
20 de febrero de 2019

"Ready! Set!" by Kat - 2.20.19

Entry Submitted by Kat at 1:25 AM EST on February 20, 2019

Hi Dinarlandia,

After years of “Anytime now!” we can be forgiven for being a teensy bit skeptical. However it’s always good to assess one’s readiness for when the RV is a go. Going over my list helps me clarify my visions and dreams. 

So, as I understand it, the following are some essentials needed to bring to our exchange appointment:

1. Several forms of ID, including a photo ID, (Driver’s License and/or Passport,) and a Utility bill with a street address.

2. If you have a bank account, suggest bringing a few checks from it, or a latest statement, in case you wish to deposit funds into it.

-Or ask for a cashier’s check so you can deposit it yourself.

3. Have your Currency counted, sorted and written out neatly for yourself and your exchanger.

-[I made copies of mine so I’d have the serial numbers.]

-As an extra precaution, bring your Currency receipts.

-However, as Ron Giles always points out, they already KNOW who we are and what Currency or Bonds we’ve bought.

-You will be redeeming ZIM as it’s a Bond, and exchanging Currency—IQD, VND, IDR, etc.

4. Bring 2-copies of a 1 or 2 page outline of your Humanitarian Plans, and/or clearly outline what you intend to do with your Currency.

5. Collect business cards from everyone you deal with and/or write down their name and phone numbers.


-Do not leave your exchange without paper-proof of what just transpired.

6. Regards signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement, you can decide that when you’re there.

7. I have written down questions to bring with me, and I am bringing a friend (a fellow Currency-holder,) to witness and help, as well as to drive. I expect to be too nervous and excited to drive safely.

8. Either at or after your exchange, you will be making appointments with your accountant, lawyer, wealth manager, etc.

Regarding the safety of our funds, Ron Giles recently answered that question:

“Kat, when the RV is released, yes the funds, are going to be SAFE and will not be stolen from us. The QFS has no place to hide stolen funds. The Block Chain Technology would show where the funds were hidden. Every time a transaction happens it resets the 40-transaction thread and the funds are always accounted for.” (Thanks again, Mr. Giles.)

"Questions from Kat" by Ron Giles - 2.1.19

Archangel Michael’s advice for us after our exchange is to B-R-E-A-T-H-E:


-DO NOTHING for a few weeks (at least!)

-ACCIMATIZE (Possibly do some body work: A massage, sauna, yoga, etc.)

It has been suggested that we DO NOT PAY OUR DEBTS immediately. GESARA may be implemented at the same time as the RV and GCR, or soon after, in which case, some debts might be forgiven, such as mortgages, student loans, credit cards, medical debt, tax debt, all countries that have debt, etc. GESARA may launch a Global Debt Jubilee. 

For a re-cap on what GESARA might do, here is a great link:

GESARA: No Poverty, No Hunger, No Debt, Global Prosperity and Peace /

The suggested paradigm for us to consider after the RV is:

A) First help yourself.

B) Then help your family, friends and community.

C) Then help the world—Gaia, her Kingdoms (Animals, Elementals, waters, air, lands, etc.,) Humanity—All.

I’ve been on board with this planet-changing prosperity plan ever since I heard about it: Flood the globe with a tsunami of abundance and wipe out all the horrors of 3D. 

I’ve always thought it was a wonderful idea, as a transition, to let loose millions of Googolaires who long to help lift up everything and everyone with abundance, light and love.

But Currency-holders are not the only ones who will prosper. ALL will prosper in myriad marvelous ways. Hooray.

The great news is, WE ALREADY HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY to clean up our planet and to heal and feed everyone, but those technologies were withheld from us by the cabal whose mission had been to destroy Gaia, her Kingdoms and enslave Humanity.

When the RV is a go, the cabal will be done and dusted. That is an unceasingly thrilling thought.

Here are three of my favorite quotes about the RV, and our Ascension with Gaia, to 5D: 

“Be brave!
You will not be mocked
when you ask for the High Sovereign Rates,
needed to fulfill your mission
and heart’s desire
of service and healing for Earth,
yourself, and all upon her.”

~ St. Germain

“It is vital that you see this immense wealth
as a way to ensure
that your dreams come true!”

~ Sheldan Nidle

“We will be the storytellers of the Universe
because everyone wants to know,
what was it like being human
living in forgetfulness,
and having to struggle,
from total darkness
to the light.”

~ Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba


With blessings of peace, joy, health and prosperity to all,
xo, Kat

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