
15 de febrero de 2019

Archangel Michael, The Council of Radiant Light: Your Infinite Powers

Divine One,
We come to you today, to affirm you and remind you of who you truly are. We begin by saying: your knowing is clear. There is nothing wrong here. You have direct access to everything in life. Everything is possible for you, no matter what the present moment feels or looks like.
It is important to you, for you, in this moment, in any moment, to begin with a fundamental premise about Life and your Life in embodiment: there is nothing wrong here.
Begin with the premise that All Is Well, including YOU, your life, your choices, your body, your current state of being…EVERYTHING. Start with the assumption that ALL IS WELL. This means EVERYTHING!!!
All Is Well.
Everything that is, is something that is. It is just something that is. Nothing more. Nothing less.
There are many beautiful things to feel and notice about everything that is. That is how it is.
Learning this is liberation. For you. For everyone.
What you feel in life is not dependent on what-is. What-is, reflects what you think, to be sure. But what-is, even if it seems to be showing up as a reflection of less than what you want, still has within it, the potential for alignment — the potential for being a point of focus that can bring you into fulfillment, joy, happiness, ease, and well-being.
Learn to see the beauty in the moment. Learn to use your focus creatively, selectively, with imagination, so that you feel the way you like feeling.
More than anything, we want to show you, teach you, support you, remind you that you are a CREATOR. And by this, we mean and express explicitly for clarity’s sake right now: A CREATOR who is UNCONDITIONALLY CREATIVE!
Nothing limits you. Nothing.
You are capable of creating your state, your energy, your life, no matter where you are now and no matter what is going on. Nothing – no person, not your history, not your past experience, not your parents, not limiting ideas you internalized when you were young, not the “bad” food you ate yesterday, not the “debt” you have now, not the feelings you have that make you sad… nothing need limit you.
And nothing does limit you.
You are infinitely powerful beings of light.
Infinitely powerful beings of light.
These are not just words.
Some people reading this will laugh at this. Will think this is metaphysical crazy-woo-woo-stuff. But it’s not. And it’s okay if someone feels that way. All choices are valid here.
Life is energy; waves collapsing into particles and taking shape in forms made real through the focus of consciousness. How is consciousness focused? By you. Consciousness is flowing into focus, through each and every person in your world. Each of you lives in a world of your own making. Some people think the world is falling apart and others who are looking at the same things feel joy and optimism. It is of your own making. It is about how you use your focus.
You might consider this as being about attitude. Your general approach to life. We like the word attitude. We’ve started using it more lately because it speaks to a general tendency in mood. You can choose an attitude that benefits you and practice that, or not. You can continue with the position about life that is familiar, and you will get much more of what-is. If you love that, more power to you! Do what you want.
Just know dear one, that there is more.
There is more available to you than what you’ve yet experienced.
You came here FOR the experience of never-ending expansion. You came for the ongoing unfoldment of newness and the feeling of creating your own life and experiencing what you create. That is why you are here.
Expression, and experiencing your expression is LIFE. IS what it’s all about. Everything else you’ve been told about life and the purpose and meaning that is yours, are stories. Stories that you can embrace and use, but made up and optional, entirely optional.
Everything you are experiencing right now is entirely optional. Ponder that for a moment, please.
Nothing is predestined. Nothing is “meant to be,” except you being here, free and resourced to Create. All else is flexible. Plastic. Fluid. Dynamically responding to you, to your choice in focus, to your vibrational state – the way your presence is emanating and that is a combination of how you are focused now and your current momentum of mood, of attitude, of belief. All of which you shape, perpetuate (most of the time) and can recreate to your heart’s desires!
Discovering that you are infinite and powerful, here, is a choice of radical freedom. Learning how to allow yourself to live this radical freedom, is about continually permitting yourself to be who you truly are. This means allowing yourself to change, to choose, to think differently, to be different. It is you embracing your innate capacity to be deliberate – to choose how you are focused. Reclaiming your innate powers, this radical freedom, comes about when you allow yourself to explore, practice, feel, notice, discover how you work! How life works in connection with you. This way of being can feel more and more natural to you as you learn to listen to and trust yourself.
You can learn to live in ways where you are continually feeling capable and connected, confident and free to be you, here. This is about clarity. Clarity and coherence. This is not a given; this is a skill that is remembered, learned, practiced. The order, balance, the harmonic perfection of who you truly are, expressing here, without inhibition is a state of being.
For most people mastering life in this way is a progressive experience, and one of great joy. You change how you’re orienting, and you practice using your focus differently. You notice what works what helps, what produces better feeling states, more clarity. You learn to be more relaxed with yourself. You remind yourself of what matters to you.
As you becoming more and more skillful, you feel the way you like feeling more often. So the entire experience from here to wherever you’re choosing to flow is one of mostly joy, and lots of expansion, growth, remembering, opening and experiencing changes in feeling and manifested life. Changes that show you, you’re altering the way you’re being, and life is listening. Life is always rearranging itself, for you, based on what you’ve made real. What you’ve treated as important.
When you live, allowing yourself to notice the connections between these things and honoring the inner knowing you have about who you are and how life works, you practice yourself into an attitude of empowerment. You learn you can trust your inner knowing and you can do this.
Or not.
You are equally capable of practicing yourself into an attitude of disempowerment. That’s the nature of being powerful here – in a world where the choices are wide-open!
Momentum is something that works in whatever direction you invest your energy. The more you think in a particular attitude or approach life in a particular way, the easier it is to live that way and orient that way and feel that way and expect and act in ways that correspond with that approach to experience.
Given this, it takes a bit of focus and effort to change your attitude, to create the momentum of a new mood in life. Learning you can do this is a beneficial skill. Learning you can do this and that it takes a little time for things to feel different and show up differently, is very helpful to you.
We want you to feel confident about living your life. We want you to feel happy, free, capable, supported, and clear about how life works. We want you to discover the pathways, the ways of living – focusing and being – that serve you. You can build the daily habits of behavior and focus that keep you in the groove of expecting wonderful and knowing who you truly are.
That is what we’re all about and what we’re excited about sharing with you. That is the aim of our communication and all the invitations we offer to collaborate, connect, learn, practice, experiment and expand. Everything we are transmitting to you and expressing here, is given because we love our role and that is our role: to support you in being here, as fully and freely as you decide you’d like to be.
Lastly, dear one, we want you to truly hear us when we say this: All Is Well, no matter what you choose. No matter what you do. Everything in LIFE benefits from you being you as you are you, now.
You are a tremendous gift to Creation! Just as you are~!
You are so beautiful. Your life and all you emanate and shape – all you Create, is so enjoyed, so deeply appreciated!
Everything that is, is expanding because of you and we want you to feel how joyous that expansion is! In ALL that you are choosing.
No matter how you are feeling now, you are still, a powerful infinite creator.
We know that you love feeling good and of course you do!
We suggest that you learn to use your innate powers in consciousness, for joy. We invite you to rediscover your unconditional capacity to create!
We remind you that you came here knowing we would be present within you and transmitting to you, through messengers like Ailia and others, and more importantly – that you have within you, direct access to everyone and everything you will ever need to be who you truly are, here.
You came here knowing you were fully resourced, supported, loved, perfect, eternal, inviolable, capable and FREE. The enthusiasm you felt about embodiment, was a passion beyond words.
Feel within you now, for the truth of what we have offered here.
Trust your inner sense of what is real and important for you, now.
Let everything else go.
Choose yourself. Value yourself. Cherish yourself. Love yourself. Celebrate yourself.
Reclaim a confident, informed orientation to embodiment, here and now.
Live as the Powerful Infinite Being You Are, here!
Begin where you are. Start here, now. Pause for a moment and “put on your optimistic glasses.”
Tune your consciousness, to the frequency of possibilities and expansiveness.
Feel the stillness within you and how it opens to spaciousness.
USE YOUR FOCUS in ways that serve you!
You are One with Everything that is.
Anything is possible!
Big aims. Small steps. Begin with your attitude and adjusting it to serve your aims.
Start now. Now is perfect! All is well and you are free.
Give yourself permission to Create!
Be who you truly are.
We are complete. I AM Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light.
» Source » Channel: Ailia Mira

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