
24 de mayo de 2018


 Today, there are many people who still have difficulty letting go and releasing emotions that still tying them to a painful past full of rage, hatred, bitterness, resentment. These emotions are cataloged within the last levels of vibration energy, which means that if we do something ourselves to increase this vibration, our bodies can become sick and even cause us terminal illnesses such as cancer.
When we experience an emotion low vibration, we face a loss or break, be loving, work, friendships and even within our household, we activate our subconscious self-defense mechanisms that build walls in our hearts to protect us from that emotion you are either experiencing guilt, loss, grief, failure, depression, etc ...; staying anchored in deep pain and very often submerged from the role of "victim". Other people can also choose to stay anchored in the emotion of anger, hatred, resentment, helplessness, revenge or resentment towards the other person. In either case, we are not releasing emotion, but gets trapped inside our body, you may be recorded in any organ (s) or part (s) of the body,
That's why the importance of becoming aware of our ability to heal ourselves, recognizing precisely those shadows still facing our being, our soul; to enable us to let go and get closer to the light that will return us that state of peace and harmony in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
We know it's not easy to accept events or experiences that have caused us so much pain to our soul. But I recommend any tools so they can start today to release a past that both haunts.
-  The first thing to do is live and experience this process pain. Live our grief. Everyone is different and lives a process different from the other person, at your own pace so. Weeps! Do not repress your feelings.
- Once you have experienced this, we come to recognize what the emotion is affecting us our peaceful state of mind, emotional, physical and spiritual.
- We must pay attention and realize that part of the body we feel this emotion, if chest, stomach, heart or any other organ of the body.
- You inhale deeply and exhale strongly like you're throwing a dart through your mouth. Repeat several times until you feel more pain in that part of your body or at least Logres stay calm.
- Recognize the source that led us to this experience. Accept your responsibility! By taking responsibility for our own life, accept that we have created what we are experiencing, it is when you begin your healing process.
- forgive ourselves. You can make a chart where you write down all these things that bother you about yourself and / or the person you feel you caused damage. Read it several times in a loud voice and then Burn it! Practice Ho'oponopono work to achieve forgiveness, the four words that heal I'm sorry, forgive me, Thank You, I Love You.
-. Reacquaint with your Self calls for assistance from your light beings, angels, archangels or any deity to whom you have devotion. So you can see clearly learning you got from this process. The answers only have you, they are within you!
- elevate the frequency of Love Once you achieve achieve peace and harmony within you, you will see everything from a different point of view, you will see and accept with love all experienced and appreciate those experiences, because thanks to them, you are. on the way back where you belong.
- Close cycles. To find us from this state of happiness and mental, emotional, mental and spiritual tranquility; you allow yourself to approach that person who caused damage to you and forgive. If you do not want that person back in your life, you can make a card and say goodbye with love wishing him well. You read aloud and then burns with a white candle while viewing as you wave goodbye loving that person, thanking the teachings left you.
- Vive Aqui y Ahora!
I invite you to practice this, although perhaps not mean that they will not need professional counseling. Each case is different, only you know that you need in your life and these are just a few tips that are self healing tools I want to share because it has worked in my life.
We are not perfect beings, we are the perfect creation of God! Several times I have told them that we are light beings having an experience in a human body, which means that we are 50% and 50% land sky; and it is well wrong, falling and getting up. The important thing is that these lessons have the ability to immediately recognize the source of the problem and tools to assume it, and release it, and nothing else! Not keep piling more burdens on our backs. Everything that happens in our lives is perfect, and all you're doing so far is perfect!
Things happen for a reason and nothing is casual in this life! Causality unites us!
To become aware and practice it in our lives, we begin to heal and the welfare of our being, and your soul will thank you you find yourself cleaned up their karma to continue their evolution.
"The past can not be changed, the future has not yet happened, this is driven by you Yes!".
Shower of blessings for all my brothers of light that we have rediscovered here to heal each other!
Light hug!
Analicia Masiero

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