
14 de febrero de 2019

Sananda's message about and after the ascension. part 2

Some people had thought that, since they are going to leave this plane, they would not need to feel a 'bond-attachment' to their old bodies, since they are going to get new ones.

This is not the case. The bodies in which they are now, are those that will remain for eternity.

Do not be alarmed, I do not mean that they will continue being 80 years old, or that they will continue to live with their backs twisted or the excessively large ears with which they were born, unless you take this option (decide) to make it so .

No, you will be taken to the chambers of Light, either in the Arcturian Ships or inside the Hollow Earth, where they will be renewed, restored to perfect health, where the missing members will be able to grow back, and where they will be able to experience the life of new as a young adult.

Most choose an age around "25 to 30 years" in Earth time, but there are no hard and fixed rules about those things. You can choose your height, your shapes, your color and your facial features.

As soon as everyone 'sees-sees' several people who have 'left' and come back healthy, happy and young and their resplendent presence among them is evident to all, everyone will begin to work seriously to raise their vibration.

Your soul energy will be recognizable to anyone who has known them in this life.

Each one of us carries a particular energetic 'signature-mark' - "his essence" - which is a combination of his thoughts, feelings and physical presence, and there are no two beings alike.

Meanwhile, Mother Earth will maintain itself, with the help of a powerful Galactic presence, in such a way as to allow those who are still in the 3rd dimension to continue in that way until all have ascended.

Therefore, it will not be possible for Mother Earth to remain in this pattern of waiting indefinitely.

As many of you have understood, it is a matter of the Cosmic Law that nothing remains static; all the energy in the Universe is in motion.

There will come a time when everyone must choose (decide) to ascend or they will be taken to another place to continue incarnated according to their taste.

So you see, no one will be left behind, since they will be able to return to Earth, if they wish, to help those who have not yet assimilated the lessons that occupy us, and that is that everyone must finally make the transition to the 5th dimension, and the sooner they do it, the better.

All who remain on Earth at this time are able to learn the lessons necessary to ascend.

There will be tutors, mentors, classrooms and meeting places, so that everyone can study and raise their vibration.

It is an individual choice, made between the Higher Self and God. The decision will not be because they have failed but because Mother Earth has to move forward.

This is not a punishment, nor is it a failure. There may be some younger souls who decide to continue their lessons instead of ascending.

The waves of people moving towards the Ascension will be so visible and so convincing that there will be a turning point.

The inflection point was almost reached then, but it is not such a regrettable thing that it could not continue to develop fully at this time.

Yes, we were close (of the date), because many of you were ready to ascend, but many still were not.

There will be our radio programs, the healing sessions for the Ascension, and others will teach special energy techniques.

As more and more people read the messages from Mother / Father God, she calls them: "When God pinched my toe", and Kathryn's Ascension manual, "Who Needs Light?"

Kathryn is going to travel around the country to teach the 'Centered-Visual' to large groups, which will start them in balance and Center (of themselves) for the final push towards graduation. It will be a glorious time, and a very busy time for all.

With the translation of all the messages, beginning with Kathryn's first story of how she was contacted by Mother / Father God, and continuing through what will be a collection of 200 messages, people will be able to read the soothing words of encouragement and wisdom that helped people prepare for the Ascension, before and after December 21, 2012 and beyond.

It will be easier for people to identify and begin to dissolve the pain of the past, the most important key to clearing their conscience and to give way to the Light of their being and shine.

There will be tears of relief and tears of joy flooding the planet.

publishedEverth Thenansehed through Joan Ashtar Copyright © misteri1963 all rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author 

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