
26 de diciembre de 2018

2 endera, the connection with the gods

by  Manuel J.Delgado
published in the journal Year Zero
December 1998
Website  Thebes

Resultat d'imatges Egypt
Great eminences and anonymous characters from the past came together to ponder what they considered this purpose solemn and spent their wealth and their labors. In the deposits are monuments to the great warrior deeds, to the exaltation of the gods or the confusion of death.

Attending to these buildings we might consider that our ancestors spent his life fighting, praying or dying. And a little more.

The rest of their lives, in most cases, is absolutely unknown to history. Things human, after all.The problem arises when our impressions, and also some clues, break the barrier of academically correct and noticed that everything is not so human, or that  the gods are so abstract  and that called  world beyond  could be closer than we assume.

In the temple of  Dendera , south of Egypt, the presence of these gods is felt as anywhere else.


A full story of stories

exactly 200 years ago it happened a singular fact that has come to be seen as a but on the other hand, a successful scientific military disaster. Known as the "Campaign of Egypt" took on the Nile to 35,000 soldiers and 500 civilians who composed the French scientific elite of that time.

167 scholars and specialists including 21 mathematicians, 3 astronomers, 17 engineers, 13 naturalists and mining engineers, 4 architects, 8 cartoonists 10 philologists and 22 experts in Latin characters, Greek and Arabic were dusted off a lost and mysterious civilization.Everything began to be systematically recorded and reproduced on the orders of the newly created  l'Institut d'Egypt .

On 21 July 1798 Napoleon harangued his troops formed in front of the Giza Plateau with its famous phrase: "Soldiers, from the top of these pyramids, forty centuries look down upon you." As long ago did Caesar or Alexander the Great, Bonaparte came to be considered owner of that territory. Fleeting sensation when history is seen in its broader perspective because in the end the emperors pass and pyramids remain in place.

The clash was called "The Battle of the Pyramids" and the French ravaged the warrior Mamelukes 10,000 enthusiastic riders who ran red with their blood the golden sands of the Giza Plateau. That day scientists were surrounded by an army so busy attacking the enemy and defend such illustrious personalities. But these privileges were weakened as the army, so far from his country, succumbed to the neglect of his people.

English Admiral Nelson at Aboukir sank 200 ships that transported the French expeditionary corps. Neglected by France and abandoned by Napoleon himself, who returned to Paris to prepare for his coronation as Emperor, the troops began to suffer all kinds of shortages.

Ammunition with which to defend themselves, decimated by dysentery epidemics and cornered with no future in the Nile Delta the French expedition was easy prey for the English who retook the territory. Military disaster had to be added the loss of the treasures obtained.The famous  Rosetta stone , was just one of the thousands of objects that changed their destination and instead reach the Louvre ended up in the windows of the  British Museum .

Nevertheless, the French scientists had left the honor of having made one of the best studio work and data collection. And the true triumph of Napoleon's Egyptian wine lands for their rifles but by the pen of its scholars.

The reward for their hardships and their endless hours under the scorching desert sun was the publication in February 1802 of the work entitled " Description de l'Egypte ", composed of ten volumes which are fully reproduced the 837 plates engraved leather and containing more than 3,000 illustrations made along the banks of the Nile.

Geographical, ethnographical, zoological, botanical and archaeological data came to theWest. Egyptology was born.

Buried beneath the sands
French Bonaparte had the satisfaction of being the first to measure the  Great Pyramid  or discover the  Valley of the Kings .

The sands began to be removed and the reliefs again see the light of Ra. And those gods were worshiped, old and when ours had not been born, timidly peeked researchers who dared to contemplate.

Nineteenth century Europeans learned hitherto unknown archaeological sites. One was Dendera. In Volume IV of the Description of Egypt, on the plates 2 to the 34 cartoonists they shaped the status of one of the most beautiful temples there. It started with this study that still has not been completed and full, how could it be otherwise, of enigmas and controversies.

Dendera is a small village located on the west bank of the Nile at 60 km. north of Luxor. Its name comes from "Tentyra" or "Tentyris" which was used in Greco-Roman times, which in turn came from the Egyptian original "ENET-te-NTR". Dendera Temple, also known as "El Castillo del Sistro" or "House of Hathor" is dedicated to Hathor, the goddess of love, joy and beauty, which the Greeks assimilated with Aphrodite.

Inscriptions indicate that the original building was built by those legendary kings known as "the disciples of Horus ". The pharaoh Khufu ordered to build a temple on the same site used by his predecessors mythical. Under the reign of Pepi I , the temple was rebuilt as it was a religious place of great importance. During the XI Dynasty, it was famous for its large library of papyri.

He returned to be restored in the time of Pharaoh Thutmose III, and can be found on the walls the names of other Pharaohs who wanted to unite their cartridge to the importance of the temple, as Thutmose IV, Ramses II and Ramses III. The last reconstruction was made Ptolemy VIII, works that were extended by the Ptolemies X, XI and XII, Cleopatra VII, Julius Caesar "Cesarion" and the emperors Augustus and Tiberius.

In the main building decorations can also read the names of Caligula, Nero, Claudius, Domitian, Nerva and Trajan. In short, while the arrangement of the present temple can be dated between 116 BC and 34 AD, its origin should perhaps be traced to predynastic times.

amazing astronomical knowledge

When Napoleon's troops arrived at Dendera temple at 1.798 struggled to emerge over the sea of ​​sand he was determined to sink.

Your entry only be guessed. And while scientists armed themselves with patience and work to clear the whole military armed themselves on the roof of the temple to defend the position from such a strategic vantage point.

They say that an ammunition box placed on the sand that covered the terrace also slid through a skylight inward. When they got to look they saw that he had opened a path to the upper halls. And one of them made a spectacular discovery when firebrands lit a monolith measuring 3.60 meters long by 2.40 wide, and a thickness of about one meter.

Eight cubic meters of rock came despite 16,000 kg. and he was hanging from the ceiling. For history the discovery was made in 1799 by General Louis Desaix and its astronomical representations was known thereafter as the Dendera Zodiac.

Subsequent studies found that not only the room, but the whole temple was dedicated to the firmament.

Albert Slosman , doctor in mathematics and computer science and contributor to NASA in the  Pioneer projects  on Jupiter and Saturn, said that all the basics of astronomy and astrology were based on ancient Egyptian Dendera.

According to Slosman there is a papyrus scribe of Pharaoh Khufu preserved in the Museum of Cairo and which states that,
 "... in order of Khufu, the Temple of Dendera Lady of Heaven will be rebuilt for the third time on the same site to plans established by the" successors of Horus "on gazelle skins and safeguarded in the archives of King...".
Some scholars as  EC Krupp  indicate that the zodiac was performed in 30 BC and was imported from Mesopotamia.

Meanwhile Sir Norman Lockyer, the famous scholar astronomer at Stonehenge, maintained that Dendera was much older and was built in alignment with Sirius.

For the Alsatian philosopher RA Schwaller, the Dendera Zodiac contains internal evidence of a remote antiquity.

Giorgio de Santillana  and  Herta von Dechend  said the precess been known since ancient times and controlling the Celestre activity and land.

Indeed, a mark on the Dendera Zodiac indicates the north ecliptic pole, along with other hieroglyphs edge of the disk, indicating the positions of the equinoxes at a much earlier era which is dated.

The big problem that arose was mentioned by  Otto Neugebauer  and  RA Parker , who claimed that "extensive knowledge of precession is not compatible with a non - mathematical description of astronomy". For them the Egyptians expressed in allegorical terms astronomical concepts. The paradox is that matched full.

And if they did not have appropriate instruments, where such knowledge came to them ?.

Knowledge that was not acquired by evolution but appeared from the beginning of their civilization even alluding, yes, to the presence of gods who mediated in the feat and were the recipients of such an offering. The ceremony of "stretching the rope" was associated with the foundation of the temple, as it was to place its axis parallel to a rope which connected two stakes.

In the inscriptions of Dendera it indicated that the king had his eye on a star in the constellation foreleg del Toro ( Big Dipper ). IES Edwards  suggests that this rite stretch rope is ancient and mentions the relief found in the sun temple of Pharaoh Niuserre (V dynasty).

If the astronomical alignments and the study of precessional cycles were anachronistic for Greeks and Romans, how is it possible that the Egyptians of the Old Kingdom already knew?


Atlantean gods

Albert Slosman published in Paris in 1976 his book entitled " The Great Cataclysm ", which documents all the evidence that has been obtained the sinking of Atlantis 12,500 years ago and the exodus of Atlanteans until his arrival in Egypt.

This date appears on the zodiac  Dendera  when the constellation Leo on a boat that seems to guide the whole. Date arcana as was also mentioned by the group of astronomers who studied Charles Dupuis Zodiac arrival at the Imperial Museum in Paris (Louvre future) in 1,822.

Apart from the interpretation of the zodiac, it suggests the possibility of connecting Egypt with Atlantis corresponds to the phonetic character of the country of the Nile. According toSlosman the  ancient Atlantis  was called  Aha-Men-Ptah  (Amenta for the Greeks and Amenti in Spanish) whose translation would be the "first firstborn heart of Ptah or Ptah heart" being the main Atlantean god Ptah.

The survivors founded after the cataclysm another country called ATH-KA-PTAH, which means "second heart of Ptah , " the Greek word fonetizaron in  Aegyptos . Therefore the word Egypt would be the new name of the Atlantean country. 

Atlantean priests, aware of the danger that was coming, did build a boat to save his people.Would be the "sacred boats" that appear in all the great temples. A curious fact is that we now call North Africa Maghreb countries being Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria called Maghreb.

This word comes from the ancient "Moghreb" which means "Land of the West or West".

There is no land or civilization from East Africa could well call unless those who once inhabited Atlantis, because only from there could be seen west Africa. The word therefore be another Atlantean contribution.

The roof of the hypostyle hall of Dendera would be a dramatization of the Atlantean cataclysm. In the ideographic interpretation of the hieroglyphs a broken line means "water";plural two lines would indicate "water"; three lines would aim "the Nile flood"; and the "flood" would be represented by five lines. Well, in the temple roof and on the zodiac eight broken lines, the superdiluvio or great cataclysm that caused the collapse appear  Atlantis  and was described by Plato in Timaeus and Critias.

For a large number of scholars Egyptian ancient civilization owes its extraordinary knowledge of the Atlanteans. For  Slosman also also they owe their gods. It argues that Chapter XVII of the Book of the Dead "includes the original theology of the world which have led all ...

The Old Testament is nothing but a copy of the original theology in which  Moses was Prince of Egypt  and, therefore, had been elevated to the High Priest. "The name Moshe, Moses, would not mean" saved from the waters "but "born of water" so it has a connotation with "born of the waters of the cataclysm , " the "firstborn" descendants of Osiris and Horus successors in Egypt.

Moses therefore not be anyone but a prince learned the Egyptian cosmogony and technology of the gods.

Extraterrestrial gods
Atlanteans gods appear in procession up the main staircase leading to the terrace of the temple of Dendera.

The delegation is composed of all those primal gods, successors of Horus, whose pictorial representation in Ancient Egypt shows a clear differentiation from other mortals ... they are green.

The fact is that if the Atlantean theology is identical to that of Abraham and Moses, and therefore the Old Testament comes from it, where are those children of God who joined the daughters of men and they bore children to them would who were the heroes of antiquity?(Genesis, 6-1)

Moses should be aware of the great technological expertise that are great profusion in the temple of Dendera. Because of the famous  
bulbs Dendera " ,  the temple keeps a much more important secret related to energy and its use. Naturally find the gods as characters of all kinds of liturgical scenes, but his procession to Temple Terrace is unknown. What I wanted to represent it ?.

A spiral staircase from the main floor leads to the top of the temple. There are several chapels dedicated to the mystery of death and resurrection of Osiris, and the room that houses the zodiac. At a higher level, which is accessed via an outside staircase, it is the terrace. There is another staircase to climb symmetrical spiral and is intended to lower.

Both stairs are decorated with practically the same reasons although opponents. For one thing, the party of high priests walked toward the terrace carrying offerings and other objects.On the other hand, the priests descended after performing their rites on the terrace. no longer down the offerings, but carrying the same mysterious object that had gone before.

This object, rectangular, carried carefully by several specialists priests, maintains a clear difference when it rises and when it falls. When carried on the rise it is full of snakes cobra, symbol of power in ancient Egypt. But when low cobras are gone, no longer has power.

What could have happened on the terrace ?.


¿Ships landed at Dendera? 
The roof of the temple, except a great view, nothing more.

It is a large square stone surrounded by a small wall that does not motivate, apparently, the procession or gods or priests. But a study of the surface of the terrace offers other incredible nature trails. All over the floor, on a stony surface that would be able to accommodate a basketball court, enigmatic holes arranged in lines are distributed.

A first eye examination indicates that the lines molten metal as the presence of copper and zinc (or lead) is turned seems to confirm the idea. The metal plates would be placed under precise plan, where metals would work according to the purposes of an electronic engineer, because an electronic board is what looks like the upper terrace of the temple of Dendera.

Both the pedestal surrounding the set, for holes that could be used as drains, we think that even the terrace could be filled with some type of liquid to produce effects of electrolysis, a technique known in Egypt since ancient times. Although we were able to only know this technique from 1,831 (Faraday), the Museum of Cairo is full of jewels where the weld between gold and silver produced by this procedure.

The energy that could be obtained from this electronic provision should be used for something, or someone. And only then we would understand why the temple roof was so important for priests. That platform had to do with the gods. Priests which would decrease from the roof without offerings can be interpreted as the top they left to rot or some listillo the collect later.

But the most significant fact is precisely the operation of an object as it appears sculpted, is an exact copy of another special, the Ark of the Covenant. The connection between the Ark and Egypt is not in doubt, nor knowledge of Moses either.

The Ark of the Covenant had electromagnetic characteristics that made it dangerous for any mishandling. Only priests could manipulate specialists. What we see in Dendera is similar. If certain ships landed on the roof of the temple, or priests imitate contacts with the liturgy produced in ancient times, it would be logical to assume that the gods bring to mortals wisdom and technology.

But it is not, the gods came down on their ships to take charge of a charged battery in the sanctum sanctorum  of the temple, for some unknown energies but many have managed tocapture sensitive. The gods had obtained their offering in the form of electricity.

Who roamed the sky gods of Egypt and descended precisely the temple dedicated to the Lady of Heaven, as was described by  Berosso  or by  Demetrio Falera , director of the Library of Alexandria  and author of the book entitled,
"About the lights seen in the sky, bright spots that are occasionally seen in the sky and that has nothing to do with the stars."
For those who believe that the Pharaonic culture emerged from more primitive chaos, the ancient Egyptians worshiped ordinary cows, crocodiles, sheep or beetles.

But some tracks, like those found in the temple of  Dendera , allow us to glimpse that those priests were not so simple source library pleyades

©  misteri 1963 this publication may be reproduced freely provided respecting its integrity and mention the author and source thereof and include this URL and Copyright notice

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