
20 de agosto de 2018

It teeters on the brink of disaster WESTERN FINANCIAL SYSTEM


August 15, 2018 - The Western monetary system hangs by a thread. The immediate panic that has erupted in Turkey, Argentina and elsewhere fell slightly yesterday, but the problem is not localized to one or more points of crisis; It is systemic, the result of having maintained the same programs and policies that caused the crash of 2008. At the outbreak of Wall Street 2008, Bush and Obama showed his true flags, the City of London and Wall Street over the past ten years and disowned Lyndon LaRouche's proposal to restore the Glass Steagall Act of Franklin Roosevelt, and instead enacted laws that promoted total surrender to speculation in financial derivatives at the expense of the real economy. This led to the revolt of the population manifested in the election of Donald Trump,

However, as LaRouche said after the crash of 2008, the Glass Steagall itself will not be enough. Anything other than a whole new world financial order can succeed to replace the "World Casino" in the system of floating exchange rates and rampant speculation, which has taken the place of investment in the real economy, it became where the IMF and the European Central Bank have been the perpetrators of these mechanisms of destruction. the focus of a new Bretton Woods is urgently needed to restore fixed exchange rates in a system of gold reserves, while projects of the New Silk Road, based on national credit, increase productivity and welfare of the entire human species.

To achieve this new paradigm is necessary that Donald Trump feels with the leaders of the other three major world powers, Russia, China and India, to develop this new Bretton Woods agreement. That was the perception of LaRouche in 2009 that only these four powers together have the power to replace the British Empire, with a new financial system between sovereign nations based on true development. This view was confirmed in the historic BRICS summit in South Africa last month, where Russia, China and India pledged to spread the spirit and function of the New Silk Road throughout Africa and called developing sector.

Trump has stated on several occasions that Xi Jinping of China, Vladimir Putin of Russia and Narendra Modi of India, are friends, despite the enormous efforts of the British and their parts in the United States to turn the United States against Russia and China. The criminal fallacy of "Rusiagate" has been exposed and could end up with the accusers in the dock. Staff attorney Trump, Rudy Giuliani said it is time that the CIA chief Obama, John Brennan, appear being a grand jury for its criminal collusion with the operation of British intelligence Christopher Steele, who orchestrated the attempt coup is underway against the US government. Highlights of Congress are now focused on the role of British intelligence to build the trap of trying to hit with "Rusiagate". It must be fully complete the clean of British imperial filth in American institutions, immediately, to release Trump to do what you should do, by aligning the four powers, to create a new Bretton Woods.

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