
14 de diciembre de 2018

Planetary Liberation: solutions outside world to a failed experiment

Serving the eraoflightdotcom open mind

Misdirected global elite is the central problem on planet Earth. Their whole lives are based on lies, misperceptions and ignorance. Love, joy and power are what they want, but they have none. thereof. Most have no love in their lives, are seen as an asset by others, a means to an end. 
One can say that happiness comes from acquiring more, but material objects do not have emotions. 
 They may have a mansion, have all the toys, but they have very little love within themselves, nor are loved by others who love what they can do for them.
 Your joy depends on your transient material objects. 
Self-esteem of a man or woman is not determined by the amount of gold they have, their mansions, what kind of car they drive, if so, what happens when they lose mansion, gold and the car is wrecked or stolen?
 Rich people often turn to buy love and respect for others, but what others really think of them? The real power comes from one's position in the vibrational continuum. Love, joy and happiness is the highest level.
 Power over others is not power . It is a way back as most satanic cults and end up discovering selfaggrandizement. Worshiping others, to external deities and notestablish a personal connection with the Creator is like a leaky battery.
 Service to others leads to the spiritual ladder where there is real power. Outdo others, harm others or disrespecting life in general creates return. This does not mean living in denial,is said that evil persists when good men do nothing. 
We need to ensure not become what we are fighting. Many tyrants end up being replaced by another tyrant . .
Who are the most loved and remembered people on the planet? What were remembered for? His personal connection with God and service to others. Love, joy, acceptance found inside is the true eternal wealth. You can not even love, joy and happiness obtained by making the very personal connection with God. The global elite has deceived herself. Love is the supreme power, the highest joy is tomake the connection and the personal service of God to others. This ensures your future life and raise spiritual evolutionary scale. Have power over others and gain power and wealth at the expense of humanity and the Earth is a very low state of existence. 

 Ensures spiritual return.  The Global Elite are intelligent, however, are not wise . Most have understood false beliefs, they are part of a generational passing of the torch or are playing tricks themselves. There are some who have taken actions against humanity and Earth to a record low, they are at the base of the evolutionary ladder. Many have lost their connection with the soul and are being used as pawns by even lower on the evolutionary scale unseen negative influences. When you climb the ladder of "false power and wealth", he ends in very dark places. Almost all institutions are spiritually bankrupt at the top. 

I would recommend to the next generation that just have a brutal and honest look at their parents. If you do not have joy, love and are not creating Heaven on Earth, do not follow intheir footsteps. If they are not loved, respected, and do not exude joy or have been serving humanity, the Earth goes. Take a path of honor following the Universal Law where you and your acts are respected. In short, you're doing what's best for your country, your people. Who are your people if we are all souls and spirits that come from the same source? Are you creating heaven on earth? Home care first and then the other.

As you mentioned earlier about how, almost all institutions are spiritually bankrupt at the top, which is an understatement. If most people knew the depth of evil deeds, fall to his knees. It is time for this to be addressed . Satanic cult, Luciferian, child sacrifice, torture, sexual abuse and pedophilia are widespread in politics, religion, film, music and other agencies and industries. This includes deep state of the global elite and their sock puppets filled within the mainstream broadcasting . In many cases, these despicable activities have been registered and used as blackmail. 

Politicians, actors, musicians, shouting louder with unfounded accusations without merit and are illegal in most cases the culprits. Some are blackmailed to agree to corruption and deceit. Most can not handle the truth about the depth of corruption and wicked acts, those responsible will say how dare call it conspiracy and. Some never know. There is nothing hidden. All will be revealed . However, there are always those who refuse to change and those who refuse to refuse to hold out until the bitter end. I will be bitter to them here and in the future. I would not be in his shoes during its review of light. 

The current administration and what many call the White Hats pursue corruption, pedophiles and what one would call the elite ruled in deep state. The Republic and its laws will be restored, financial control will return to the people and the days of tyranny come to an end . We need toaddress the mind control and deception of the deep state and mainstream media. To do this we need to follow the money and meet the goals of the global elite. The goals of the global elite are full control, full spectrum dominanceThey will use all possible means to achieve these objectives. The Georgia Guidestones explain 

They want more than 80% of humanity is gone. They want full control of the masses governed by a few powerful families. They should keep sick, ignorant and divided to meet these objectives . That's why you have chemtrails, inoculations full of carcinogens, mercury and other mixtures to collapse your immune system. Fluoride in water, aspartame, white flour, corn syrup and other harmful food additives. This includes mimics estrogen to desmominosar males. This is often known as gay child syndrome frog. The environment also suffers from these chemicals where frogs, alligators, crocodiles and other amphibians can not reproduce.

 The most obvious is the game of separation card race, gender card and funding organizations designed to create division, separation and violence . The global elite is funding these,-called anti-establishment programs that really are doing the same asglobal elite. This fits the hegelian dialect. Problem solving action or "Order Out of Chaos". "The greatest fear of the global elite is that people are unified, wake up and realize who the dark hearts and what they have done . They are the ones who benefit from war and disease, have financed both sides of every war since Napoleon. 

Are the owners of mega corporations that have been destroying your environment, keeping enslaved by dependence and are behind the lack of production and planned obsolescence. They are also those who stop with deadly force cures and alternative energy. This must be addressed for Humanity and Earth survive and evolve as a civilization. Demonstrations and riots in other countries are not due to gas taxes, global warming, etc. They are against a ruling elite full of pedophiles and tyrants operating outside the Universal Law 

The masses are awakening and soon the global elite, the deep state, sock puppets bit true in the mainstream media can no longer walk the streets. This is global. The global elite and deep, even in other countries, states have failedtake into account energy and a more powerful behind the white hats consciousness. 
Call it God / Creator / Great Spirit, Ascended Masters, the largest family of men, our ancient ancestors who have returned, spiritual technologically advanced and global visitors. They are all part of a larger plan, planetary liberation, awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth.

This cycle is known to the wise, measured by scientists of integrity, ignored, unrecognized or kept secret by tyrants and their henchmen. The spectrum of electromagnetic light in all bands has increased. Cosmic infrared rays, ultraviolet, x, gamma and increased exponentially. We are moving to a highly energized place in space. All the planets in our solar system are going through atmospheric changes. On Earth they will be seen as solar flares and CME, coronal mass ejections. This is followed by severe weather, increased earthquake and volcanic activity, including social and economic changes . 


These energies affect bioelectric fields around the body, they have ups and downs, from extreme fatigue and emotional outbursts until bodily ailments as the body tries to adapt to new energies. Suggest plenty of rest,  meditate, clean and eat naturally. These new energies are creating changes at all levels, especially DNA. Could this be a reason to block the sun with geoengineering dark hearts and what is behind the massive awakening? For this reason, the dark hearts are doing everything possible to keep you confused, off center, sick and misinformed. It's useless. Your world is coming to an end.

 They are not specific frequencies of consciousness and the incoming energy. Because of their choices, they have been found at the bottom of the stairs. Their bodies fail despite their technology and their kingdoms crumble. This is resonance. His only hope is to release the past, aligned with the Universal Law and make restitution, and Stas energy waves that increase exponentially will continue. The next peak will be building on December 16 and willcontinue two days before a few days later . I was also shaken during transmission and was in very large letters QUAKE. A major earthquake is coming in the near future. We try to reduce it 

This was before the earthquake in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle earthquake. Past visions have been accurate and documented, so it seems wise to pay attention. Let 's hope we're wrong. This is not to create fear, is to prepare and for those who are dealing healers. Also pray and clears your leaders. They are under a serious attack of black magic and other negative influences invisible. The light will prevail. Take care. James Gilliland Posted by 

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