
1 de noviembre de 2018

Panic, economy and culture

"[The economic empires on the planet] are afraid that terrestrial humanity discover that there humanities on other planets living in love, and take example from them. Therefore conceal any evidence of extraterrestrial life and encourage fear of contact beings from other worlds through films in which it is seen that the aliens are beings with appearance abominable (insects, reptiles, virus) that get into humans and that they intend to destroy mankind. they fear that man discovers his immortality, and the purpose of life, which is the spiritual improvement through the discovery of love, and start working for it. therefore deny any evidence of the existence of life beyond death,relying on the dogmas of a materialistic science and at the same time, foster fear deepen what happens beyond physical death and contact with the spiritual world, through films that life after death appears as something frightening, through the creation of scary characters like ghosts, demons, vampires and zombies bloodthirsty, who take over the souls of the living to torment them. "to take over the souls of the living to torment them. "to take over the souls of the living to torment them. "

(Excerpt from the book of Vicent Guillem entitled "The Spiritual Laws")

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