
10 de abril de 2021

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self: Forces of Light Accelerate Actions



top self image eraoflightdotcomMore than once recently, the Light has been in a position to take control over the Dark Ones, only to face threats of carrying out atrocities on such a scale thatthousands of lives could have been lost. But by granting them he has not stopped the plan that is still taking shape to weaken his power base.

Furthermore, arrests of Illuminati members continue at a rapid pace, and there will be no truce until their web of negativity is destroyed to allow peace to descend on Earth.

The blockade of Covid19 has created an opportunity for the Forces of Light to accelerate the actions that are being taken with record results in the capture of Illuminati members. Rest assured that the Light remains the dominant force and is winning the battle for the freedom of the people of Earth.

Dear ones, you are on the road to success as the Dark Ones' plans to achieve their goal have failed. Consequently, the trillions of dollars spent creating a virus to spread its evil attempt to kill millions of people have failed. That is why the virus does not have the intended potency or the ultimate goal for total control of the world's population.

Of course, there is a cost to pay, but it is miniscule compared to what could have been. Your experiences have made you strong and many are ready to take their place in the higher vibrations. It gives you the experience necessary to assist other souls on their journey, so that those who feel ready to advance to the higher dimensions have every opportunity to do so. However, no one is left behind without help and those who are still awakening to the truth are being guided to give them the experience they need to rise up.

All souls on Earth at this time have been selected for the benefits the experience will bring. It will accelerate your evolution and avoid the need for many more lives on Earth. We know how difficult it is to experience the negativity that comes with duality, but it is a quick way to meet the challenges that will propel you forward.

It is too good an opportunity to miss and we will do everything we can to help you get through it successfully. Few souls realize how much outside help is being given to them on Earth, which means that they are being given so much help that they need to ascend. Those who can't do it this time will have another chance with a greater chance of making it through with our help. After all, as long as you learn from your experiences, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be successful.

You have successfully made it through the last solar cycle, so this period is an opportunity to move on. It is also the reason why it has attracted so much attention, as it is such a special occasion that results in Ascension on a mass level.

Clearly, not all souls are ready for it and the experience at this time will surely help you expand your level of consciousness. It is the key to your continued evolution and the opportunity to become a Galactic Being. It is your destiny and something to look forward to that will leave negative energies behind to never again interfere with your evolution as they have done before.

Please remember to focus on all that is positive, to avoid empowering the dark ones by engaging with negative energies from which you thrive. Don't you see that all their actions are calculated to cause negativity that feeds their needs, so stay calm in all circumstances and don't get carried away by arguments or disputes that could make you lose control of your feelings? We know it's hard if you've been used to letting go when prompted or pressurized by being teased and abused. You can do it and it may take practice, so don't give up if you don't get it at first.

The Dark Ones bet on Covid19 as a last great attempt to control the world population, but they have failed due to the progress of Man in becoming more Beings of Light. You allowed and allowed the Higher Forces to intervene on your behalf, thus reducing its effects that were destined to wipe out millions of you.

They will never get another chance of that magnitude and now they face a humiliating defeat. The network is closing in on its henchmen who have no way of escaping justice for their crimes against Humanity. Rest assured that your dreams of controlling the world are in tatters and there is no chance that you can avoid justice.

Many souls still have one foot in the past and we say that the sooner they forget it, the faster the New Age will come. All the good things that have been promised to you are on the horizon and you have a lot to hope for that will greatly improve your quality of life. At such times, many highly evolved souls enter your world with the task of raising their quality of life to levels they have not yet experienced.

The monotony and demands on you in the lower vibrations are slowly changing so that you are prepared for greater things that will give you enormous satisfaction and joy. Realize that the Light always wins in the end and all souls are greater for it. It is a way to prepare for your future by raising your vibrations. It couldn't be fairer as only those who have been "qualified" can rise through their success to a higher level.

After a period of apparent stagnation, you will find that things will move forward very quickly and many that have been held back will be released. You have lost a lot of time to recover and the changes will come so fast that you will hardly have time to take it all in.

Life will change in such a way that a completely new panorama will open before you that will allow you to expand your consciousness so that you are literally a new person. You have been just a mere shadow of your true self who took on the challenge of experiencing the lower vibrations, yet many have overcome that [which] can leave the old ways behind forever. We say well done and you deserve all the rewards that come your way.

The most exciting times are approaching in which you will meet souls of your origin who have known you for eons of time and the celebrations will be in order. Old friendships will be renewed and your Galactic family will be present.

Everything is coming, so forget about the unpleasant moments and difficulties of the past and leave them there. Start thinking about what it will be like in the future and it should bring you a lot of joy and happiness. Keep your spirits high and leave those who dwell in the dark with a life of their own making.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light illuminate your days and your path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my Divine Self, and each soul has the same connection to God.

In love and light.

Mike Quinsey.

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