
26 de junio de 2018

Speaking clear...

BOOOM (second part) and TALK (Part One ) ...

Good evening, I want to make a very clear question, as some people have accused me that I have "business" and also links with Russia, through RT etc. .. (because announce the theme of the donation, the same day was the attack on the President of Zimbabwe)

Before all, I am a little person like you, what happens is that I have taken time to investigate and collect all the information with "tweezers" and as he saw these passed over time, I decided tobelieve in this project and is BELIEVING is the basis and discernment in the process of information always have to be neutral, it is completely normal and logical that do not think, OK. I do not pretend here to convince you and let you convince NI, if you follow me in the media publications (ACTS), you shall bring forth conclusions and TE NO MARKETING STRATEGIES EMPLOYED HE / PSYCHOLOGICAL to get on and get off emotionally.
And that it has links with Russia .. The truth is all praise. INFINITE THANKS! :) but I do not have jejej.

On the other hand, I have also commented Damian because you do is donation? And because they gave 100trillons website. com, if you're making a donation? Simply because the intention when I acquired was not fulfilled and simply do not want quedarmelos prefer to give the opportunity to others, and at the time I was given the opportunity to me.
I have nothing to do with the web either directly or indirectly (the 100TRILLONS), I do not care who acquire out there, I encourage you even have to diversify :), so I did.

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BOOMMMMM .. (in previous publications the facts said this would happen)

Zimbabwe will have its own stable currency backed by gold: Mangwana (Chairman)

Representative of Zanu-PF in the UK and Europe, and supporter declared president Emmerson Mnangagwa, Nick Mangwana has confirmed that Zanu-PF is working on the introduction of a coin Local backed by gold. This follows similar statements made by Emmerson Mnangagwa President and Deputy Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Terrence Mukupe in recent weeks. Writing on Twitter, Mangwana said

return and the roadmap for the return of the Zim $ were two major policy pronunciations made by Zanu PF last week. This is being done in a careful and responsible manner. With a controlled and backed by gold spending, we can have a stable currency.

In the event of Bulawayo, where an explosion occurred later, Emmerson Mnangagwa President also said that Zimbabwe needed to introduce its own currency that could control to solve the shortage of cash and restore their dignity.Mnangagwa said

currently, the US dollar absorbs about 90 percent of our transactional activity in the economy ... We have no control over the US dollar, it's time we take our way to restore the dignity of our country by creating our own currency.

Mukupe had previously said the Zimbabwe dollar would reintroduce before Emmerson Mnangagwa President complete his first term of five years.Mukupe said before,

Zimbabwe will have its own currency after establishing the necessary foundations to deal first with our own currency, it will be there before the end of the first five - year term of President Mnangagwa, as they had managed to create the right coverage and sustainable import.


misteri 1963

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