
10 de enero de 2019

🌎Sanat Kumara: protect and establish boundaries is more important than nunca❤

SANAT KUMARA vía Genoveva Coyle

Dos manos sostienen luces brillantes
 Two hands hold bright lights Greetings dear! I AM Raj, I AM Sanat Kumara, holder of the Planetary Logos, teacher and implementer of the Universal Laws, his beloved brother and family.

It gives me pleasure to come here today to talk with you and to communicate with you, with this New and wonderful Me. I love you and this New You, but we understand that it does not come with many instructions on how to navigate these times of transition.

I would like to help you to have the most pleasant and pleasant journey forward, despite the quagmire of chaotic energies that revolve around you.

And yet, while you have to immerse yourself in this world that is changing so fast, and where fear seems to be screaming in everyone's ears, you are asking and praying for answers about how to constantly maintain that high vibrational position.

And you ask me: "How do we travel the world, living our lives and yet we are not of the world?"

I understand your dilemma, since you did not have the previous experience of being reborn as an ascending master in form and then you returned to submerge in the third dimension, with a slight but significant change in your awareness of who you are.

In previous lives, the ancient way in which you had attained ascension was to isolate yourself from the world and renounce everything you had so that you would not be distracted or tempted in the old superficial ways of life.

And that was a way of life that many of you remembered with ease, since it was a clear shortcut, black and white, but nevertheless, a very arduous path to the ascension to return to the heart of the One.

These memories are serving you well, dear hearts, to maintain your direction and the direction of light. But this time, you had decided to do it as you walked through the chaotic energies, and for some of you, this is while you are still processing some remaining core problems.

It is not more difficult than the past, the individual journey of ascension, and it is not easier either, it is simply different.

On this occasion, as you did in your previous lives, you need to constantly maintain that awareness of where your energy field is traveling, and how strongly you focus on another place instead of remaining completely in your loving hearts.

That does not mean that you are not seeing, interacting and communicating briefly with other beings in your daily trips, to work, to recreation or simply to being.

But are you able to really feel and see what the intentions of others are?

Are you setting your clear and strong limits on each level of your being, while at the same time keeping your hearts open and bright?

Very often, we see that they extend their love and open themselves completely to the members of the family of the closed soul, as well as to the most distant beings who appear in their path, thus becoming more vulnerable to their less than loving energies, which many They rush to send their way consciously. and many times without a clear understanding of the consequences.

Therefore, protecting and setting limits is now more important than ever!

Do it before you interact closely with anyone, especially if you are an empath and a healer, and every time you plan to go to crowded public places.

Keep your hearts open and light your light, because your love is strong!

When your whole being is filled to the brink of loving energies, there is no way that anything less comes close, no matter how attached and affected you are.

But when you concentrate on what is less than love, what can happen during this period of transition, then you tend to diminish your vibration, even if only in a few parts of yourself, thus making you vulnerable and attracting negative energies.

When that happens, take quick action and, while aligning with the Law of love, the Law of repulsion,

Dear hearts, this applies to the members of the family of your near and sweet soul when it tends to diminish your defenses, even when you feel that there is some disturbance and discomfort.

In the old way, you have allowed your energies to reach you, and you have even taken them as your own to process and transmute, as you love these sweet souls and feel that you need to solve all your problems.

You have lowered yourself to your energetic level, and thus have lowered your own vibration, trying to help and comfort them.

No longer! This is not out of love for your sweet self, nor for all the others!

This New You requires honoring self-love, gentle and constant, and maintaining high levels of integrity.

Call me, dear ones, when you are in need, because I come to help you with great joy. Congratulations I am with you always and closer than ever!

Goodbye for now.

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