
14 de febrero de 2020

We have reached the last phase of this long road: gold is imposing itself as a currency

[13/2 5:38 p. m.] Yesus Redondo Bonivento: Zurich 馃嚚 馃嚟 13 February 2020

Dear colleagues and collaborators :

I hope you are well!

We have always been told that the payments are: THE OTHER WEEK... but thank God now it's true, because many private jets have landed in Z眉rich with the buyers, which is a good sign that we're finally getting serious!  Some of our colleagues have been working in these businesses for 20 years without losing hope of payment...

They are hereby informed that they have already been paid at:

Tier 1= Governments

Tier 2= Real families

Tier 3= Senior Military

During this second week of February, you will be paying

Tier 4= Civilian persons

At this last level we have the majority of consultants and intermediaries dedicated to the Global Currency Recovery.

Congratulations for not losing faith in God, for their tireless effort, positivism, longevity, enthusiasm, integrity (quality of the person who faces a problem or difficulty with serenity and strength), discipline, endurance (the ability of human beings to adapt positively to adverse situations), perseverance, etc., waiting for our turn to come at last... without earning a penny.

We have all sacrificed our families in order to succeed in these businesses, just as sometimes we had to give up our doctorates on standby, but thank God it will be worth all these sacrifices!

God is good and He never leaves us nor forsakes us! He has always provided us with everything we need to survive in the midst of this battlefield, surrounding us with people who have become angels to us by helping us in every way possible. 

Some of them went to heaven because for lack of money they could not receive the medical care they needed in the hope that they would pay for these businesses....waiting for their reward... but we remember them with much admiration, respect and love for them and their families.

We have reached the last phase of this long road, thanks to God!  Let us not forget that these funds are called: prosperity funds, whose main objective is to carry out humanitarian aid.

Definitely all this has not been easy, we all have long and incredible stories to tell since we all know that before receiving great blessings always the enemy rises to prevent us from receiving them ... but they are already his last kicks of drowning ... because God has already given us the victory in Jesus' Name.



         PATRIC 馃彟馃捀馃

[13/2 5:47 p.m.] Juan Jos茅 Grisales Zapata: Gold is the currency of Zimbabwe

A loaf of bread in Zimbabwe has gone on to cost over Z$3 billion. It is now also available for 0.1 grams of gold. Others sell their 100-billion-euro notes on Ebay for just over 20 euros.

A young Zimbabwean shows a crumpled banknote with gold nuggets inside (The Guardian documentary)

Specialized courses and training programs

Mugabe reforms the central bank


LD (Luis F. Quintero) If it weren't for the drama behind the astronomical figures that Zimbabwe's hyperinflation has reached, some of the news coming out of the African country would take on a comical tinge. The value of the local currency is zero. A loaf of bread costs just over 3 billion Zimbabwean dollars. For months now, washing up with money has been more profitable than buying toilet paper. Moreover, prices are rising at a rate that many analysts already estimate at billions of per cent.

Zimbabwe's monetary authorities have already allowed the use of foreign currency as a means of paying for goods and services, but officials continue to be paid a pittance in local currency, causing social unrest to increase exponentially. More than 80% of the country's rural schools remain closed and their teachers are on strike demanding salaries that allow them to eat.

As a result, the only way for the population to buy food is to obtain foreign currency or pay with gold. This means of payment has spread strongly among the rural population. Businesses in many of the country's enclaves only accept gold to sell their products. A loaf of bread costs 0.1 grams of gold.

In the villages, women and children dig their knees into the muddy waters of the rivers trying to find traces of precious metal and claim, according to The Guardian, that without 0.3 grams of gold a day, they will not be able to survive.
As far as attracting foreign currency is concerned, the picaresque is imposed. Those who manage to access the network of networks have begun to offer local banknotes on auction sites such as ebay, in order to capture some money. Thus, for example, Z$250 million notes are sold for 6.5 euros. 250 million, which is less than 0.00008 euros. In other words, with EUR 6.5 you would have more than half the monthly salary of a teacher in Zimbabwe.

One of the most expensive Zimbabwean banknotes on the net is the 100 billion dollar bill, which is paid at almost 30 euros

In any case, many of the individuals who offer their Zimbabwean tickets on the Internet are not from the country, but are people who have obtained these tickets and now offer them for sale.

If you don't find gold, you die.

A report in The Guardian newspaper shows how the rural populations of the African country are struggling to get their hands on gold so they can put something in their mouths. The method they use is to separate the stones and the mud from the rivers in search of the precious metal.

The situation is even more dramatic for the disabled and the elderly, who cannot search for the precious metal themselves.  "If you're old or disabled, you're dead," some say. They claim that "without the search for gold, you cannot survive". Only the young have the strength to dig and wash gold in the rivers. The old have only the chance to rely on a friend or family member to feed them. Neighbors in the village of Scrabble confess that some parents have been forced to feed rats to their children. Hunger already creates family conflicts.

These small supplies of precious metals have thus become crucial to Zimbabweans' access to trade, food, or bread.

A young girl digs for gold in a river (The Guardian report)

Fundamental in Zimbabwe

Gold is a primary precious metal in the country's economy. It accounts for more than 50% of mining production and a third of export earnings.  However, the sector has been affected by mine closures in the last five years. The production costs, exorbitant in the heat of the country's hyperinflation and the shortage of fuel and foreign currency signed the death of the mines.

In 2007, gold deliveries fell from 21,300 kilos to 13,000 kilos with the excuse that mineral reserves had begun to circulate on the black market, where revenues were much higher.

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