
10 de mayo de 2020

He is confirming your intel that SKRs have been made liquid to be accessed at T4A/B start; he's confirming that the intel saying the codes have not yet been entered is misinfo--

Fleming at 5:30 Eastern p.m....Our military intel contact just got back:
. He is confirming your intel that SKRs have been made liquid to be accessed at T4A/B start; he's confirming that the intel saying the codes have not yet been entered is misinfo--he is confirming your source saying that in fact the codes have been entered for some days though he added that there are still multiple levels of code implementation to take place as the shotgun start is being initiated behind the scenes; he is confirming your info from Chinese Elder M1 and M2's info that 800#s are underway and about to come out; confirming your source being on mandatory standby for phone call release as of today Thu 5/7; confirming Yuan has now taken the place of the petrodollar ; and the gold-backed, asset-backed USN already RV-ed last Friday 5/1.

. He is confirming your contact's info that "a notable paymaster indicated yesterday Wed 5/6 that we had entered a 36 hour window for the commencement of the RV release [he said this is APPROXIMATE and DEPENDENT of many factors in process right now that he cannot detail] ; he is confirming your contact's "government connection [who] confirmed [that] all audits and tests were passed [as of today Thu 5/7] to allow us to go forward; he agreed that "we are no longer waiting for news, but only for notifications" [pending factors completing behind the scenes, he said, that he cannot detail for security].

. He is confirming your contact who heard from "independent sources that release of notification email authority was given late last night Wed 5/6 PDT" to happen any moment going forward (has to be vague on timing for security);
. He said for the security of all he obviously cannot comment on timing whether notification "emails began 45 mins ago" but he said STAY READY FOR THEM. Other than that he has to stay tight-lipped about timing.

. He said that intel saying that the RV release is still a week out (mid-May) is disinfo; he said it is any moment now (though he cannot specify what the current timing is and what factors are affecting exact release timing behind the scenes currently); but he said that the timing is seen in exchange bankers and staff in the redemption centers and paymasters today Thu 5/7 who were being told by UST that it's imminent and who are sitting on the edge of their seats for the RELEASE to HAPPEN AT ANY MOMENT NOW; he confirmed the info from Snake's WF banker that the notifications and exchange-redemption start MAY or MAY NOT start us by tomorrow Friday 5/8; he said most bankers will not know it's a GO till the precise moment UST (UST team, State Dept team) confirming the green light in the midst of a GLOBAL WAR being executed RIGHT NOW STILL with Deep State operatives; he said he is sorry that it is frustrating and disgusting to some bankers and to some of us currency-holders alike, but since HE IS NOT ONE OF THE DECISION-MAKERS, he says we need to ALL CHILL OUT and REALIZE WE ARE ON THE RAZOR EDGE OF THE SHOTGUN START, keep PRAYING IT IN and RIDE THIS WAVE IN TILL IT GETS US TO SHORE SHORTLY NOW.

. He said ANOTHER SIGN that WE ARE RIGHT THERE is that yesterday Wed 5/6 (a day earlier than expected), the USA (POTUS, DoD and the Alliance) released Iraq to vote and seat a new Prime Minister (Al-Kadhimi) with over 50% of his cabinet already seated and in place; he said this is a HUGE sign that the shotgun release is about to initiate, and this is also shown by Iran earlier this week having RV-ed, dropping 4 zeros and changing its currency name from the Rial to the Toman; he confirmed that Iranian citizens will start exchanging in Iran within the next 10 days to the new Toman currency, and this also shows that we are RIGHT THERE at the STARTING LINE; he said the redemption center staff will show Rial holders how to exchange them at the 1ST APPT.

. He said that the Alliance has been taking down GESARA-non-compliant govts and even though he cannot specify progress on that (he has to be vague on timing for security); but he said that the fact that Iraq was released to vote and seat the new Prime Minister & 50%+ of the cabinet yesterday Wed 5/6, shows that progress on GESARA compliance globally is winding down so they can start all nations at any time now (he added that this is one of several key factors in exact timing of release);

. His info is the exchanges-redemptions are tax free by the gold treaty stipulations but there will be taxes on Structured Payout program (annuity investment program) interest payouts annually by the IRS/Treasury and by individual states; he said this will be fully explained at the 1ST and 2ND APPT; if IRS representatives are present in the 2ND APPT it will be related to this and your WM and team will happily represent you and your desires to all Federal govt representatives present at the 2ND APPT.
. He is confirming your info that the 1ST APPT to 2ND APPT debit card cash cap has been increased from $140 million to $250 million.

. His info is still that the RV will produce more money than can possibly be spent globally by currency holders and bond holders and beneficiary recipients of all 27 payout categories; but he added that there will still be pockets of deep need in this and other countries, as shown in the USA by the fact that the Small Business Administration expects 40% of small businesses to fail in the next 6 months, so there will be a lot of people in need even after the economy is flooded with Universal Basic Income monthly payments to citizens and SBA forgiveable loans; he said IT WILL TAKE US T4B CURRENCY HOLDERS INTENTIONALLY PAYING IT FORWARD (PIF) through our WMs, private banking teams, attorneys, and foundations, trusts, and other structures to HELP MANY AROUND US POST-RV THAT WILL NEED INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY FINANCIAL HELP, JOB CREATION HELP, BUSINESS CAPITAL HELP, ETC. So he said we need to really think it through post-RV and PAY IT FORWARD, as each of us was chosen to PIF for such a time as this when the economies of the world need to be rebuilt and this planet deeply needs to be fixed and healed.

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