
26 de enero de 2019

Release of the GCR

Bruce Intel 1/24/19

Today is a day like Tuesday until more intel came in before the call tonight...ok
Iraq has done yesterday the parliament passed all of the seating...the oil and gas percentage for Kurdistan came out to 12.46%...passed ...
Abadi was put in VP to take over if needed ...Iraqis budget is based on oil revenue which is down and the budget is listed in billions and millions of dinar not in trillions so this is baded on a revaluation of their dinar...waiting on the announcement of their rate ...tomorrow is last day of Davos so if they announced it there it will trigger the rv

There is verification if acvount information going in paymasters are liquid and ready to pay out for tier4A...and tier4B us..will be notified at the same time tier 4A gets liquidity

The schedule is set for us to go to the redemption centers and the tier 1 banks have rates up sndbthe schedules are upnforvthe nextv18 days to be at work..things are going on that might be going before the weekend and if not it would beire likely Tues is what he is getting ..things arw moving forward but slow and the GCR was released in China  yesterday ...hard to confirm but it will move from east to west...the government shutdown does not havw anything to do with the rv but more of the cleanup that needed to happen and as the bulk of it has made it safe for us...

The Chinese want this 5 days before the 5th of Feb ..the public  to go Feb 14th...

Our USTN in banks proof of that a week ago...and at the redemption centers if you want cash you czn get the new currency

You know the drill of the process and rhe intrest rates will be great and we are all set and if you dont know whay to do you can have a session with Sue for a fee...we are right where we need to be

This is an event that we were chosen to be involved in and to bless HUMANITY as well

Praying us out and stay in faith to bring this in ASAP..GOD BLESS YOU ALL THANK YOU TO EVERYONE ALL OVER THE GLOBE

We love you all and stay in faith let this blessing come in for us

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...