
7 de noviembre de 2018

This is massive

[You have more then you know]

How did we miss this? This is so much more than knowledge. This means that we have everything we need to sustain life...... Everything.

What we didn't realize but do now, is that we are the commodity. The dark cabal has not been demolishing the world for natural resources, it's always been about us. We have everything to sustain life. We are life, we are energy, we are atoms, we are elements, we are water and we have every ingredient to be energy conductors. See we missed this. We've been brainwashed to believe we're not that valuable. But we didn't realize till now, we have everything. We have more than we know. We are powerful, much more powerful than we realized. And the dark cabal knows this.

See our entire energy grid is dark cabal. And the foundation to the dark cabal is satanism. Satanism seeks to reverse every good thing our divine creator made. Everything. It must be the opposite, and they must tell us about it.....and they have been telling us what they're doing. That's Hollywoods job, make the movies, show the public and watch them soak it in with no reservations. And we sit by and say "what a cute move, to a "real life documentary". Take Monster's Inc., as an example.

See our Divine creater even gave us free energy. We don't need the dark cabal energy, because we are energy, and energy is all around us and it's a renewable resource. It never goes away. They love that we've been using their supply of energy, because it's distractive to life, because humans are being used to harness the energy, in the most horrific ways. And we unknowingly are forced into using it. Continuing to supply the dark cabal with dark energy and it feeds into their power, on a much greater scale then we realized.

This brings us to the human trafficking. See human trafficking has many layers...and it's not just kids, its women and men, too. We're the assets. See there are many layers to the trafficking epidemic. Many. Satanic ritual abuse is one layer of the cake. There's organs, there's sex slaves, theirs adrenochrome, cannibalism, and there's energy. But what happens to the bodies? Where do you bury millions and millions and millions of bodies, because the number of missing people  every year is higher then they're telling us.... You fossilize them, which doesn't take millions of years, as we've been lied to about, and you turn them into fossil fuel. There are a few processes for doing this. And, babies and children are very easily made radioactive, for their use in nuclear energy and nuclear bombs. Then you incorporate them into the energy process, and dissolve evidence. And you make money on them even after their dead, sold in life.....sold in death..... Our cabal energy system is a minimum of 2 trillion dollars a year. And then we're forced to use them to run our homes, drive our cars.... everything we do revolves around this. And the dark cabal loves it.....

Now where are they housing these victims, while extracting adrenochrome, energy, organs and then fossilizing the bodies? In under ground nuclear plants and power plants....... Highly secured facilities, by dark cabal security companies. See they even have patents on harnessing energy from children and humans. So while torturing a child for adrenochrome, they can store the energy they are putting out. See these facilities have dual purposes...... Above they produce energy and below house human torture facilities, ultimately to use them in energy production. And they're everywhere.  What do you think was going on in North Korea and Iran? In their nuclear facilities? You got it.

Now, the Middle East is the main producer of energy, right? That means the main suppliers of trafficking lamens terms. The deep state, dark cabal, bad side of the House of Saud, royals, NWO, all in on this, all running the show behind the scenes. Causing wars, conflicts, natural disasters etc. Why do you think the depleted uranium is so bad in the Middle East, why are so many radioactive bombs dropped on the Middle East? Makes sense why they're the largest supplier of energy (humans) and kids being even more susceptible to this poison. They can traffic the hell out of radioactive kids and humans and incorporate them into our our energy process, after they've been organ harvested, raped, ect. Wars are a great excuse to keep the Middle East poisoned. And remember, (No Name was supplying chemical weapons etc) the Middle East has been a victim. Used and abused for human commodity.

This leads us back to the constant conflicts around the world. They need conflict to get victims, the Middle East has been under horrific conflict for as long as we can remember....war, religion etc..... Why? For the resources (human). Who's been causing these conflicts. Above^^^^. All orchastated. For the assets (Us) we are the most sought after commodity.

This is why the House of Saud was so important. That's why they had to oust Prince Al-Waleed. They were running the show in the Middle East. That's why Crown Prince Salman, good, has promised to move away from [traditional energy] because it requires humans. And move to free energy. No more human fueled energy.

See, General Flynn and Princess Diana knew what was going on on. Remember "Flynn knows where the bodies are buried? Remember, what did Diana know? See Flynn was involved in the Middle East nuclear deal, but not because he was bad, but because he's been undercover the whole time. Collecting evidence. Major whistleblower. And Diana learned of this information when she did her one time only, Middle East tour, with Charles, early on in their marriage. See they found out about humans being used to produce energy. And they knew about the Satanic ritual abuse and everything else that's been happening with the victims. They have it all. And so does JFK jr. And POTUS, and all in the alliance. But because much of our energy production is centered around humans, they have to very carefully about the transition, or our our whole system collapses. That's a big part of why they have to be careful about executing the plan perfectly....or it all collapses.

That's what the picture of FLOTUS was, when she was standing in Egypt. The alliance is in control and the middle East and Africa, which has been plundered, the worst, is being given back to the people, freedom.

And remember, many were groomed since birth to destroy the dark cabal. Undercover. And many are still alive today.

This also brings us back to the Nazi's.....
Nuclear power started shortly after WW2, well what do you think they were doing with a the Holocaust victims? The Nazis were apart of the creation of the Nuclear program......yep. Then they were brought to the US, to expand the program and infiltrated our society. Was the Holocaust a front to experiment and to use humans as a way to generate and create energy, for the world. See the Nazi's never lost....they just infiltrated and expanded.

 The the red line.

Remember when Hussein traveled, in 2009 to the Middle East, to sure up all the conflict that would break out, shortly after his visit, while working with the currupt side of the House of Saud. Good guys being ousted, dark cabal being inserted. Remember HRC laughing about killing the Libya president, Gadalafi? This was to sure up commodities(humans), as they transitioned to the NWO. Why do you think they wanted a nuclear war with Russia, to turn us all into freaking radioactive energy conductors.....and fully insert the NWO......

(The children, mankind, God's greatest creation) All an abomination, to destroy God's greatest work. We eat them, we vaccinate with them, their in our cement and they are used in our electricity process. See they are scattered everywhere. And the dark cabal loves that so many victims are incorporated into our daily lives, with us just walking around oblivious. And it's help increase the curse over us and the dark energy.

This is what Diana knew and what Flynn knew and what all those who could not sleep knew.

And they're crushing evil.

Enjoy the show.

We have more then we know.

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