
12 de agosto de 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Aug 12, 2018

Compiled 12 Aug. 12:11 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Child Abuse Recovery, Author, “Twenty Two Faces,” Byington’s Before It’s News articles on a Cabal Vatican-sponsored international pedophile Child Trafficking Ring:

The below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to decide whether or not it is valid. Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.

A. Judy Note: The below are quotes from yesterday’s TNT Call that weren’t included in my last report:

1. The RI, RV and entire GCR starting with the seven countries, was supposed to occur between today Aug. 10 and August 21.

2. Ray: It has been reported to me that “release for all currencies has been authorized.”

3. Tony: On Wed. Aug. 8 authorization was given at the top levels for the RV to be released. That comes directly from the UST, Iraqi government sources, our committee member and from our banking sources. This information is live and meant to be shared.

4. We got the exact time and date from our US Treasury guy, and the exact time it should be public for us. The banks have heard this and are getting prepared. We got that same date from the bank last night, the same date as we got from the UST this morning.

5. They are that ready to go, everyone has been notified, and money has been moved in the system for every level to be paid out. 

6. They want to give more contract rates to those with the least amount of currency.

7. New Rates:

Dinar = $3.71; Contract $28.50 

Dong = $.47 cents to $1.47; Contract up to $5 

Zim = 0.00000016 (equivalent of $.16 with 6 zeros taken off); Contract up to $2.

Judy Note: Others have said that the Zim Bond was now a currency and would be exchanged at a 1:1 with the US dollar.

8. To get the contract rate, you have to have a humanitarian project approved by the US bank and Zimbabwe. However, you can also exchange with a contract rate and use the resulting funds for a government-run humanitarian project. The banks are coordinating these international projects approved by the IMF and are looking for people to invest in them.

9. Zim payouts will all be structured from 20 years down to three years.

10. The committee wanted to limit non-Zim to a billion, and Zim to 10 x 100T. With Zim, they will start with a trillion. (Judy Note: I have no idea what they are talking about here).

11. Those with large amounts of Zim, they will limit how much you can do during your first three-year contract. 

B. Aug. 11 2018 4:51 pm EST, Intel Alert: Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for August 11, 2018 Operation Disclosure (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors/leaks from several sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate.)

1. All nations with the Alliance are working tirelessly every day to make the transition event happen.

2. The 1944 Bretton Woods was scheduled to bring forth an asset backed financial system on October of 2001. The September 11 attacks prevented that. A war between those for humanity and those against has been raging on ever since.

3. BRICS was formed in 2008 to geopolitically combat the Cabal.

4. In 2011, ISIS was formed by the Cabal to disrupt the transition by destabilizing the Middle East. 7 years later, they were defeated. Who was the main contributor of their defeat? Russia, a country in BRICS.

5. In 2015, an interim president was chosen for the Republic. US Military generals approached Trump to run for CEO of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INCORPORATED. This would allow the Alliance to begin the full-time restoration of the Republic.

6. In 2016-2017, Trump won the election which was rigged. The Cabal had rigged it in favor of Hillary. A secret war broke out between three letter agencies to prevent Hillary from winning the rigged election. The operation was successful and Trump was inaugurated.

7. In 2017, BRICS choice Mnangagwa assumes control in Zimbabwe over Mugabe. Present day, Mnangagwa wins Zimbabwe's first general election.

8. The ZIDERA amendment bill was signed allowing Zimbabwe's currency to become legal tender. This also allows BRICS to utilize Zimbabwe's assets (with consent) to fund the RV/GCR and GESARA.

9. The final stages for the main transition event have been completed.

10. The RV is the first event to occur to jump start the transition.

C. Aug. 11 2018 12:33 am EST All Done, Zap: "All Done" - ZAP Update - The Office of POOFness - 8.10.18

1. It is all done. The funds were approved, stamped, verified, baked, fried and served.

2. We can count on the project funds early next week and were given the final schedule that will actually work.

3. The issues around Bankers doing silly things were done away with last nightAug. 10.

D. Aug. 11 2018 2:22 am EST Q Post Showtime!, Sierra: "Q: Previews Over - Showtime!" by Sierra (NZ) - 8.11.18 

Q post number 1827 is clear and concise:
"Comfy? Previews are over. Showtime!' Q

Bruce Figert's latest video includes an analysis of Q post number 1829 - the post is full of initials of top cabal names. Bruce does a great job of decoding it (at 8' 05"):

Bruce shares a lovely quote about Donald Trump from John F Kennedy Jr (at 6'): 'If my dear friend Donald Trump ever decided to sacrifice his fabulous billionaire lifestyle to become President, he would be an unstoppable force for ultimate justice that Democrats and Republicans alike would celebrate' (JFK Jr, George magazine, June 1999)

Joe M (StormisUponUs) tweets about post number 1830: 'Did Q just state that the National Human Trafficking Hotline is a Clinton Foundation front to take calls from people being trafficked so they can intercept and re-route victims to the cabal?' If this theory is true, there is a massive shock and disbelief awaiting the sleeping population worldwide. Q has always said: 'Who do you trust the most?'

Here is Q post number 1830:
(888) 373-7888'

Q followers are guessing that President Trump is about to declassify the 20 redacted pages of the FISA document. It's the snowball that will unleash the D5 avalanche, crushing the Cabal and their corrupt mainstream media FOREVER.

E. Aug. 11 2018 11:55 pm EST Next Week, Q, Sierra: "Q: Boom, Boom, Boom, Next Week" by Sierra (NZ) - 8.11.18 

Q post number 1846 alerts us to major Alliance activity next week:

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