
23 de septiembre de 2018

The US dollar system has completely discredited

dailytruenews eraoflight
The US dollar system has completely discredited itself and the confidence in the greenback is falling very sharply, according to the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Sanctions by Washington are a sign of that.
Russia is working on ways to cut its dependence on the US and the dollar system, Lavrov said Friday during his visit to Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
“We are already drawing conclusions, doing everything necessary not to depend on the countries that are acting that way with their international partners,” Lavrov said. According to the Russian foreign minister, US sanctions undermine global trust in the world’s most used currency.
Lavrov was reacting to the fresh US sanctions against Russia introduced Thursday. 33 people and entities were added to the US Treasury blacklist of Russian defense and intelligence sector.
“More and more of our partners in Asia, in Latin America, start to draw the same conclusions [about the US dollar]. I think that this trend will only continue,” Lavrov said.
In August, speaking on the same issue, Lavrov said that US sanctions are “illegal, they undermine all principles of global trade and principles approved by UN decisions.”
Russia’s leading banks have said that slashing the dependence from the US dollar is inevitable, but would be a tough challenge. “You cannot immediately abandon the dollar. Probably, impossible taking into account its role in the economy. But if we do not start, we will never come to this, so we need to start now and we are already doing such work,” said Russia’s second largest bank CEO Andrey Kostin last week.
angel message
It happened again this week. As I sat to channel the angel messages, I felt the most loving presence come over me and the words came with a great sense of peace. I suspect we’ll go back to the angels’ voice at some point, but for now enjoy the sweetness of the energy behind these words…
In the silent embrace of my Presence you will find the love you are seeking. In the quiet moments between thoughts you will feel the peace you dearly crave. In the eyes of creation you will witness me, always seeking to come to the surface in human hearts.
Feel yourself sinking back into my love as a wave sinks into the ocean.
As you breathe and relax into the embrace of my love, your pains will heal, and your problems will be resolved.You need no longer feel the sting of being hurt, abandoned, betrayed, or disparaged, for my love is so all encompassing it will overshadow all pain, as clearly as light drives away the illusion of darkness.
You are never separate from me. You cannot be. You seek me in the arms of another. You look for my love in the acknowledgment and agreement of the world. You find me in moments of bliss and in the kinder, more beautiful moments in life. I live in all these spaces. However, I am also there in the places where you cannot easily find me, and in the faces of those who forget that my love lives within them as well.
I cannot leave you. When others appear to withdraw from your life I am with you. When others don’t see my light within you, there I still abide. When you are treated with less than my love, I love you and accept you exactly as you are. My love has no condition. You are perfect in my embrace.
Breathe. Feel my love pulsing within your every heartbeat. Inhale my love with the gulp and wisp of every breath. Feel the hum of my life in your cells as they go about their daily lives, creating the cloak that you call your human body. Allow me to rise up within you, simply through your breath and intent, and I will help you resolve all your problems, heal all your ills, solve your challenges, and focus instead upon your life being a joyful expansion of our collective being. Relax. I am within you and you are within me.
We are one.
» Source » Channel: Ann Albers

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