
26 de mayo de 2018


We are not your enemies. We do not make wars of conquest.
We do not want to subjugate anyone, no humanity and no people. On our part there is no justification or need to kill someone. We belong to a free humanity acting with free will.
We can make and unmake as we wish. but we have a mission; We must not allow the Divine Creator of the Universe Spirit is offended, nor consent to the Cosmo is damaged by irresponsible or lightness.
A minority of humanity is allowed to dominate explore the masses rather than lead them.
Every man's life is threatened despotism and caprice of other men;
It was not the Heads of terrestrial humanity that gave life to his fellow; therefore has no right to remove them at will. .
Fratricide is not a heroic gesture or a national requirement, but a cosmic crime.
Wars are decided by governments, enormous harm to health, freedom and physical life of peoples. The gu  , the abuse of human intelligence and ability, po  bad, in our eyes, is the clearest proof of the inability of men to live in harmony, peace and progress on your planet.
Whoever you want war, and prepares it causes a catastrophe, extermination, mass destruction, and sinning against HARMONY OF THE UNIVERSE. It is a wicked, ignorant, spiritually darkened and oblivious to all natural laws man; - is a godless;
If you were aware of all this, any memory of war would horrify him. Earth is not your property, but you have been granted loan; It is a place that has been entrusted for a time; that you conquistáis a spiritual prevo.
You all are guests of God's creation. But you do not find yourselves aware of that hospitality and, therefore, destroy all their ornaments, health despise the other guests, playing his freedom, aniquilándole moral existence and finally to physical life.
All your governments know we observe your planet, but do not know why.
If one of you gets to spy; He will be persecuted and killed as an enemy of the state. However, all governments maintain an intelligence service.
This is the mentality that has served all governments of Earth at all times. No one admits that there may be other observation and control. We use this control at God 's command. But God is unknown and you do not recognize as Absolute Lord, as
True and Only Creator: you know neither the flag nor his throne. You declare that I never saw or feel your power. ERROR | They called UFO, that is, our spacecraft are its fleet. The bright auras are its magnificent emblem.
Power is expressed through laws and ray emanations. Visit your military ministries unnoticed and, therefore, we could see more. No military expert thinks or believes that we are invincible. We distrusts us, but underestimates our mission and our possibilities. You can chase us and drive us out.
You can make fire on us, you can consider as nonsense all our messages. You can deny your people in front of all our appearances. But do not will succeed, never deny the finding of reality and fact.
The reality of our existence as described in your Bible. Our impressive demonstrations should not, at least in this form, be sought in the altars of the churches, but in the Ministry of War.
Today your people hide our existence and, even more, our mission. Amana hide the people entrusted to you your hidden intentions to reach a total destruction of the world.
mistakenly we believe that fate about life and death of this humanity is only your hands.
ERROR | We have in our hands, in part, this decision because we take the necessary measures to prevent unfair arrogance prevail measures. Your Councils, both scientific and technical, commit all serious blunder, that of considering things in its traditional form. Regard as beings who have your own ideas, your weaknesses and your mistakes, but envies our technical development and wish toobtain our secrets, but using arrogance, which is highly prevalent in you. You consider yourself to us as a people and a foreign race, a group of space travelers that dare not contact you.
ERROR | Millennia ago we contact you. Naturally it is not the way you prefer and want to attack us .
We have had contact with Israel and the biblical prophets. We have had contact with Christ. We have been in contact with the Romans. We have been in close contact with you. We collaborate during MIRACLE OF FATIMA. through mediums. very young. We approach you for the first and second world wars.
We try our best not to leave our nature reserve and our restraint. Even in Japan we can see the horrendous crimes of which you are able; not only crimes were recorded in its history, but remain engraved indelibly in the vast universe file; crimes that are not charged to Lucifer; but to commit those men who had at their disposal complete free will and, thus, the ability to discern between good and evil. They were not only ungodly, without God, but terribly ignorant and incapable creatures to predict that one day will happen to themselves.
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