
14 de agosto de 2018

rapid cycles of death for the human body (3D / 4D) as "Death in the body" Increases: 5D bodies (light) are opposites


I write this to help those who are preparing for transition "outside the body", or "they are still here , " as well as to make loved ones are removed. This is a "HOW TO COMIC / QUANTUM" now accelerating and some "why" ... for this right now. There are infinite truths ... every "believes" according to its own conditioning, programming and truth. This is different. This is not "human truth". This is the Cosmic Universal / "truth". This is our multi-dimensional existence EARTH ..... now.

Flowing with me, as there are many parts and pieces of the "puzzle" / larger image, many fractals to unite, to provide a "new" understanding (the larger) for acceleration processes we have now concluded with the integration Templates Earth 9D and 12D progress now to integrate Earth in Vibrational TimeTables all set up for "this now". 

Physical body death occurs when the light ALMA each can not be fully integrated into the body, so that the entire BE-body pass intact 5D. 

Cycles of life and death are different in 3D / 4D and 5D ... and what it means / everything that happens is very different too.

The human body has what we call a "body clock" which operates differently in each dimension occupied. These lines increased time dissolve, also substantially increase the "aging process" body. 3D / 4D, humans and body operate at a speed different from templates body 5D + oscillation.

Therefore, the aging process / regeneration is also very different. In the "old days" when the Earth operated with a frequency bandwidth smaller, aging "seemed" normal too. However, when the Earth awoke, when consciously he turned our bodies also awoke / awakened. Our "body clocks" accelerate our aging process when it is time to make the transition complete 3D / 4D, either with or without our bodies. 

Death occurs in the human body to the human body can not pass through 5D. The determining factor? How awake is the soul of each and can be fully integrated into the body before the body is fully closed, being deprived of the breath of Life / Light.

The body based on carbon could be held earlier, in part because he used "other things" to keep the body running, fuel, energy, fed fuel cells of the body differently and temporarily, for that day or that hour or a few days. But now the body can not sustain itself as it did before, because those things " will not work" as they did before. 

With the vibration of our Earth rising so high now, the physical body has to raise your vibration to stay alive and "come". Those of us who have already made the transition, we've been through this immense "cycle of death", often ... with the amount of density / separation determines "how hard" is / was the trip / journey / experience.

With increasing rates of oscillation of our Earth / Vibratory Atmospheres, the density of the physical body is "more concerned" than before. Accelerated aging processes increase for 3D / 4D bodies. This will apply to organs, cells, skin, body systems, bones, eyes, brain, heart ... all. The body "grow old" and "seems to be dying" without any "plausible" explanation of what is happening. It's like an energetic "death" because it is. 

This process is "reversed" once the 5D body template is "fully installed" templates and 3D / 4D body have completely reworked. Then one enters "different" aging cycles / death / revival that are energetic,

Every soul chose to incarnate a body / enter to the human experience (some wake / sleep and some completely obscured), but Ascension is very different from "being awake". We could walk / incarnating / born in "awake" and still live deep under the Veils Amnesia without any knowledge of this. Achieve Ascended State is the first step to "start" the process of ascension of the physical body to further accelerate. For those SOULS INCAPELABLES / NOT CHOSEN Ascend for within this physical embodiment, then "leave the body" (physical death) occurs where different cycles begin.

I will go with "incarnation" for this explanation, then pass to a different one. Once we reach the 5th Dimension with our physical bodies, these cycles no longer exist, since all timelines and stocks converge / collapse into one, so that the "how" changes substantially here. The cycle of death changes the death of the whole body to the death of the programs carried out within our cells and regeneration processes, processes of re-birth that occur constantly. Here, every moment is death and rebirth, but occurs at a different level. there is no pain or suffering, as with the bodies of 3rd and 4th density. Physical pain is a cell which decomposes and program codes sacred geometric light are embedded within the body at the cellular / molecular level. Because Lightbody feels pain differently and rare, large safe "extractions" if you will. When we go into the teeth and bones, for Bodi much higher dimensional light is, it can be intense for a while, but even that will eventually leave.

For those souls who can / no no desire to awaken from within their bodies (completely open hearts), then the body experiences the actual physical death. Some go through ECM, so they can "see and understand" and then "re-enter" the body to make "life" differently and accelerate their own awakening process, but have yet to evolve your body, go through the trials and tribulations / EXPERIENCE Initiation passages to clear the programming of the body so that the body can wake up completely and connect / transition to 5D Earth as well.

For those souls "remain inactive" inside the body, suppressed and "not permitted", the body and dies off. That's how really physical death occurs. LIGHT each was quelled / ignored / rejected and the body has no "choice" to do, because the BREATH OF LIGHT AND PURE LOVE is what keeps him alive. 1% of light will not keep alive body. The body should BUILD YOUR QUESTION LIGHTWEIGHT 100% to move to the new earth, where Merkaba Lightbody and each fall.

For those who "do not choose" fully awake in this life cycle to rise, then the following procedures apply (there are others, but this is the short version). For more awake that put everyone in this life cycle, which dimension will be determined incarnate again when they return to "return". If 3D sound asleep was the best that one could achieve, then that soul will reincarnate / walk into an experience of Conscience 3D (Hell), to solve this separation of Being as Light Source Pure, then the transition to 4D (Purgatorio), 5D and then eventually.

The webs are not "tied" to the linear dimensions of the human body. All SOULS merge to become one and throughout the unified field of consciousness at death. Cycles are timeline become relative here. Physical death of the body is free to the ALMA ... pure peace, pure love, pure ... all souls do not suffer, that is the reality / human perception ... Our souls are pure and not "live in separation" as the human aspects of ego believe. That's a whole matrix program as well.

However, if a soul is reincarnated to return to this planet to help in some way to become part of "other human experience" they "return" to the "final dimension" "clear / achieved" in the previous human cycle which it is still available in our Multi-Dimensional Earth here. If they could "reach 4D" (Purgatorio / Bardo / The dimension between 3rd and 5th / Duality), then re-enter the 4th. Dimension to complete / solve / dissolve the separation, moving to 5D at some point. Those who were able to reach a certain level of consciousness before death of the physical body can reincarnate as our Crystal Children / Arcoiris here yet how awake / aware is the family or the circumstances,

Our beautiful crystal kids and rainbow come with activated codes, different templates body and awaken others through more purity and love. Their bodies can not "take" the hardness of unconsciousness, so their bodies "rejected", they fight, they will go out and have more difficulties because the lower vibrations are "out of sync" with their body clocks .... 

Our biological clock runs on "cycle times" that correlate with the cycles of life and death, and in each dimension / density, these are different. 

Due to increased vibrational frequency of our land, these "cycle time" (length of life) in the ancient land now "shorten" considerably.

I'll explain a little here to help. Every organ, every cell in our body has "separation time" within it (3D / 4D), which is our body template and grid within our bodies dictates Dimensional version of the density of the Earth with really we walk / live / exist / vibrate. Systems, organs, cells, blood, oxygen in our body ... every particle of us is part of a massive system that works in unison with our beloved Gaia / Universe or separate from it, which is where the separation dictates the "time ". This "separation" really "going against" all things of nature / natural and universal / cosmic laws. This separation, held deep within our bodies,

Our Light awakens through our pure hearts and ignited at the cellular level inside. This power can feel. Electric, cold / hot, energetic ... As our hearts open, our "light" is "free". Is more than just our hearts, is every cell in our body that opens ... our neurons, our receivers and every particle of what we are ... awakening from inside our bodies ... and is a process cleaning immense old systems programming / beliefs and where everything was "hosted". As our hearts and minds open completely, our light can move through our bodies, repairing, adjusting and recalibrating / redecodificando all MULTI-DIMENSIONALMENT ...

For those who keep their hearts closed in protection mode, live in fear and can not connect again, the body goes into "starvation mode" because there is no light to nourish the body and keep it alive / sharp. This is where each organ begins to fail and the body begins to close. This is the body screaming for love, care, self-care, nature, nurture, kindness ... however, the ego-man will not listen ... other things are more important or is an "inconvenience" ...

We have entered DEATH CYCLES ACCELERATED ... which correlates in several ways. Each dimension is different. For the human body 3rd / 4th dimensional, "look" going crazy further. The old ways will not work and neither will any "sense" for humans. This is because what is happening is on a cosmic level / Quantum / Multidimensional / Vibratory ... a cellular level and "cure" is not like humans "think" or believe ... Human aspects will not hear, A often until something happens to get his attention, take their "power" to ignore / ignore / refuse to listen / honor ... (ego).

This is part of the cycle of ego death now also accelerated. As humans, we call it "Dark Night of the Soul", when in essence, is the death of our ego, and everywhere was "hosted" in our bodies ... those emotions, those attitudes, those beliefs, those fears that missing ... all that "separation" and "duality" ... deeeeeep deeeeeep deeeeeeep inside. The awakening of Mass Consciousness is death Ego mass (and physical) as well. 

The important thing now is to understand many things and change those perceptions of their human ALMA their own perceptions, knowing and seeing ... therefore, actually is changing its own DIMENSIONAL experience here.

These CYCLES OF DEATH / ACCELERATION RETOCIÓN take many forms ... the experience of each dimensional body is different from others ..... 

These accelerations are also equivalent to those not cleaned in this cycle KARMA LIFE / LIFE. .. now begin to make the transition faster and in greater quantity as well. For those souls who are in transition with their bodies, we clean up our Karma completely, at each level, which makes up several Akash ... Human Karma, Karma Galactic Abundance Karma, Karma Gemelar, Relationship Karma, Karma Christ Self / God / Angelico, Gaia / elemental Consciousness Karma, Universal and more ... each cleaning is necessary for the body to "stay alive". There is a large investment process happens to each well.

What "offer" / gave (here and through my / our work) it is a way for everyone to REVERSE this process and BORREN YOUR OWN KARMA easier ... for any transition "easier" ... and is outside the body or the body. Karma is only an unconscious programming that takes place at the cellular level, however, the energy that everyone has and works this way dictates. Full ascension of consciousness will begin to clear all human karma, then it does not "create" ... then our bodies will rise, we will have / will experience no "karma" for a while, then delve a soul level to access all other stocks of Karma and eliminate all those,

HOW TO CLEAN YOUR KARMA? To Ascender your own consciousness to ascend physically or transition from a space / location / line superior dimensional time ... to "yes" you choose to return / reincarnate as "later", you can enter a 5D EXPERIENCE for start ...

completely open your heart, make amends for everything you've "done" transcend the duality within you and BACKWARD ALL. You actually start to care as ALMA and allow your own light to be transmitted. Find the deepest way you can contribute, the ways in which you support HUMANITY / GAIA and elevate the awareness and elevates you / do from your place / highest fundes you look ... you with your inner love ... honor your body and everything like love, you allow your ACTIVE LIGHT yOUR oWN luminous body and support your body while re-encode / reconfigure itself to "leave" the 3D / 4D densities ... you re-connect with yOUR oWN ALMA and let it guide you / tell you what to do ..... there will be little ways and big ways that you yourself SWAP for everyone.

All this hate, hurt, victim, is being wronged, all that separation ... that's what "kills your body" and dims your light and your body can not survive without your breath ... This breath is CONSCIOUSNESS .. . it is ALIVE ... and moves through you, if you honor it , allow it and you increase so that your body PROSUE ... 

The body into "survival mode" works with very little "connection". This separation / lack of connection inside, with all the things like love, is how our bodies physically die. 

The 5th Dimension is the literal HEAVEN ON EARTH ... even to get here, you have to awaken within you, born from within, through that spark of light and that light has to flow through you, without interruption, without being closed, ignored or out more ...

Your linear / human ego ... mind keeps your body in a 3D / 4 density, which still functions within "time". This separation is like your body dies ... because your watch-body-template still lives in separation time. 

HOW TO CLEAN YOUR KARMA? To Ascender your own consciousness to ascend physically or transition from a space / location / line superior dimensional time ... to "yes" you choose to return / reincarnate as "later", you can enter a 5D EXPERIENCE for start ...

completely open your heart, make amends for everything you've "done" transcend the duality within you and BACKWARD ALL. You actually start to care as ALMA and allow your own light to be transmitted. Find the deepest way you can contribute, the ways in which you support HUMANITY / GAIA and elevate the awareness and elevates you / do from your place / highest fundes you look ... you with your inner love ... honor your body and everything like love, you allow your ACTIVE LIGHT yOUR oWN luminous body and support your body while re-encode / reconfigure itself to "leave" the 3D / 4D densities ... you re-connect with yOUR oWN ALMA and let it guide you / tell you what to do ..... there will be little ways and big ways that you yourself SWAP for everyone.

All this hate, hurt, victim, is being wronged, all that separation ... that's what "kills your body" and dims your light and your body can not survive without your breath ... This breath is CONSCIOUSNESS .. . it is ALIVE ... and moves through you, if you honor it , allow it and you increase so that your body PROSUE ... 

The body into "survival mode" works with very little "connection". This separation / lack of connection inside, with all the things like love, is how our bodies physically die. 

The 5th Dimension is the literal HEAVEN ON EARTH ... even to get here, you have to awaken within you, born from within, through that spark of light and that light has to flow through you, without interruption, without being closed, ignored or out more ...

Your linear / human ego ... mind keeps your body in 3D / 4Densidad, which still operates within "time". This separation is like your body dies ... because your watch-body-template still lives in separation time.

There are different types of death ... and all are also natural cycles. For the death of the physical body, the ego maintained control and love could not "move" completely to the physical body remained alive. For the Physical Body Ascension, active a higher state of awareness and "keep it" while your body works to clear the density separation is maintained inside. This is where the "death of the ego / dark night" begins. For the ascension of the physical body, then the emotional body must "die", the "mental body" dies the physical body "dies" differently ... "by separating hour." These acceleration cycles now increase cycles death / revival in each dimension. 5D and higher, is different, because the physical body has transcended death, while it is the death of the old at all times and is reborn as new at all times too. Nacer new realities in / through conscious creation, giving birth all over again ... through the consciousness of Love Unity ...

The cell body undergoes each dimension differently. The light quotient of each dictates the size occupied by the physical body. The time it takes the physical body in reverse, repair and move to a regenerative process of cell degeneration (aging) and regeneration (aging) is determined by the amount of separation that is still. 

Everyone can choose to change your consciousness and really affect the physical / body to actually rebuild "faster" and "easier" ... intentionally releasing all beliefs of the ego / separation / programs.

I write this because we have entered a cycle of "karmic debt" above all others, where everyone must forgive completely karmic DEMANDS ... otherwise, each is linked to the karmic cycle itself ... over and over and over and again until all of this clear energy or the body dies and everyone goes back to do it again .....

Forgiveness is for everyone ... to what each one holds ... if you want to be forgiven, you must first forgive completely, because you can not fully receive (and integrate your own Light) until you do. Total forgiveness means everything ... every action made up "this point". Right now, right here ... what everyone is doing now ... this is what matters, because this is what dictates the size that your body is forced to ... ... exists vibrates. ... and if you live in a consciousness of complete unity with all life, prosperous and free and awake and friendly ... or if you leave this life cycle and "come back" later ... and in what dimension you embody when / how you do.

Right here, right now ... all have the ability to change ... all have the ability to choose, as the experience of each is a vibrational response to "this". The more you "clings" to the old, the "fastest" cell degeneration occurs. How to regenerate life is through love, purity and reconnection ALMA level ... so that your soul can breathe through you ... completely ... and everything old can be dissolved / die more easily ... without your body go with that ... and having to go through a "full body death" to wake up. 

P.S. 5D body templates and higher, this means a "faster" cycle of death / rebirth for us too, but not a part of the physical body / ego death as before ... the death of the old acceleration realities / timelines as fast as we created again through our own "breath of life and love" for all humanity here. Born again, born "faster and stronger than ever ... Increase cosmic cycle of birth, STAR BEINGS / ONES SOUL / LIGHT BEINGS who wake up" faster "with their bodies too ...

At each moment, each of us can always change to a state of higher consciousness and much sustain that as our new realities here. As we do each, our physical / dimensional experiences realities do well. 

5D is where incarnated souls live, they walk on this earth and work together like love, play like children and perform functions of Alma / Galactic Missions / humán much higher here. It is where everything is in service to humanity, only the level at which we function differs depending on the levels of consciousness that we have been able to achieve / maintain within ourselves and with all our physical reality also. 9D is where we begin to bond over, as the Star Councils and Soul Families are ready to work together to achieve a broader vision for all of us. The space between 5D and 9D are important experiences ... for everyone "grow" as Selves / UNIFIED BEINGS, reconnect with the Universal Consciousness of Gaia and be ready for these phases now ... Each "

Remember, 3D / 4D / 5D and much higher ... all amounts to the metaphoric dimensions of Heaven or Hell on Earth. The physical experience is a vibrational representation through the experiences of each one now. The opening of the entrance doors 2012 changed this for all of us, when the Physical Body Ascension became a possibility / "REAL" / OPTION for all of us. 

Hell 3D experience and energy = 
4D = Purgatorio / Bardo / intermediate Experiences / EXPERIENCES dualist and Energy 
5D = Celestials, magical and beautiful experiences, inner experiences and Energy

5D opens all possibilities and much higher dimensions to experience here. It's where we started / start cycles "after death" ... is walking in the waking dream, awake and asleep after being pushed / catapulted / shocked and awakened too. We have completed the Template 9D Light body with Gaia and achieve what their bodies will too. Now we turn to a template project 12D that is "scheduled to be completed" with the gateway December 2018 that takes us to January 2019 to accelerate templates dimensional body larger in order to "reach" the deadlines 2020 established before all were born / embody / input / materialized in the form here.

I love you! Love your SOUL-Body while working to evolve at a rapid pace and rewriting DNA also continuously accelerated. 

You can REVERSE everything through their own UNIFIED ENERGY SHARES AND PRESENCE here too. ♥ 

Lisa Brown Transcendence ☼

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and include this URL https: // and Copyright notice 

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