
13 de abril de 2020

What is the Flower of Life?

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What is the flower of life? I’ve been asked this question many times and I try to answer it the best I can. In short: This symbol called the “Flower of Life” or “life’s flower” consists of 19 overlapping and interconnected circles. It always consists of 19 circles – no more and no less.
The Flower of Life originates in one circle and all other circles are built up around that. That means you begin by drawing one circle and then continue drawing all the other circles around it. This symbol of the Flower of Life belongs to Sacred Geometry which believes that all life is part of a divine, geometric plan. All structures known to us are following this plan. Evidently, the Flower of Life is a very important geometric symbol. I will elaborate on this thought further on.
This is how the symbol should look like:
Many see in the Flower of Life a symbol that represents or depicts the cycle of creation. This symbol shows that all life and consciousness arises from one source (this being the first circle).
The next 6 circles are identical with the cell division process. Therefore, the Flower of Life is seen as a model of God’s Creation. The name “Flower of Life” stems not from a flower imagery but from the cycle of a fruit tree.
When observing this cycle we can see that the tree grows flower buds and these eventually transform into fruit (pear, cherry and so on). The fruit carries the seed within and when the fruit falls on the ground these seeds eventually create new trees. This is the cycle which turns from tree to flower to fruit and tree again. It’s fantastic and reveals the miracle of life :-).

The cycles of the Flower of Life

Let’s take a look at the several stages of the flower of life’s creation

With the first circle our journey begins

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Flower of Life’s Symbolic and Geometric Meaning

The Flower of Life’s harmonic circular structure seems to magically attract us. As if this ornament is constantly changing, if you look closely, many
different forms and patterns become visible. This is what it felt like for me when I started to study the Flower of Life. I observed the symbol and
detected so many different things. If you then start using colors and paint the Flower of Life you will discover so much more.
Just like many other symbols and ornaments the Flower of Life carries a hidden message which you cannot simply decipher by yourself – you need a little help to read the message and this is what this website is for :-).
If you connect the several intersections you will get a new picture. This new ornament is called the Metatron’s Cube.
Metatron’s Cube contains all platonic solids such as Tetrahedron,Cube, Octahedron,Dodecahedron and Icosahedron.

Platonic solids in Metatron’s Cube

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If you look close enough you will discover these platonic solids within Metatron’s Cube. In his book “The Flower of Life” Drunvalo Melchizedek talks of a
so-called “Merkaba”, a star tetrahedron. This symbol can also be found in Metratron’s Cube. Following Drunvalo Melchizedek, the Merkaba is the energy field that surrounds us.
Drunvalo Melchizedek says that the most people’s Merkaba is not activated anymore. He explains in this book how the Merkaba can be activated again. I
practiced this sort of meditation for some time and will write about my experiences in a separate blog.
Isn’t it fascinating to see that such symbolism is hidden within the Flower of Life’s pattern? This fact awes me again and again. Harmonic symbols that evolve without any outside force are called Sacred Geometry. I’m sure that everyone knows ordinary geometry where you construct shapes and forms by means of measurements. What is Sacred Geometry then?

Sacred Geometry = Harmonic (Whole) Proportions of the Earth

Sacred Geometry reveals the harmonic energy patterns by which nature creates and designs.
Sacred Geometry is a vital element in all spiritual traditions. Every tradition used a unique symbolic language to preserve their knowledge about the Geometry of the Universe and its design.
Christians = Cross
Jews = Tree of Life (Kabbalah)
Celts = Spirals, Triskele
Hindus = Sri Yantra, Swastika
Chinese = Yin Yang
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Tree of Life – Judaism
In the Kabbalah every circle is aligned with one chakra, called Sephirot. Every chakra represents a certain space of energy in the human body. The Kabbalah symbolizes the flow of energy in human bodies. If this flow of energy is blocked the energy can’t move freely.
The Flower of Life is of importance to many other cultures that either directly or indirectly knew of its meaning. Unfortunately, this knowledge has been lost or merely exists in parts. The Flower of Life carries great spiritual potency. It cannot be denied as the symbol appeals to us, seemingly magical, on
a subconscious level.

Leonardo da Vinci and the Flower of Life

Leonardo da Vinci studied the Flower of Life and its mathematical properties. He drew the Flower of Life and various components such as the Seed of Life. In his artwork, da Vinci drew geometric figures and forms such as the platonic solids, a sphere, a torus and many more as well as the Golden Ratio of Phi. All of these forms can be derived from the Flower of Life.

How to Use the Flower of Life

The Flower of Life is put to use in many different ways nowadays, e.g. as a Flower of Life sticker (Flower of Life products) or a Flower of Life painting on the wall. Many people like to wear the symbol as a pendant on a silver necklace.
You can also find the Flower of Life as drip mat for water carafes or fruit bowls. I also saw the symbol printed on beddings and sheets :-). As you see,
there are many possible ways to use of the symbol of the Flower of Life.
I started a new blog series where I test a variety of Flower of Life products and recommend those that I like. If you know a product I should try please
send me the name of the manufacturer and I will use it in my test series “Flower of Life Products”.

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