
6 de mayo de 2018

The Urantia Book Paper 110 - Adjusters and Human Will

When Thought Adjusters indwell human minds, they bring with them the model careers, the ideal lives, as determined and foreordained by themselves and the Personalized Adjusters on Divinington, which have been certified by the Personalized Adjuster of Urantia. Thus they begin work with a definite and predetermined for intellectual and spiritual development of their human subjects plan, but not for any human being to accept this plan. You are all subjects of predestination, but it is not foreordained that you must accept this divine predestination; You have full liberty to reject any part of the program of the Thought Adjusters or the entire program. Perform their mission in mind those changes and make those adjustments that you autoricéis spiritual voluntarily and intelligently, so in order to gain more influence over the directionization personality; but under no circumstances these divine Monitors from you or arbitrarily influence your choices and decisions take advantage. Adjusters respect your sovereignty of personality; They are always subject to your will.
They are persistent, ingenious, and perfect in its working methods, but they never do violence to the volitional selfhood of their host. No human being will ever be spiritualized against his will by a divine Monitor; survival is a gift of the Gods which must be desired by the creatures of time. In the final analysis, whatever it is what the Adjuster got for you, the records will show that the transformation has been done with your consent cooperative; You've been a willing partner with the Adjuster in achieving each step of the tremendous transformation of the ascension career.
The Adjuster is not trying to control your thinking as such, but rather to spiritualize it, to eternalize. Neither angels nor Adjusters are devoted directly to influencing human thought; That is the prerogative of your personality. Adjusters are dedicated to improving, modify, adjust and coordinate your thought processes; but more especially and specifically they are working to build the spiritual counterparts of your careers, morontia transcripts of your true self in advance, for purposes of survival.
Adjusters work in the areas of the highest levels of the human mind, unceasingly seeking to produce morontia duplicates of every concept of the mortal intellect. There are therefore two realities that influence, and are focused on the circuits of the human mind: one, the mortal self evolved from the original plans of the Life Carriers, the other, an immortal entity from the high spheres of Divinington, a resident gift of God. But the mortal self is also a personal self; It has personality.
You as a personal creature have mind and will. Adjuster, as prepersonal creature has premind and prewill. If you so fully conform to the Adjuster's mind, as you see with the same eyes, then your minds become one, and you receive the reinforcement of mind of the Adjuster. Subsequently, if your will orders and enforces the execution of the decisions of this new combined mind, the prepersonal will Adjuster attains to personality expression through your decision, and as it relates to that particular project, you and the Adjuster you will be one. Your mind has attained to divinity attunement, and the Adjuster's will has achieved personality expression.
To the extent that this identity is realized, you are mentally approaching the morontia order of existence. Morontia mind is a term signifying the substance and sum total of the minds in cooperation of diversely material and spiritual nature. Morontia intellect, therefore, connotes a dual mind in the local universe dominated by one will. And with mortals this is a will, human in origin, which is becoming divine through man identification of the human mind with the mindedness of God. Presented by a Solitary Messenger of Orvonton

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