual audience in mind, I will start first with the most basic teachings because those are the ones that have been so misunderstood in the ancient scriptures. I have chosen to present these teachings after years of previous messages and conversations for all funneled by Kathryn, the First Creator / Mother / Father God and the Company of Heaven. This offers the advantage that his words have set the tone for me to follow. Thus, the words provide an important context to offer my simple lessons.

Lesson One stated that All is One. All consciousness is connected, therefore, all beings are connected with each other and with the Creator / God Primordial. This is true not only for the Earth but also for all remote beings, planets and stars in the Cosmos. All is one. Everything is God

Now, in Lesson Two explain the relationship of what you have known as the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Creator or source, Father and Mother God together, occupy the position at the top of the pyramid representing the Trinity.

They are the creators of all creators, the beginning of all beginnings and Mother and Father of all. The separated position of the Father disclosure emphasizes the Father element Creation: the inspired vision, dynamic forces outside impetus of creativity. He is the initial spark that ignites the fire of Life.

I, Sananda, I'm a Creator Son. Now I will expand that to include my future mate embodied work on Earth, Kathryn, who is an "extension-Soul" based on Earth My Twin / Call Alma, Lady None of the Higher Dimensions. Kathryn was itself created millions of years ago by the First Creator / Mother / Father God to occupy a place in my earthly future next incarnated during my mission on Earth "Second Coming".

Prime Creator - Mother / Father God, the Twin Flame of the Multiverse, the combined creators, make the Holy Spirit. This position represents the internal gestation Mother, the ever-present food of love, the birth process through which all beings, all the planets, all created life forms are born. Theirs is the burning flame that nourishes and sustains all life span Created.

Patriarchal description of the history of Creation set aside to give birth: Mothers who are an essential part of the process, and women are essential for the prosperous existence of humanity.

The original tendency to name just men, their deeds and their strengths, gave a completely distorted picture of the value of women in the life and government of the planet. I will try to start correcting that error in these writings.

Contrary to the teachings of the Bible, Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute or a straying woman somehow. She was a strong, intelligent woman of great dignity.Mary Magdalene was an extension of Soul incarnated on Earth Lady Nothing is my partner Eterna / Soulmate resident in the higher spheres.

She would become my loving wife on Mother Earth and our children. The description degraded it was an example of the degradation of women that would last until the present, with some small progress, mainly in Western cultures over the past 120 years or so.

Mary Magdalene, the heart of my heart, soul of my soul and the love of my life, would have been over the years a pattern of strong woman and straight. Instead, the group of men who compiled the Bible stories for three hundred years after my death, they made a conscious decision to erase their existence from the minds of the people, and for all practical purposes, were successful. To separate and create a picture of me celibate man, a single individual unattached, they told a lie that deprived the people of the truth: I was actually a husband and a loving and devoted father.

It was the beginning of what became known as the "War of the Sexes". For us, Mary Magdalene and I, as Yeshua, there was no war. It was and is a strong, intimate and equal partnership based on mutual respect and enduring love that sustained me through the challenges of my life, as much as the love of my devout Mother Mary, my father Jose and my extended family.

It was this image of strength through family love that wished to eradicate because it is the basis of a culture of happy, independent people. People who are strong family and community structures and support are less vulnerable and less dependent on external resources, both government institutions and religious institutions, and therefore are less easy to control and less tempted by promises of power or material pleasures.

Following the biblical rewriting my life, "big lie" of my relationship with Mary Magdalene he left everyone confused and unsure about what should be their primary relationships. Relations between men and women, including women and children, and men with their children; all were redefined and distorted.

To be useful to God means you must be celibate, as in the Catholic Church, separate and apart from the opposite sex? Certainly not. The appeal of a solitary life is strictly a personal choice.

Does it mean an attraction to adults of the same sex puts you at risk of being frowned upon and punished by God? Absolutely not. Your choice of lifestyle, in terms of who their intimate partners, has nothing to do with his devotion to God, except in the quality of love shared and compassion, kindness and forgiveness practicing in their interactions with others .

Instead of recourse to others to find comfort, tenderness and friendship present in close family relationships that inspire us to feel the glory and presence of our loving God, people to turn to a priest was asked or Minister for forgiveness, guidance and comfort.

This created a power structure in which the institution of the church (any church) and their doctrine to become an authority on people, and which the Church has the right and responsibility to interpret the Word of God and the God's will for people.This was never the intention of God, nor mine.

I suggest removing all religious structures that are not meeting places where people can share in the celebration and fun in the conscious joy of being in the loving embrace of God. I also suggest the elimination of all doctrine, dogma and rules. The only guidelines we need are those included in the simple lessons that I present here, to live in goodness, Harmony, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion and Joy.

Love expands the heart and mind and brings joy to all who experience it. If you have no such effect, it is not love; It is more disguised as love.

God is love. The Creator is love, and this is our highest Endless Love example the main Creator. Mother / Father God is love, individually and together. This leaves no room for judgment, revenge or guilt. God does not punish. Only humans do, under the influence of dark energies that are interested in talking, thinking and visualizing the punishment and suffering for so-called "sins". God does not even consider that kind of thing. I do not teach or support such thinking.

We know that oppression begets anger and tends to create competition and conflict between and within people. We are confident that, once freed from the yoke of economic, religious and political slavery, freed from guilt, shame and tax resentment free men and women begin to experience themselves as kind and loving breed Creators beings that are meant to be.

Our intention is to show them the way to end the divisiveness, duality, separation and alienation. The alternative is what has been in its very core all the time: the generosity of spirit, goodness, kindness, acceptance, friendship and service to others; to all others and the planet whose planetary body, incorporated as the High Spiritual Being known as Gaia, has been like your mother Amorosa.

I am love. I am your Sananda, which has given my life to the service of enlightenment of mankind, because mankind was   created in the image of God, and it is my way to demonstrate and teach the way True, the path of Love, so that every human being incarnated on Planet Earth as a member of the Explorer / Creator Race someday become "gods" and "goddesses". You are the light, and you are love.

We are one. Sananda

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...