
21 de septiembre de 2018


The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes. Today the path towards total dictatorship in the world can be established through legal means, never before seen by Congress or the President. Deep State operates freely within our government and political system, through suborned politicians called puppets. All developments in foreign policy agreements date back to this secret group that strives to create a world that suits your purpose. The tactics employed were manipulating economies, trade and masses for fear of war, famine, economic collapse, imprisonment and death. 
Resultat d'imatges American Senate
United States Senate 

This mentality of fear has given global events for centuries and standard operating procedure. The world was in economic, economically and morally bankrupt, but through manipulation and deception, people have been led to believe that everything was fine. The experiment with paper money began on 15 August 1971. "From now on, " said US President Richard Nixon, "all foreigners who want to do business with us lose the right to exchange dollars for gold."From that moment, the value of the US dollar was determined by what someone attributed.

Resultat d'imatges of US dollars

Exporters have overproduced, importers have consumed too much and the world is awash with too much money, credit expansion in circulation. This would eventually cause the collapse of the world monetary system. The resulting collapse is likely to be violent and shocking for those who are unaware of what is happening. This will create chaos. MSM was the last bastion of organized crime network "Deep State" which in recent years has infiltrated and kidnapped in critical institutions. Even his days are numbered.

 Traitors and criminals evil of "Deep State" are so terrified as they realize they have been cornered by the report of the Inspector General of the CIA, the Justice Department and the FBI. This report describes and demonstrates fraud and criminal activity in these departments.This may be the starting point that sends many in high positions in these departments to prison for his crimes. For this reason, the Khazar mafia is now activating all its resources in a desperate move to save himself. The report of the Inspector General (IG) deals with the restoration of the rule of law has been ignored and disrespected for decades. 
Resultat d'imatges deep state
 Members of the deep state 

All these bribed puppets, low, medium and high level, have taken over the system to the point where the rules of justice can be directed toward their opponents, while masking their own criminal activity. What actually scares lights the life of this crime syndicate is the restoration of the rule of law. When there is a complete restoration of the rule of law, this is what will pop this globalist crime syndicate. President Trump is a real commander who lets his team do the work. No one can hide, but deprogramming citizens decades of brainwashing and telling them what they have been told is a lie; It is a completely different story.

Trump and the Alliance team were prepared. The military has been trained and instructed. Trump has already issued an EO for the implementation of martial law, while threatening the monopoly of the media as no other modern president has ever done. E stamos being released by him and we can make new choices, our own choices, will be a revelation for most people, and will take place, most likely, without notice. The  financial system based on debt is already dead in the water andsoon be replaced by QFS. 

This means no more money for this criminal syndicate, since their revenue stream by money from drugs and illegal oil sales are also being depleted. This alone will result in an escalation in the price of gold and silver, and the end of market manipulation. The rule of the dynasty of the Rothschild banking empire has been transmitted to successive generations over the past 200 years. It was initiated by Mayer Amschel Rothschild and his five children created banking business across Europe. Crimes central bankers are legendary and more than can be listed. 

Meanwhile, Rothschild & Co. is assuring the world that your business will stay in the family and in power for a seventh generation since the current president prepares to give his seat to his son. At least that's your belief? 
Resultat d'imatges Rothschild
Rothschild family
is impossible to anticipate all the challenges and threats of false flag operations of Deep State, but people can and should be prepared for these situations. Trump President has proclaimed National Preparedness Month September 2018. "I encourage all Americans to take steps to prepare for a disaster and / or emergency, by drafting its response plan.

President Trump has said that a new currency backed by gold will be released to the public once they have submitted the allegations and have made mass arrests,  he has also said that almost everyone in Congress are included in the allegations sealed several reasons.Prosperity massive funds to help stimulate and revitalize the economy, ecology and the world's infrastructure will be launched. The giants of social networks will be expelled publicly as direct assets of the intelligence agencies themselves Deep State.  

Resultat d'imatges prosperity fund

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