
2 de julio de 2018

Extraterrestrial First Contact: President Trump and First Contact

If for some reason aliens thought now was a great time to make First Contact with humans, they would have to consider international relations. The international relations climate is impacted by the actions of the President of the United States. So, how would aliens feel about President Trump?
President Trump Pros:
-President Trump prides himself on bucking the political establishment. That could be attractive to aliens who are worried that our institutions will move towards a defensive posture.
-He seems to care about making history and alien First Contact would certainly make history.
-President Trump values business growth and long-term alien contact could create many new opportunities for businesses, depending on what knowledge we gain.
-He seems to care less for precedent in his decision-making, which would be important for First Contact, because there are no human precedents.
-While he has concerns about the United Nations bureaucracy, he does seem to value American power in the United Nations.
-The threat of America being left out of the alien relations process could cause him to push for interaction and American involvement.
-He would likely welcome the distraction from the many issues challenging his administration.
President Trump Cons:
-Nationalism is by its very nature protectionist. The President might default to a protectionist stance when considering a response to alien First Contact.
-President Trump is known for changing his mind on issues, sometimes quickly and in dramatic fashion. That could create instability in alien relations.
-After expressing an independent view on an issue he tends to fall back to Republican Party lines, which could be protectionist.
-He could try to seize complete control of the First Contact process and attempt to keep the benefits of alien contact for America.
-He could be distracted by the many issues challenging his administration.
Hopefully, the American President, and other world leaders, would realize that alien contact would require careful consideration. Human political factions would have to work together to determine a path forward. Differences between human groups would seem rather silly considering the enormity of meeting members of an extraterrestrial civilization. I hope that perspective would be clear to all world leaders if such a situation ever arises.


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