
13 de febrero de 2019

lethal doses: how much coffee, beer, salt or water needed to kill a person?

Already said the alchemist and Swiss physician  Paracelsus : 

Everything is poison, nothing is poison. Only the dose makes the poison. 

That also applies to substances that are harmless in normal doses, but in very high quantities can kill a person what point how much a completely safe food becomes a lethal poison? 

The lethal dose of a substance depends on many factors. It depends on its concentration, but also the weight of the person who eats what, how ingested, age, or the strength of your metabolism. For that reason the amounts here are mere approximations by way of scientific curiosity. 

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When it comes to toxicity, the most widely accepted measure is what is known as median lethal dose  or LD50 (Lethal Dose 50) which is the amount, in milligrams per kilo of body weight, which kill 50% of the people who ingested. 

In its very definition it is already the idea of inaccuracy. Half of subjects undergoing such massive doses could survive. Science simply considers the toxicity LD50 sufficient guarantee to not calculate the LD100. 

This is to safeguard lives, not to calculate murders. For the figures we headlines we have calculated the LD50 for an adult weight of 75 kilos. 

Caffeine: 93 espresso coffees

The chance of dying from drinking too much coffee is often the subject of many conversations ... over a cup of coffee. Fortunately for those who can not live without this wonderful drink, the amount of coffee needed for caffeine (the active ingredient of coffee) reaches a lethal dose is very high. According to page  Coffee Faq : 

The LD50 of caffeine is 10 grams. However, this lethal dose varies greatly from one individual to another. In general, it is considered that taking 150 milligrams of caffeine per kilo of body weight can kill.Following this calculation, a 50 kilos die after ingesting 7.5 grams of pure caffeine. A 80 pass away with 12 grams. In children, the dose is much lower (35 milligrams per kilo of body weight) because they metabolize caffeine much slower. 

According to the National Coffee Association A small cup of expresso coffee 240 milliliters is between 65 and 120 milligrams of caffeine. The difference is due to the different varieties of seed and way of preparation. In short, if we assume that we are taking weak coffee (65 milligrams per cup) A person could die with 75 kilos 173 cups of coffee. If coffee is powerful (120 milligrams), enough Faq 93. Coffee estimated that the lethal dose results in a number between 50 and 200 cups of coffee flip.

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If we talk about tablets 200 milligrams of caffeine, a 75 kilos would be in serious danger after taking about 56 pills. Symptoms of acute caffeine poisoning are tremors, vomiting, tachycardia, arrhythmias or hyperglycemia. 

The recommended caffeine for an adult daily dose should not exceed 300 milligrams (5 expresso coffees or 12 cans of Coca-Cola)

Anyway, it 's not a good idea to abuse the coffee. According  Coffee InformerA healthy adult should have no more than 300 or 400 milligrams of caffeine a day (or 6 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight). Applied to different beverages, that translates to five cups of expresso or almost twelve cans of Coca-Cola. On page even have a  calculator  to determine the dose according to your body weight. 

Of course, we are talking about pure caffeine, not everything else that has an associated product like Coca-Cola. If you drink 12 cans of Coca-Cola caffeine a day will be the least of your problems. Which brings us to the next point. 

Sugar: 2 kilos

We all love sweets, but the modern diet has too many added sugars. The problem is not so much sugar that we take coffee, but the sugars incorporated into the composition of many products such as soft drinks.
Again, the amount of sugar it would take to kill someone is so high that no stomach than resist. 

According to tests performed in rats, the LD50 toxicity of sucrose (table sugar) is 29,700 milligrams per kilo of body weight. If we extrapolate to a human of 75 kilos, we are talking about 2.17 kilos of sugar eaten spooned. Ugh! 

In case you were wondering, a can of soda has about 39 grams of sugar. To achieve a median lethal dose of sugar (for a 50 kilos) based Coke should be 38 cans of soda or just over 7 two - liter bottles. 

One can of Coca-Cola already exceeds recommended by the World Health Organization daily dose of sugar

The big problem is not the sugar dose causing acute poisoning, but chronic poisoning. The World Health Organization  recommends that only between 5 and 10% of the calories we consume daily come directly from sugar. 

In a healthy adult, that's about 25 grams of sugar a day. A can of Coca-Cola provides 39 grams. The list of health problems resulting from this so gluttonous diet is  long  and ranges from tooth decay to obesity, diabetes, liver problems or even pancreatic cancer. 

Salt 4 tablespoons

From the sweetest of deaths to the saltier. How much salt is enough to kill a person? The answer is quite low.

There is a good reason not to drink sea water, and salt is particularly toxic in relatively small doses. The  lethal dose  (ingested) LD50 in rats is 3,000 milligrams of salt per kilogram body weight. 

In adult humans enough between 0.75 and 3 grams of salt per kilo of weight to kill someone. If we consider the low (0.75 grams), an 80 kilos of weight can die with only 60 grams of salt ingested at once. 

According to NPR, a tablespoon of salt and 15 grams they are so urban legend may be true in some cases: four tablespoons of salt can kill. Probably you do need more, but it is better not to risk to try it 

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In countries like the UK every adult eats about 11 grams of salt per day, of which 75% comes from processed foods. The point is that most of the salt is usually removed with the water we drink. 

In 2011 a 55 year old woman committed suicide by drinking a full bottle of Japanese soy sauce 

Salt is not only lethal in its purest form Some foods rich in sodium chloride can be equally dangerous. In 2011, the medical journal  Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine  reported the case of a Japanese woman 55 years diagnosed with depression who committed suicide by drinking a bottle of soy sauce. Symptoms of  hypernatremia  acute include convulsions, cerebral edema and coma.
Resultat d'imatges Picture coffee and tea

Water: 6.7 liters

Yes, even water is toxic if we drink enough quantity, and that amount is much smaller than it seems. In fact, if someone tried to kill himself by drinking Coca-Cola or coffee would die for excess water before the caffeine will take effect. 

According  Science-Lab  LD50 orally water is 90 milliliters per kilo of body weight. 

This yields a lethal dose of only 6.7 liters (13 bottles of water of 50 centilitres).
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How to kill the water? Like salt, water affects our body at the cellular level. If you eat too much water at once and our kidneys are not able to process it , the body stores it in the tissues. 

In most areas, the cells have room to expand after absorbing excess water, but the brain is not one of these areas. The excess can produce a cerebral edema. It is an extreme case, but it  has happened  several times in adults. 

Alcohol: 13 shots

Is bad to drink much we know, but how many beers must be taken to discuss a potentially lethal dose? 

Just look up to see that, in an extreme case, the beer would kill us before their amount of water for its percentage of alcohol. 

The lethal dose of ethyl alcohol or ethanol is 7.060 milliliters per kilo of body weight. In other words, enough a pint of alcohol to a person of 75 kilos. 

In pages  Compound Interest , however, they calculated that figure much lower and ensure that sufficient 13 shots followed by a hard liquor like vodka (40 degrees concentration) to kill an adult of 75 kilos. 

Each shot or shot has about 45 milliliters. It all depends on the tolerance of the person or physical condition. Also greatly it influences the time of intake. 

The body makes superb to process large amounts of alcohol over a whole night work. The next day, the hangover will remind us that excesses are never good, even if we do not reach a lethal dose.

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