
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta 3rd World War. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta 3rd World War. Mostrar todas las entradas

14 de agosto de 2017

as will be the third world war and what role Putin at all

Prophet Edgar Cayce: Seer counts as will be the third world war and what role Putin around

the prophet made predictions about the role that Russia would in the 21st century Edgar Cayce is often referred to as the prophet of dreams and was considered one of the world 's most respected mediums, as well as the father of holistic medicine.

According Cauce, Russia would be a very powerful force for world peace, this prophet was known to enter trance states where consciousness could access their different dimensions and see the truth about the future of humanity.

"Dreams were his answers to the questions of tomorrow" Edgar Cayce's predictions were usually related to specific medical problems, but also they are addressing issues of political and social events globally.

These predictions have come true with remarkable frequency. Before his death in 1947 accurately predicted the Great Depression, that is , the events related to the two world wars, where he also warned the untimely death of two presidents of the United States.

The influence of Cayce is no less important than it was when he was alive, and he made a surprising number of predictions about the role that Russia would take an enormous global turmoil that live in the 21st century

First predicted that Russia would be reborn after World War II, after the fall of communism in the Soviet empire, and then he would become a thorn in the side of the global banking cartel.

When asked in 1932 about the political tendencies that would, Cayce focused on Russia: Europe will be like a house divided. It will be a strong people who will be satisfied for some, for others it will be hell to live there.

Europe 's population will be born again and Russia will be a stone in the shoe for many of the political and financial nation in Europe and the world.

Cayce spoke of the role of Russia as "the hope of the world". Recently, Putin has taken strident steps to ease the international financial stranglehold on the Russian economy and the bank Rothschild has expelled the entire country of Russia.

Cayce also predicted that Russia would prove to be a force for world peace at the time when a third world war threatened to start. He said the United States would fail and that Russia would succeed when the problem would spread through Libya and Egypt and Syria in Ankara.

Through the straits around those areas above the Persian Gulf ... "That sounds a lot like the political turmoil that exists today worldwide" In 

addition, Russian forces are fighting an aggressive campaign in Syria against Islamic state while America and other allied nations have become much softer in their participation.

3 de junio de 2017

The final battle of humanity that saw Alois Irlmaier


Vicente Fuentes  describes the amazing sight of Alois Irlmaier, a man who had a rare gift to see events that were to happen and attending German courts to resolve cases of disappearances. At one point, at the end of his life, he decided to tell a reporter's vision of the great final battle will happen in the future on three major fronts in Europe. Analyze one by one every sentence and locate all fronts seem to struggle in Europe.

and the nuclear missile Topol-M is released

Very rare videos:  thus the Topol-M nuclear missile launches

The RS-12M2, known as Topol-M in Russia or SS-27 Sickle B, according to NATO, was the first intercontinental ballistic missile whose development was completed in Russia after the dissolution of the USSR.
In total, there were 17 trials test launch of the missile, including four mobile base. Russian Defense released a video of one of those pitches.
Conducted during training in 2015, this video provides a detailed picture of the launch process.
The Topol-M is the three stage missile has a range of 11,000 kilometers and is capable of carrying warheads high speed megaton power or maneuverable warheads 500 kilotons. Each missile also carries between 15 and 20 'false warheads' to fool the missile systems a potential enemy.
The Topol-M are provided with a single monolithic warhead which can be replaced by a so-called separable -the 'vehicles multiple independent reentry', or MIRV-.
The system ICBM RS-24 Yars, detail
© Sputnik /

It is estimated that after developing the MIRV warheads, the Russian Defense completed production of the Topol-M in favor of the new RS-24 Yars, its modernized successor missile, equipped with MIRV three or four nuclear blocks from the start.

However, until the end of its useful service, Topol-M  will continue to monitor Russian sovereignty .
At the end of his life, shall serve a civil case, since there are already plans to use these missiles to place satellites in space, as  did previous generations  of Soviet and Russian intercontinental missiles.
Yars missile complex

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