
7 de diciembre de 2018

post What is Happening Here is New and Unique – Part 1/2

In 2013, Archangel Michael  observed:
“You are the masters who inhabit the planet of Gaia, who walk this beloved Earth in this period of miraculous change, and in a period of change that has never been experienced, on Gaia or elsewhere.” (1)
“You are the first who are going through this process,” St. Germaine informs us. (2) The process that’s new is: (1) we’re taking our bodies with us where before this was not possible before and (2) we’re doing it, not as individuals but as a whole planet.
If I understand the Plan correctly, we’ll actually be constructing the first environments in the new space – that everyone else who follows our Ascension process will arrive into.
Consequently, as the  Great Divine Director explains, humanity as a collective is “living together on a planet that has a special place in the Universe. “
“Together you are creating and building the first step for the entire Universe to step upon, as each level and dimension of being rises in level.” (3)
The Arcturians agree that our Ascension will have an impact that extends well beyond our borders.
“There will be a whole solar system [merging]. You were seeing the whole solar system ascending. And as the whole solar system ascends, the galaxy ascends. There is a flashpoint that goes on and on.
“And, Gaia, who has taken on this deep clarity and this great challenge of separation and limitation, is a key factor.” (4)
The newness of our Ascension makes us unique, as the Mother acknowledged:  “This is unique. It is a new creation. Can you imagine, my son, in all this expanse, that this is new?”
She offers one or two details:
“It is physical and it is spiritual. But it is not to the exclusion of – either/or.
“Now, will there be individuals particularly depending upon their, can we say, ancestry or roots or dimensionality that prefer the prayer and meditation route, that can receive the guidance and say, ‘This is what the blueprint looks like’? Yes.
“And are there those that are more comfortable picking up the hammer or the CAD drawings to construct Nova Earth or the cities of light? Of course.
“But it is the cooperation, it is the unity.” (5)
The unity comes from the fact that, ascended, we’ll be swimming in love and bliss. The Mother says: “Unity is love! Yes, I know, it is confusing. Love is everything, isn’t it!” (6)
In the Ocean of Love, where’s the place for disunity? Provocation? Who would provoke? And who would be provoked? Not the person in this loving, blissful state.
As for cooperation, there’s no reason to compete. We have everything we need already and can never lose it – love and bliss – with the added ability to manifest what we want and need. The desire to compete disappears.
Archangel Michael stresses how rare newness is in the cosmos:
“This glorious Ascension … that it is being done while maintaining the physical vessel, … is something that is brand new.
“Do you know, my family, how rare something new is throughout the multiverse? It is rare and it is precious.” (7)
Ela of Arcturus, one of SaLuSa’s group, reminds us that “it is not that the event itself is unusual, as all proceeds upwards in the cyclic nature of evolution.” (8)
“Within your Universe you are however about to experience Ascension in such a way, that it is correctly described as unique. You are privileged to be part of the process of Ascension, but more so as you will ascend with the higher expression of your physical body.
“It may not sound special to you taking part in it, but experience is what you seek all of the time. To be as it were, the pioneers of a special dispensation from the Creator, and to be on Earth at such a time is truly worthy of such fine souls as you are.” (9)
Tomorrow I’d like to look at what all this means for us.
(Concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) “Archangel Michael: Expect Miracles – Part 2 The Event and the Chaotic Node,” Aug. 7, 2013, at
(2) “Transcript: St. Germaine Discusses Self-Esteem, July 16, 2013, Part 1/2,” July 18, 2013, at
(3) “The Great Divine Director: Climbing up the Spiral Staircase,” channeled through Tazjima, July 4, 2013 at
(4) “Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians on Heavenly Blessings,” July 2, 2013, Part 2/3 at
(5) “The Divine Mother: We are Creating a New Species of Humans,” channeled by Linda Dillon, July 10, 2014, at
(6) “Video and Transcript: Universal Mother Mary’s Mother’s Day 2017 Message: Resurgence of the Tsunami of Love, May 14, 2017, at
(7) “Archangel Michael: Swept Away in a Tsunami of Love — Part 2/2, channeled by Linda Dillon, January 9, 2014 at
(8) Ela of Arcturus, Mar. 9, 2009, at Jacob’s Ladder of Consciousness or the Staircase to Heaven, as the evolutionary arc from God to God has been described, “proceeds upwards in the cyclic nature of evolution.”
It isn’t that.
(9) Loc. cit.

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