
2 de enero de 2019

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie: MERGING WITH YOUR MULTIDIMENSIONAL SELF A great “New Years Resolution

January 1, 2019

A great “New Years Resolution”

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Ones, We the Arcturians, are sending you Unconditional Love and Violet Fire for the year of 2019. We also send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire into ALL the moments of the NOW that will continue throughout your entire incarnation on Gaia. 

We, the Arcturians, wish to remind you that a powerful “New Years Resolution” would be to focus on welcoming the many higher dimensional versions of your own Multidimensional SELF into your daily, third/fourth dimensional consciousness. 

As you allow the energy fields of 2019 to expand your process of ascension, myriad aspects of your Multidimensional SELF will come into your awareness to remind YOU that we, the Arcturians as well as other members of your Galactic Family, are ready to merge with you during the myriad events of your daily life!

Then we, the members of your Higher SELF, as well as your many lives on countless timelines, worlds, galaxies, and dimensions, will begin to connect like pearls on a necklace. It is through this “linking with your Higher SELF, that you will realize that your Multidimensional SELF is the pearls and YOU are the string.

When your physical world becomes too challenging, only one expression of the many versions of your Multidimensional SELF may seem too much. However, it is only “too much” when your consciousness is limited to your third dimensional earth vessel. 

On the other hand, as you progressively live in surrender to YOUR Higher self and allow the Oneness of the NOW to be revealed to your heart and mind, more and more aspects of your true, Multidimensional SELF will come online in your daily life. 

These higher expressions of your SELF will come online because you are allowing your daily, “human consciousness” to recognize and merge with your Galactic “multidimensional consciousness.”

By accepting the knowledge and wisdom of higher and higher dimensional expressions of your SELF, you will remember more and more about living in surrender. 

Before you took your current earth vessel, your Higher, Multidimensional SELF, reminded  you that: 
When you live in surrender, 
Life is revealed as a holographic movie in which 
YOU are the primary character.

This character that you are ‘playing’ while wearing your 3D earth vessel, has learned, and remembered, myriad important things during your many incarnations on Gaia. 

One important thing that many of you are remembering, and thus incorporating into your consciousness, is an increasing sense of your own wisdom, your own power, and your own unconditional Love! 

We, your Arcturian family, wish to remind you to increasingly connect with the ever-expanding reality of your Multidimensional SELF. Your Multidimensional SELF is the collective of your higher dimensional expressions of SELF. 

Your Higher Dimensional SELF, who is within the you that you once thought of as your ‘individual life,’ will increasingly come forward in your daily life.

Each of your “seemingly” individual lives, are rich and challenging in their (your) own unique way. Then, as you increasingly and consciously connect with more expressions of your Multidimensional SELF, you will also regain your conscious connection to the myriad worlds, planets, galaxies, and dimensions to which these versions of your SELF resonate.
Whenever you accept another aspect of your Multidimensional SELF into your conscious awareness, that SELF brings its entire stream of lives, realities, and expressions on many planets, star systems, galaxies, and dimensions. 

If that is not enough, you will also share parallel and alternate realities, as well as intermingle with possible and/or probable realities, that may or may not have occurred if you had not chosen to allow your consciousness to “wander through” and “intermingle with” with all these lives are occurring simultaneously within the NOW of the ONE. 

Each of your apparently singular expressions of SELF has myriad expressions of SELF that live in countless realities with infinite potential. ALL of these expressions of your immense Multidimensional SELF are connected with each other. In fact, they are merged with each other. 

“When two aspects of a person and/or reality are connected, they become attached, but when they are merged they overlap. Within the areas, that of overlap, the two seemingly separate persons, places or things are ONE. 

All these myriad realities and potential realities exist within your Multidimensional SELF in different dimensions, as well as in differing stages of formation. However, only third/fourth dimensional realities are bound by time and separation. 

Fifth-dimensional experiences are free of the encumbrance of time. Each third/fourth dimensional reality is interacting in a ‘time-dance’ of potential, beginning, occurring, ending and concluding. 

It is vital that our many visitors to Gaia’s Earth perceive as many “potentials,” “beginnings,” “occurrences,” “endings” and “ongoing realities” as possible to give them the greatest understanding of “being a human on planet Earth.”

In fact, the Galactic Visitors to Earth wearing human forms have perceived that more and more 3D human forms are beginning expand their perceptual fields to be able to note that the third/fourth dimensional energy patterns are beginning to transmute into fifth dimensional energy fields.

It is important that humanity understand the difference between third/fourth dimensional energy fields and fifth dimensional energy fields. As humanity’s perceptual field begins to expand into the fourth and fifth dimensions of reality, their entire “perspective on life” will change.

For one thing, life is not just being “dead” or “alive.” Also, life is no longer based on “getting what you want,” or “trying to change.” In fact, third dimensional life is no longer based on just third dimensional perceptions.

Not only is humanity’s fourth and fifth dimensional dreams, meditations and creative “ideas” becoming more and more important, but the frequency of the dreams, ideas, and meditations that are being explored.

Just as a higher frequency note of a song is quite different from a lower frequency note of a song, the frequency of your thoughts and emotions are becoming more and more perceptual to the “awakening humans.”

The awakening humans, are expanding their consciousness to encompass the differences between different frequencies of different energy fields, as well as “what message is each energy field carrying.”

 More and more members of humanity are beginning to advance into perceiving more and more of what is occurring within the ONE of the fifth dimension and beyond. 

Your Multidimensional SELF can pop-in or exit-out from any reality as simply as opening or closing a door. However, each dimension of your SELF has many different observations and questions such as:

·     Does your third dimensional self perceive reality as being physical and bound by sequential time?

·     Does your fourth dimensional self perceive reality as being of the fourth dimensional Astral Plane in which time shifts from past, present or future, but is sequential within each timeline?

·     Can your fifth dimensional SELF perceive the higher dimensional reality which is filled with Lightbodies interacting within the HERE and the NOW of the ONE. 

·     Can your sixth dimensional SELF perceive the NOW of each reality from the perspective of the core light-matrix of every being and location.  

·     Can your seventh dimensional Oversoul SELFsimultaneously perceive the NOW of all the realities in which you have, are or will have, form as ONE ornate and complete “matrix of expressions.” 

·     Is your eighth dimension and beyond SELF no longer bound by form and exists as pure consciousness in different stages of returning to Source. Are all realities perceived as fields of energy, which you influence with your force of unconditional love?

Meanwhile, your third-dimensional expressions are having a difficult time experiencing only one reality at a time. How can your physical self connect with and understand these myriad phases of countless realities? This understanding has to do with how you store information in your brain, which works much like one of your computers. 

Do you remember how your early computers were limited to a small amount of information? You would have to print out the information or store it on physical disks so that your computer would not become overloaded. All of these copies and/or disks were third dimensional and each of them was separate. 

Each disk of information had to be stored in a physical place and categorized so that you could find it when you wanted to access that information. If you forgot where you had stored that information, it was very difficult to retrieve it. Sometimes you would have to go through each disk and/or printed copy in order to find what you needed. 

There is much more storage within your present-day computers. Also, even if you are not good at organization, you can retrieve any information by writing it in the upper right hand corner of your computer. Not only can your present day computer store much more information, but it can also store infinite amounts of information by putting it into the “Cloud.” 

The “Cloud” is huge, beyond your imagination and all the information stored there intermingles with the other information. You can easily find your own information by typing its title on your computer or other computerized devices. The Cloud maintains everyone’s anonymity, meets everyone needs and is automatically upgraded.

Your Multidimensional Mind operates much like the Cloud. Just as many individuals gathered together to create the Cloud manner of storage, the many individuals within your Multidimensional SELF are working together to gather all the information about all the expressions of your infinite, multidimensional SELF in your version of the Cloud, which is your Multidimensional Mind. 

Can you now consider your Multidimensional Mind as a ‘CLOUD of the NOW’ where All information is stored in a non-manifest manner? When you access the Cloud of your Multidimensional Mind you access all your own personal and collective information from all your realities. 

Everyone shares this Cloud/Multidimensional Mind, as it resonates to the fifth dimension, which is beyond time and/or separation. We are not advertising a new technology. We are reminding you that technology reflects how many humans are remembering that there is a place where everything is always stored.

 This place is your own Multidimensional Mind. As your personal consciousness expands to encompass your multidimensional consciousness, your third/fourth dimensional brain expands to encompass your Multidimensional Mind.

Your Multidimensional Mind lives within Unity Consciousness with all the myriad expressions of your SELF, as well as with all life. When you remember to access your Multidimensional Mind, you can gain answers to everything that you have ever experienced in any reality and any version of your Multidimensional SELF. 

Your challenge is to release the third-dimensional thoughts and emotions that bind you to your third-dimensional thinking. You may ask, “Do I release my 3D thoughts first or my 3D emotions?’ The answer to that question is, “Either/or thinking binds you to your third-dimensional brain.’”

Thoughts and emotions interact in a constant dance of creation and manifestation. When you remember that all your thoughts and emotions are expressions of your state of consciousness, it will become increasingly easier to calibrate your listening to the frequency of your SELF with whom you are communicating. 

When you remember how to listen to ALL frequencies of your SELF, you will remember how to listen to ALL the frequencies of the life around you. For example, if you can listen to your own fifth dimensional SELF, you will be able to communicate with the fifth-dimensional elementals. 

When you listen with your fourth-dimensional emotions, you will be more able to hear the aura of the plants and animals around you. When you can consciously ‘listen to all life,’ you move into the ‘unity with all life’ of your innate fifth-dimensional consciousness. 

It is not an easy task for a ‘modern’ human to allow a hummingbird to tell you why it chose that flower, or to listen to the flower that the hummingbird has chosen. 

You may find that it is easier to begin communication with all life via the fifth-dimensional unity consciousness of your Multidimensional Mind. You can begin by paying attention to your fourth-dimensional meditations and dreams that are trying to assist you to remember how to commune with all life. 

Whatever your state of consciousness, please remember that the greatest leaders are the servants to all that they lead. As you travel around your area, see not how each area is different. Instead, realize how each area of Gaia’s beautiful body is united within the ONE of Her Being.

Just as your hands, feet, voice, hearing, seeing, digestion, breathing, thinking, feeling etc. appear to be separate, but are all a component of YOU, all the different areas of Earth that you will visit, commune with, bless and transmute are components of Gaia’s Oneness. Gaia is teaching humanity how to live within the ONE, but humanity must listen to the “language of Gaia” if they wish to understand Her messages.

We the Arcturians are HERE within your NOW to assist to remember how to
Listen to your Mother Planet!

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