
1 de enero de 2019

Human Evolution

God said:
Beloved, on October 23rd, 2018, Mike, deeply desirous of Godwriting, publicly wrote to Me, God, on the Heavenletter forum. Interestingly, Mike entitled his question:
Human Evolution:
Dear God, Mike wrote, I wish I could communicate with You directly.
Mike Wagner
I said:
Beloved Mike, you are not the only one seriously desirous to Godwrite who feels this way.
I, God, guarantee that you and everyone who seeks to hear Me, and perhaps a few who are not quite so eager to hear Me, will hear whispers from Me when you let it happen, when you get out of the way, when you don't decide ahead of time that you must have fantastic Godwriting! Yes, you may even have quite ordinary Godwriting, what do you care?
I guarantee that you will get into the swing of Godwriting. Sit back and allow Godwriting to happen.
You are not the Godwriter, I AM. Godwriting is natural. You do not make it happen. You offer yourself to receive it. The Godwriting that you hear and write down does not have to be a miracle of miracles. What you hear from Me does not have to be world-shaking. It doesn't have to be spellbinding. You don’t and can't MAKE Godwriting happen. You can only allow it to happen. This is the thing about Godwriting – it's EASY. In fact, unless it’s easy and blossoms on its own – it isn't Godwriting.
Do you think I strain for Words? Nor does Godwriting have to appear in golden light with Heavenly music. Just let what comes come and accept it at that. Let go of the idea that you are to be some kind of super-duper Godwriter. Keep following the trail.
At the moment when Godwriting actually happens in a Godwriting workshop, even then, a few or more aspiring Godwriters are ironically confident that they will NOT catch onto Godwriting, how could they? In their minds, they are no great shakes. But who said you have to be a sensation, anyway? Not I.
You are an ascending Godwriter who wants the sun to shine from your fingertips. All you have to be is an innocent humble human being who wants to be closer to God, is this you?
There is a point in the safe environment of a Godwriting workshop, after you first write down My Words without paying too much attention to them, when you read back out loud the humble words you receive in a small group, even then, what you write down may still may not seem "good enough" to you.
When new Godwriters listen to what they read aloud and begin to "feel it", as Hollywood might say, they feel “something” from hearing themselves read the written words out loud.
The thing is that nothing momentous has to happen. It’s fine if it doesn’t. Godwriting isn’t hard work. It sure isn’t something you concentrate on. You don't strive.
What can also happen as you read out loud the words you hear or sort of hear, you may well find your heart touched by these words you hear yourself read out loud. Taken unawares, you too may find yourself crying a little or a lot, not that you have to. What has happened?
You begin to feel the power of what comes from your hand. It isn't your own writing – except as you are One with Me, that is. Simple words come to you from Me. There is no way in particular that Godwriting has to look like or sound like or anything at all. The Godwriting that you receive may not be what you thought you would hear.
Everyone's Godwriting has a style of its own. And each Godwriter may have something of a style or filter of his own.
Ahead of time, no one writing on My Behalf has a ballpark idea of what a specific Heavenletter is about until it has written itself down. You aren't following a scenario.
In a good way, you are the last to know. It’s great not knowing! You simply want to receive whatever I happen to want to give you. There is no cut and dried formula. Be open to come-what-may. Be open to all glad tidings, Beloved.

Beloved, the same as in life, Godwriting isn’t about filling in the blanks.
The world seems to like to use outlines to fill in. This is not the case for Me. Not God! Not I! I am spontaneous and extemporaneous. I am Infinite. I am also instant. This is how Godwriting occurs. It arrives as it arrives as it happens to. You are not usually offered a preview is what I mean. The stream of My heart flows to you and enters you This is a great blessing given to you on Earth, this gift of life. Avail yourself of it.
Godwriting arises as it arises. An instance of Godwriting may arrive in steps of installments. One word leads to another, one sentence to another, one paragraph to another and so on. You do not necessarily know what what an incipient Heavenletter is going to say before it is set down in front of you. Even then, Godwriting may not be set in stone. Godwriting is a fluid carefree thing on its own.
As it is, you are My stenographer. You play a significant role, yet you do not play an all-powerful role, rather, a side-role. Beloved, you may not be so keen to take on much more responsibility anyway, true?
Some Godwriters may receive the heart of Me in short snatches. Some receive Me in long extensions. Beloved, you are not the decider. You are a modest receiver. What comes, comes. You are blessed with My vibration as you catch on to it.
It is interesting to Me that Mike, the asker of the question who had prompted an earlier Heavenletter, saw the topic of Godwriting as related to Human Evolution. Yes, there is a connection, although I had not thought of this connection until just now.
Of course, evolution is ongoing. Evolution has been taking place right along. A burst of energy blazes forth. Evolution is not cut and dried. Perhaps no one can affirm that human evolution will complete itself. Evolution rather simply moseys as it happens to.
Of course, evolution goes beyond the physical. Physical evolution is one slice of life.
It is no surprise to you that Our beloved animals also communicate on deeper layers. You have known the sweet day to day essences of canines. You have read about how elephants ascend high and stir and coalesce or exceed your beautiful human heart.
It is no surprise to hear that blessed sensate animals hear God and have a keen sense of respect for the Higher Power called God.
What can Godwriting be but greater awareness? Certainly a sensitivity of a subtler nature. All the physical senses merit more appreciation than you may give them day in and day out. Life, as it is, may be taken too much for granted. It is a great thing to be alive on Earth. Hold life high, yes, will you? How you become like a lit torch.
What can there be that hasn’t already been going on here on Earth to Our delight?
There is Infinity. We spend Infinity together. There is nothing like life in the world than what you are in the midst of at this very moment, is there?
Life is a high-stepper. Thank God for life as it occurs in the world. You access life on Earth as a blessing given to you unto you fresh from God at this very moment. Think well of life as it comes to you. What an enterprise you are on! Hallelujah

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