
9 de diciembre de 2018

every breath

mind-body healing meditation eraoflightdotcom

Regards! Heart to heart talk right now, I'm KejRaj (KayRy).
In our world today many people only want tochange. Everyone has this idea of striving to be better. Gentler, more loving, more money, etc. All wish they could undo or redo certain past times, doing things differently NOW.
Well, most do not understand, look, realizes and knows that every time you breathe, with each new breath, are new people. With every breath you take, they have the opportunity to change their lives and their ways. The opportunity to start again so to speak.
No regrets, no doubt, only HONESTY yourself. Do you REALLY want to change your life? If so, you can do it now. It's never too late.
If you procrastinate or let guilt get in the way, stop and ask yourself what you really stops, what 'sstopping you. And as we said before, all problems lead to fear.
So now the only job left for you is to find out why fear change, why afraid to go in a certain direction.
Ask yourself these questions. You will see and feel the answer within. And you can finally move forward again.
You are unlimited. Believe in yourself. Love yourself. Forever!
That's all for today. Take what you want and leave the rest for later; For a true master does not rule out one thing.
Heart to heart, I am KejRaj!

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