
10 de noviembre de 2023

Lesson 12 - UNIVERSE DIAMOND SUN AGENDA Be the change you want to see in the world.


Be the change you want to see in the world.


Hello, dear beautiful lights.

My dear friends. 

You came to this planet to learn through experience, to find the true meaning of darkness, and that time is now running out. 

There is no right or wrong, just frequency selection. 

And that. 

You came to integrate the experience, help the universe, put aside judgment and learn a few more things on the side. 

You have now arrived at that moment where your mind and heart are more open and connected than ever before. 

Now you have a fully open consciousness. 

You've come a long way. 

This is the earth's game and you are all playing it very well. 

Having fun?

Earth is a game of descent and re-ascension.

You already know what it is like to be a multidimensional being in 5th, 6th, 7th and so on dimensional realities. 


It's because all of you who are really following all this knowledge from the beginning and working hard, you've been there, done that.

Do you think it was your curiosity that brought you here and went up to this universe and then about to leave, advancing to the Multiverse afterwards?

Think again and again and again. 

Some of you already know the answer.

You already know that you are connected to absolutely everyone and everything simultaneously, but what if you didn't know that?

What would it be like if you had a veil that hid all your power and made you think you have no power?

You see, you are so powerful that you must play the game of a limited being, with limited perspectives, limited consciousness and limited everything, otherwise where is the fun in always being in the realm of the highest power?

(Once a teen plays a video game and gets really good at it, they can play it every day and repeatedly beat even the toughest obstacles or opponents. So they are faced with a dichotomy).

They want to continue playing their favorite game, but they've already mastered it. So what will they do to not lose interest? 

They start selecting weaker players that they will play against stronger opponents.

Then they overpower them as well and keep selecting the weakest players out of everyone until they can face the strongest obstacles or opponents.

This is the game you are playing on Earth right now. 

It's a "Grand Experiment" and you are blessed with genetic material from across the universe to help you along the way.

You have divine energy and infinite power, so you chose to descend to see how difficult it would be to ascend while still in physical form. 

Do you think you can't walk on water or fly? 

This is only because you believe you cannot, and at the moment it is not in your best interest to do so. 

But you can. 😊

"Your goal has always been to change your vibrational experience."

Oh, and you added linear time to the mix while doing this. 

Rather than seeing all simultaneous realities at once (as you normally do on the other side), you have chosen to see only one perspective and one path ahead of you.

Most human beings on the planet have difficulty understanding that time does not exist. 

You energetically linked this into your DNA so that you could sense time. But it doesn't exist. 

"Time is circular and not linear".

You recreate yourself infinite times a minute so that you can feel what you call time.

That's why you're never the same person every day. 

You are never the same person from second to second. 

You are constantly in a state of flow, energetically updating a new version of yourself, and you have a lot of fun doing it without even realizing you are doing it.

"Every reality you believe in, be it past, present and future, now happen simultaneously."

This is why your greatest gift is the present because it is all we have to effect the shift to create a different vibrational reality for ourselves.

Being in the present and the "now" is all you need to do to change your vibration. 

You don't have to meditate or sit in front of 30 candles or pray in a dimly lit room with incense. But soft music with the right frequency always helps. 

Now; you just have to be in the "now". 

And that.

The mind was set up to be the operating system of limitation so that you could have this unique experience as a dense being. 

There's nothing wrong with having a limited perspective. 

It's unique and beautiful in many ways.

In the 5th dimensional realities where you are now heading, this limited perspective lessens considerably.

You will see things from different perspectives.

You will manifest immediately, unlike the time lag you have experienced in the past.

You will start to use the 5th dimensional format more and more.

Instead of wondering why you are blocked energetically, you will just align with the new frequency. 

This means that almost 100% of all diseases will also disappear.

Once you start using your heart as a filter, everything will become easier. 

Until now, most of you have been using your mind.

The mind is the 3D filter. 

The heart is a multidimensional filter capable of both electrical electromagnetic energy and quantum light energy that the mind is not capable of.

"Think with your heart, not your mind."

With each passing month, you will understand better what time really is.

You will only use the time as a placeholder that you can refer to if necessary. 

Think of a library and how you know exactly where the book you need is to retrieve the information you need. This is how you will end up interpreting time.

The answers will come. 

If you are open to them, they will come and the Emerald Order is here to help. 

If you find that you are not getting the answers, sit quietly and breathe. Inhale and exhale deeply. It helps connect you.

Take a diary with you. 

As I said before, write down your thoughts. 

You will have so many ambitious thoughts in the coming months that you will forget them if you don't write them down. 

This notebook is an important travel partner wherever you go. 

Some of your other lives may come into focus and you will begin to question the nature of reality. 

Write everything down.

It moves you through the physical vehicle and then becomes more valid for you.

- As you write things down, the frequency is encoded into the words you write. When reading again, you access this vibrational state and feel the inspiration. ✨

The lower masculine energy levels dictate that a specific pattern of thought or experience must be followed chronologically in steps 1, 2 and 3. 

In the divine flow, you will proceed very differently. 

You'll start with step 1, then go to step 15, then back to step 7, then step 2, etc.

However, your experience will be complete once you've picked up everything you need along the way. 


Because you will be operating primarily through the heart center.

You may already have shared a lot of your time with different projects and people as you enter this phase.

The lower masculine energy wants you to DO.

The activation of divine feminine energies wants you to just BE. 

Divine masculine energy speaks as you pulsate.

As you spiral, the divine feminine energy reads the frequency and the divine masculine surrounds that frequency.

What's your version of the truth?

Do you think it's the truth?

With the exception of love, there is no absolute truth and you will begin to understand the different perspectives of truth on the planet and why they exist.

You are always putting yourself in a "now" moment that creates a vibrational signature. 

You've agreed on a set of circumstances that you define as your collective story, and then you have another subset that is your personal story.

By changing your vibration on an individual level, you decide whether you want to align with the collective version of "truth".

Your individual frequency can suddenly align with a version that is so far removed from your current perspective that you didn't even identify with it yesterday. 

This is why there is so much uncertainty. 

It's when you jump timelines, something you'll also become very aware of.

It's not so much what you think that creates your reality. 

It's what you feel.

If you feel really good, your reality changes. 

If you have trouble feeling what you want, your ego is in the way and you back off. 

Then imagine what it would be like to have what you want. 

This will help get your mind out of the way so you can manifest your desires.

If you've made it this far, you're probably doing all the work necessary to release holding patterns and you're ready to move forward.

You are guiding those receptive to galactic information. 

It will make it easier for you to talk to other people about consciousness and all the things we've discussed here.

You may also be processing issues of persecution from other lifetimes, which will also be released as universal truths are revealed. 

It will become conscious and accepted by all.

Your awareness of what sound is will also change. It is through sound and frequency that everything is created and generated. 

All energy vibrates and creates sound.

However, there are different dimensional versions of sound that many of you may begin to hear. 

For example, the universe, earth and collective consciousness all have their own sound.

Each of its individual organs has its own rapidly changing sound.

In fact, there is a symphony created for your body, and you can begin to hear these sounds as you look within yourself.

Do you feel that Earth's consciousness is not moving fast enough for everyone to awaken?

Why are people taking so long?

It's not them, it's you. 

Change timelines and go where you want to be.

If you feel like you're stuck somewhere you don't want to be, you have the free will to change at any time.

Can not change? 

It means that your current reality is serving you in some way.

You wouldn't be on your current timeline if it wasn't serving you.

You would be in another version where the collective would be doing something different.

You can create whatever you want, but it's the limitations of your beliefs that keep you from changing.

The frequency of the collective affects you and your frequency affects the collective.

This simple understanding will allow all of you to change the planet. 

If you don't like your environment, city, state, country or the people in it, don't worry about the things you don't like.

Focus on the things you like, because any emphasis on what you don't like keeps you on that frequency.

Those who constantly relive history and emphasize gruesome historical facts maintain that vibe.

Those who focus on the violence and ill-wishers of others maintain that vibration.

Those who think negatively keep a viberation that is perceived as negative.

Think positive and be positive and you will see and hear the truth instead of reading or learning it.

If you are drawn to media promoting everything bad in the world, check within yourself why you are drawn to this information. 

That alone will change your reality and help shift mass consciousness.

You are a divine being of infinite light and energy. 

You are so blessed to be experiencing your life right now that you cannot imagine. 

It's perfect. 

You are perfect and you are loved more than you could ever imagine.

As the great Gandhi once said: 

"Be the change you want to see in the world."

Thank you all for your participation and service to light a part of this universe.

Blessings from Mother God to you all.

We love you all so much!

Keep your mind open and especially your vibration high.

It will be a great surprise of freedom!

May all beings in all worlds be free!

Captain Fernando M. Gonçalves - FLW – Free Light Warriors💎🤍💚

Ambassador of Light – Diplomacy of the Universe

Galactic Council 💙🤍💛

Universe Council 💙🤍✨

Multiverse Council 💙🤍

Omniverse Council 💚🤍


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