
23 de mayo de 2018


Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May -2nd Edition -. Piped on 07/23/15


Today is a historic time. For today, I do not mean this date; I mean this week / month / time. They are involved in a project that has developed over millions of years. Many have asked, "But we are here only a small planet in the Milky Way There are thousands of millions of others / as What makes us so special that the whole universe is paying attention..?"

This is a good question. It is true that we are a small part of the whole in terms of size, but this is not an important measure in cosmic terms.

I'll tell you why.

Entire Multiverse is connected. All is One, therefore, whatever happens anywhere, in any dimension, along any timeline, it has a domino effect on all beings and events effect, it also changes the trajectory of a timeline for other beings and planets. We are so interconnected that a decision on Venus or a collective choice made in Arcturus have an effect on Earth. The reason why Earth is so important at this time, in this timeline is multiple.

I will give you an idea of ​​some of the important variables. 

As galactic species, the humans who live on Earth are known for their combination of mind and emotion, which gives great power to his ability to create. They are learning to express what they want, and implementation of the Universal Law that nothing can be created or destroyed but can only be transmuted.

You, as I AM Presence, God, have the power to change everything you touch, everything you think, with the power of your mind, as God has done. They were like little children playing with fire: have had no idea of ​​the effect of their actions on their planet, and have had little or no understanding of the impact on conscious beings around.

The "veil of forgetfulness" placed around the planet Earth as a quarantine to prevent many of your dark deeds contaminate the rest of Creation, prevented you from seeing your personal past, your planetary history and your place in the universe, it is rising now for many of you as they eventually will do for you all.

They are beginning to notice that their knowledge of the world around you is expanding; they may feel themselves increasingly telepathic, be more conscious in every way. This is helping them to re-establish your connection with yourself as the Self Sagrado "which are, you are" to your higher self and for us.

Yes, you are sacred beings because they were created by God. All around you are also sacred. Your planet, your flora and fauna, including rocks and soil under your feet, all are sacred forms of life, all formed part of the Divinity. 

You are the creation made in the image of our Father-Mother God, as you say the ancient teachings. This is not a whimsical description. This is true. The sum total of all beings on earth is God; every part of that everything is God. I am God, and you too.

It has been decreed through the millennia that one day would rise to fulfill this promise of creative power in love and light, because that is God. You have been subjected to intensive testing because the training to become a 'God - in action' project as part of the Explorer / Creative Raza is a great responsibility. This is the reason why the Earth Project was originally designed. It would be the testing ground for souls. 

Your purpose is to learn to co-create

Nothing is more important in the training of a Soul must learn to fully accept and recognize the power of one's ability to create and be in full control of that power.There should be no 'slip-forgetfulness', forgetfulness or denial of the nature of that power to raise or destroyed in the blink of an eye.

This lesson is really challenging. thousands of lives are needed to really absorb the deeper meaning of how others feel the actions of you. This was his way, to learn, to experience all kinds of lives and internalize the truth of their nature and their responsibility to use their power judiciously and only for the greater good.

 You know if you are well prepared for the higher dimensions when we carefully examine its response to the words you are reading here.

Are 'suspicious-unbelievers'? Are they making fun of the idea that they have great power, listing in your mind all the apparent evidence of your own impotence and inability to have an impact on your own life? You're showing, Amado, who have not learned the lesson of UNO. You're not seeing, therefore you can not see the evidence before you. 

The remedy for this common ailment, human blindness is to breathe the air of the Source, feel your own life force running through your veins, and shake the fog of sleep and illusion. It's time to wake up your "mind / heart" because it is the source of wisdom, vision and truth. 

You have been trained to think only with your brain, even to ignore the voice of your mind / heart and play with ideas inside your skull. That's blindness Those ideas in his brain were put there by someone in their environment, their culture, their religion or their family.

Many ideas were put there by the Dark Cabal to control and enslave them. They are not your own thoughts and ideas, but consider true and even precious. At this point in its development, and since have these new lessons to help you make this transition, it is a willful blindness trust your brain to guide their life decisions.

Look inside, Beloved, to activate and energize the source that is 'inside'. These bodies have been given for this trip are the expression in the flesh of Wisdom, Compassion and Love of God.

If you feel pain, it is the corrective response that   stops the 'thread-current' to alert you that you must protect your sacred being.

You feel great joy, euphoria and fullness when you move into the Light. You are capable of great love, and when you let emotions guide that blessed every moment, feel the joy of being one with me and with our Creator. Any difficulty or external challenge can break that link, once you've 'accepted-taken' as their own. 

You have free will. You can go back to the wonderful dawn of Ascension. You can grab your belongings and ideas and concepts they taught you, clinging to the past because it is supposedly all you know. Yes, in your brain, it can be all that you know, but in your body, in your heart, in the Chakras that make up your complex system of responses to this life, you bring the wisdom of the ages. Open your mind (the eternal knowledge that transcends the brain present), and allows the flow of light and love you wash. The source of "All That Is" is love. You only need afford open up to her, and soothe and heal his aching heart and repair the body that has been so damaged by toxins from a life in darkness. 

HEALING IS ALWAYS A shared experience

Many of you know the healing sessions we've asked our family on the ground, Lightworkers, who made worldwide in private meetings, retreats and online. Many have come to be healed, and many more have volunteered to join the offering of healing energy for your brothers and sisters.

Look, Beloved, and you will see that together daily show "the power of intention". If your intention is to heal and be healed, "they will be done to them" .. In the process, has proved the doubters that humanity is indeed a generous and affectionate breed. 

Whenever someone somewhere is dedicated to healing, although the focus is on whoever is inviting and accepting healing, healing energies impact everyone. When a person is healed, literally paves the way for others to be healed.

Your healing depends on you as it is your solemn invitation to be healed what causes your transformation, according to your will activate and receive healing. Thus, healers and those being healed, restored through the Earth in a momentous and lasting swell.

Together we change the world, a healing time. We are showing that there really is not an isolated healing experience because as each healing occurs, the "supposed-disease" that the individual has led loses its power, and others learn to shake off the thoughts and feelings that served to feed and maintain disease have been carrying.


Arcturians, for those who are unfamiliar with this name, are a group of highly trained and highly evolved beings of the planet Arcturus who have studied closely humanity.The Arcturians have been fascinated with the heart / mind / soul / body in this kind of human organization, and have worked hard to understand the complex interactions between emotion and thought. They have developed very advanced and effective measures to eliminate diseases and balance all body systems technologies.   

The Arcturians are completely dedicated to their work, and delivered wholehearted service. We work in cooperation with them, directing the healing energies of Love and Light to increase healing and seal it in place. Each person receiving a cure or sees to feel the powerful effect of our energies combined in all body systems. 

Each person incarnated on Earth, including you, has a team of Healing as part of your celestial guides who are with them all the time they are alive. Your Guides higher dimensions are a team of advanced and loving beings that help you in preparing your plan of life and stays with you from birth until it has successfully completed its review of life when you return to Superioress Dimensions .

Your Healing Team is composed of: specialists from the Galactic Federation of Light (The Great White Brotherhood), Curators Arcturians Galactic Family members and Soul and Body Elemental. Your body elemental is a being of tremendous light that stays with you throughout all your earthly incarnations. Your elemental body is released from this tremendous service once you ascend. Your beloved Twin Flame, also known as your soul mate, also closely involved in your ongoing healing. 


Our numbers are growing. As each person joins the worldwide group of people involved in Healing, The Power of One increases, giving us access to an increasing flow of light, which is then focused to further activate healing. Much of this process is to stimulate and awaken the powerful human immune system, which has been dormant and suppressed by the owners of the bodies are not aware of their own abilities to heal themselves.

This, of course, has been part of the control mechanism of the Dark. The medical establishment has unintentionally played (their role) in this by encouraging people to think they are at the mercy of disease and illness and they need a professional to do something external to "cure".

We have emphasized that no one can heal, save yourselves.

We can guide, support and focus the energy required to change your body from illness to health, but without the 'consciously aware' awareness and conscious of that cooperation is healing, not "will". They can (again) to restore feelings of illness and impotence and you can beat the healing process if you are not aware of this tendency in yourself to fall back into a state of darkness. 

Heal currently required to raise your vibration to 5th. Dimension. Ascended Masters, the Gods and Goddesses, Angels and Enlightened Beings of all kinds do not get sick because they are vibrating at a level that does not allow any foreign influence can penetrate the "Body of Light". You can do the same.

Join the campaign HEALING OF THE EARTH

You know me like that came out among people to heal. I'm the same person you met Jesus. I can now teach the principles of healing, which made my efforts as effective cure in my days on Earth, through the wide reach of the Internet and the unified efforts of healers and channels worldwide. I invite everyone to join us in this historic process. Our intention is to heal all humanity, immediately.

The energies have risen on the planet to allow a higher level of consciousness and a complete communication through the "Golden Christ Grid" around the planet that we now connects to all. There is no limit to the number of people who can join us in this tsunami of healing that is also called, rightly, the Tsunami of Love. You can join us through your thoughts, actions, words, fantasies, facts and intentions, and can bring knowledge presented here every corner of the planet.

Disturb not MY WORDS

Now this brings me to the issue of false divisions created and maintained by the rigid dogma practice as is transmitted by individuals throughout the ages. The true teachings have often been misinterpreted and changed   (meaning), in order to obscure the wisdom of the Illuminati whose words had originally intended to illuminate and expand the hearts and minds of his followers. 

This is the difficulty we have always seen by giving written teachings to humanity. The words were intended to be raised in a given situation at a certain time and place become, over time, in a series of rules designed to stifle and oppress.

The example of the teachings of Muhammad, the great prophet, is another example of this trend. His words have been taken as "permanent law".  This was not his intention. In his incarnation on Earth, he had no idea of the power that his words would lead centuries later. Every nuance, every suggestion or proposal has been taken as "the final word". This was not the spirit of his work here.

Muhammad came to Earth at a time and place of terrible oppression and abuse. Was his desire begin to release their followers stifling practices of his time. Chief among these was the abuse of women and lack of attention to spiritual practice. It did not intend to institutionalize practices that denigrate or deprive them of rights to women. 

In his time, the idea that women could have at least half the value of men in legal terms was a breakthrough, but it was not the end of progress  (evolution) By freezing their teachings in time, the dark have used his words to oppress and destroy as many of the Christian teaching about the Devil and sin.

Muhammad was the human incarnation of my beloved brother, the Lord Master El Morya. His incarnation was completely "ultra-irradiated" for me and others of the Legions of Light. Like me, he did not see himself as the sole messenger of God, and did not want to be worshiped. 

He is so shocked as I saw the words used to foment hatred, division and war against the followers of his brother Jesus and others. We are one in our desire to bring about change, to open hearts and minds to the New Scriptures, which are the work of all funneled through my voice to the whole world.

My dear brother Mohammed is here working with me, and he also approves the message of Love and Light that we present now. We are delighted that, because of their constant efforts to elevate yourself in the Light, we have finally reached the point of our journey in which many details of its history will be revealed. 

The true identity of our beloved Muhammad was the Master El Morya. Now is the right time to reveal that El Morya is Ashtar.

The great success of the teachings of Mohammed / Ashtar was their ability to focus (call)the attention of people to include spiritual practices in their daily lives. The institution of ritual prayer five times a day broke the materialistic and self - centered approach to people of the time and helped raise their awareness in preparation for the events we are experiencing now. 

Muslims who fully understand the breadth and the message of love that Muhammad tried to express not find conflict in the words they read here. The same is true for all Christians, followers Hindus, Buddhists, Confucians and pagans. We, who are one with the Head of God, we are one in our hearts too. We all want the same thing: the successful and glorious ascension of humanity together.

As you can see, if you read these messages carefully and awareness, we are not specifying any rule, practice or custom (religion) in particular to achieve the desired objective Ascension. The age for those specific time and cultural practices is passé.

Now we are a global community, and we need an open and approach inclusive (including all) to raise our vibration to achieve the goal of peace for all beings on Earth, regardless of religious affiliation they have adopted, or even which species (races) are. Everyone is welcome. All are included There are no exceptions; no exclusions. All souls must be involved in one's family, as sacred beings they are.

I send love and light, the worship of your Creator and the hope of all the Masters in heaven when I say: Awaken Beloved and take your place as the creator race, the promise of all goodness in the image of your Creator, our mother Father God.

I am Sananda, who met Jesus.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...