
7 de marzo de 2019

walking / learning toward the perfection of a light body

The media, especially in the US, are still pumping out stories that are made to create the greatest effect of fear, because I still believe the horror stories receive the most attention. They have not paid attention to the effect of videos of cute kittens-on the Internet, where some of the videos most visited are kittens hugging dogs and cats hugging babies. Our hearts are touched and we uplifting to see these gestures of love, especially when it comes to such an unexpected source. 

They will not be asked to make the jump to 3D the 5th dimension without understanding what that means. They have special classes, classes on how to raise your vibration, and the lessons of what to expect when you pass through the portals to the "Promised Land." Olympic feat that will have to meet is to achieve 100% to be the best of you - the person who came to be here. His inner being, which is also the voice of your Higher Self within you, is pushing to express themselves You are going to learn wonderful things, Beloved, all of you who are preparing themselves for Ascension. Now we are encouraging concentrate deeply on these studies, and in perfecting his art in a more intense and concentrated than they have ever done so before. 

They have lived their lives every day, every moment, perfecting his knowledge of what really 'Son - Eres'. They may have been 'drawn-sections-pulled' a little occasionally, but in the back of his mind, where your Higher Self still reminding them of their true nature, that they always know ... this is what I I'm done, what I really am. Those of you who have been reading the messages of Mother and Father God and other teachers in recent years are well informed, and therefore are not afraid of what comes to you. There is no greater satisfaction in life than being really, truly brilliant Being of Light that were created to be.

No deadlines as we can see, as they are constantly changing events that bring their own impact on the flow of all things. In fact, they are so eager to cross the threshold that are so impatient, and that's of course a lesson for you because it is something they need on "acquiring control" -. A reminder of waste from a stressful life based on deadlines and expectations. It really will be the joy ride they've been waiting for all their lives. Once you reach higher dimensions, they learn what it means to be truly at peace with one of the deepest way possible the same. 

Each of you is in the development and training of their own "Olympic event" and will require dedication and focus to elevate themselves to the top of the excellence that will be achieved at last to cross the gulf between the experience of 3rd and 5th dimension the abyss of which I speak is the same tunnel toward the light and which have traveled many times before, at theend of each life. I do not mean by this that there is a black hole where they can fall, the opposite - will be welcomed into the arms of their loved ones home at last. It's a relief when they find the way back to the center of your being. It's as delicious as deep breathing, as peaceful as this

The difference is that this time take your body with you, as we said. This is your destiny, Beloved, become the best example of themselves can become, and only you and your Creator can really know what that perfection. 

published Everth Thenansehed through Joan Ashtar Copyright © misteri1963 all rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author will be credited and this URL https: // and the Copyright notice

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...