
6 de diciembre de 2018

Archangels for each day of the week

To obtain the help of the angels it is necessary to ask for it because they deeply respect human free will. However, just as you need their help and blessings, they need to offer you their assistance of love. That is why every day you can aspire to have the help of the heavenly angels. The following prayers can help you start your daily work with the angels.

01 of 07
The archangel Michael, prince of the archangels, blesses Sunday.
This first day of the week offers a prayer to San Miguel Arcángel and asks for his protection.
Ask him to help you have strength of will, keep the faith, and be aware of your own power to make positive changes in your life:

Beloved Archangel Michael, protector and warrior of faith in love and Divine Grace, accompany me today Sunday and guide me to the light of God to reach the virtues of the will and faith.
With your divine light, help me find my own strength. Thank you for your presence and help, amen.
Your week begins with strength and faith.

02 of 07

Archangel Gabriel, messenger of peace, master of purity and protector of innocence blesses Monday.
Offer a prayer to the archangel Gabriel to raise your consciousness and ascend to the Grace of God. Ask him to help you get rid of everything that prevents your soul from shining with its true and natural purity:

Beloved Archangel San Gabriel, show me my own purity and innocence, and come with me today Monday to raise my consciousness to God and ascend to His Grace.
With your divine light, guide my path and my soul to shine with knowledge. Thank you for your presence and help, amen.
Your week continues and the bright light that your soul emanates.

03 of 07
Tuesday is full of the blessings of Archangel Camael.
Camael means "he who sees God"
It represents divine justice. This archangel brings to your life the opportunity to ask that your environment works in a fair and fluid way. Meditate on this day with the idea of ​​justice and how you can offer this virtue to humanity.
Offer the archangel Camael a prayer for justice and ask him to take away from you the urge to judge your fellowmen:

Beloved Archangel San Camael, protector of the justice of God, accompany me today Tuesday and teach me to live free of trials. Thank you for your presence and help, amen.
Your week continues with acceptance of the present and hope for the future

04 of 07
The archangel Rafael blesses Wednesday and fills it with the essence of vitality, health and the fullness of life.
Offer a prayer to San Rafael Arcángel to fill your life and that of your loved ones with their blessings:

Beloved Archangel Raphael, healer of soul and body, accompany me today Wednesday and guide me to keep my whole being in harmony. With your divine light, cleanse my thoughts and help me maintain a healthy and vibrant image of me. Thank you for your presence and help, amen.
Your week continues with vitality, health and fulfillment.

05 of 07
The archangel Zadquiel blesses Thursday, the day when you can ask him to help you in the transmutation of your experiences.
Ask Him to fill you with compassion and forgiveness to turn everything bad into good.
Offer a prayer to the archangel Zadquiel to help you achieve detachment and freedom from the bonds you want to overcome:

Beloved Archangel San Zadquiel, who shows me the way to compassion and forgiveness, accompany me today Thursday and lead me to the light of God to transmute into blessings all that threatens to impede my happiness. Thank you for your presence and help to see the good in all situations, amen.
Your week is full of liberation.

06 of 07
Archangel Hagiel blesses on Friday everything that has to do with love, marriage and the feelings of the human heart. It is also known as Anael, or the Angel of Love.
Offer a prayer to the Archangel Hagiel to bless you with grace, beauty, harmony, attraction, affection and affection, and to help you to give them as much as to receive them.
Ask him to help you dissolve the pain, and to reconcile with your love or to reestablish family ties:

Beloved Archangel Saint Hagiel, protector of human emotions, join me today Friday and guide me to the light of God to offer the world and my beloved person all the virtues born of love.
With your divine light, guide my path and help me to be love first and foremost. Thank you for your presence and help, amen.
Celebrate this day with all your being and surrender your love without reservations.

07 of 07
Casiel is the archangel of intelligence that helps you in the most difficult things. "The angel of tears," as it is also called, helps you understand and solve your problems of loneliness and discipline. Bring acceptance, wisdom and humility to your life when you see yourself in strict situations.
Offer a prayer to Saint Casiel every Saturday to end the week with a clear understanding of your path, your goals and what you need to continue:

Beloved Archangel Saint Casiel, protector of intelligence, accompany me today on Saturday and guide me to the light of God to attain wisdom and spiritual discipline.
With your divine light, guide my path and help me find acceptance. Thank you for your presence and help, amen.

© misteri1963 this publication can be reproduced freely provided that it respects its integrity and mentions the author, the translator and the misteri1963 as the source of them.

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