
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Archangels. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Archangels. Mostrar todas las entradas

12 de noviembre de 2021

A Quick Ascension by Archangel Michael


Truth Maker - A Quick Ascension by Archangel Michael

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Sacred School of OmNa


Greetings, I am Archangel Michael. It is an honour to be in your presence today to bring forth the Angelic vibrations and a Creator expression of truth.

I, Archangel Michael wish to speak of those upon the Earth who are passing now into the Inner Planes, those that are leaving their bodies behind, as their spirit enters back into the Inner Planes. Their soul is returning home. Those who are passing over at this time are known as the Truth Makers. They are choosing a quick ascension, the Truth Makers are using their process of leaving their physical body as an ascension shift, not only for their own being but for all upon the Earth and the Inner Planes.

To clarify I, Archangel Michael, I am speaking especially of those who become ill, or have an accident and due to this leave their physical body. Essentially, I am speaking of those that wished to remain upon the Earth, however, find themselves leaving the Earth. This is because their soul has created an opportunity of a quick ascension. To clarify I am not speaking of those that choose to leave the Earth and their physical bodies at a personality level, although, some may be included. Many souls upon the Earth have chosen at the soul level, a higher vibrational level to leave the Earth now and in the coming months, this is an opportunity of completing their ascension or advancing ascension significantly. While they may be missing out on life experiences upon the Earth. They have chosen at the soul level, that their spiritual journey is essential and important to them. Those leaving the Earth now are going through a very beautiful transformation. The transformation especially happens when they are on the Earth, those last few days. Then as they leave their physical body and return to the Inner Planes, they experience a transformation of awakening truth. It is like a light bulb is being switched on and they are being filled with truth, the truth of the Creator. It is a very blissful experience. They are filled with truth; it is as if they are all-knowing the truth of the Creator.

As they still have ties with the Earth, they have either not quite passed or are in transition, they are able to really anchor this truth like a lifeline into the Earth. They are magnifying and sending this surge of truth into the Earth and into the consciousness of humanity and all beings. It is a very powerful awakening of truth, the all-knowingness of the Creator. In that space of the all-knowingness of the Creator, the soul can complete many blockages, many limitations, many life lessons. Experiencing a release, acceptance, and resolution. Thus, the soul has an opportunity in that space of blissful all-knowingness to complete their work, their ascension work upon the Earth.

The All-Knowing Bliss Activation, which is creating for many a completion of their ascension and mastery, means that they may not need to return to the Earth in another incarnation. The others are advancing the spiritual evolution and ascension, so they are able to return to the Earth with very little baggage to continue the work their soul wishes to, and to walk a life on the Earth almost as an ascended being. It is a very beautiful process that is taking place and we wish to make you aware of this so that you know that those that you are losing, those that are leaving you on the Earth and transitioning to the inner planes, that they are embarking upon this journey of completing their ascension in a very quick manner.


Those ascending will not gain the same experiences as they would have on the Earth. However, they will access their mastery and ascended master self. This brings comfort to many who have in the most recent past, the last few months, or even year lost someone and those that have lost or are losing someone now and in the future. It is a quick ascension, a blissful knowingness of completion, that creates a lighter vibration on the Earth. As if baggage is being released and new insights, vibration, light, are being gifted to the Earth.

As each person making the transition releases their baggage and becomes lighter and brighter, they also send this lightness and brightness to the Earth. Their main purpose is to accelerate their own ascension, but also to accelerate the ascension of all beings, especially those upon the Earth. It is like a boost of truth that is being gifted to the Earth. These beings are held in deep respect, honour and love at this time because of the ejection of love and light they are giving to the Earth through this transition.

I, Archangel Michael, want to make it very clear that it is not appropriate for you to consciously make the decision to make the transition now to have a quick ascension. This quick ascension is happening to those unexpected upon the Earth. It is created by their soul, not by the mind or the personality. It is very important that this is made clear because for most of you, your ascension will take place upon the Earth. However hard or challenging your ascension maybe or your physical reality maybe there is so much to learn and so much to embody by journeying through the Earth. I know that many of you will ask me about those who are taking their own life consciously, will they embark upon this journey of Truth? Some of them may but I believe that they are embarking upon a different journey. They are not Truth Makers at this moment but are embarking upon a different ascension journey.

I simply wished for you to understand the Truth Maker Transition that is taking place, the quick ascension so you may honour those around you. If you find that you are unwell and that you know that there is a transition coming you can also take comfort in this knowingness about the Truth Maker, the quick ascension. I will add that although it is a quicker ascension it may not be less challenging. There is a great sense of gratitude that can emanate from your being as you recognise the Earth is lightening in vibration. You may welcome this lightness into your heart and choose to be a beacon of a lighter vibration and frequency.

We invite you to embrace the world and all beings in love, this is immensely important now.

I thank you,

I am Archangel Michael

10 de noviembre de 2021

The 11:11 Gateway to Higher Consciousness By Shanta Gabriel


The 11:11 Gateway to Higher Consciousness


Art: Love Eternal by nmsmith


Dear Ones

From the beginning of time there have been clear moments when the Portals of Awakening open for individuals to advance. The 11:11 Gateway is a collective, high-vibrational portal opening to assist the evolution of consciousness on the earth at this time.

Stepping through the gateway in a figurative sense, allows you to move into your most Evolved Self, in oneness with All That Is. We will offer suggestions and visualizations so your imagination can help you to create a beautiful scenario to empower this Light-filled ritual. You have been coded within for this awakening moment. It is another step in the evolution of consciousness, one with great power and support. The Archangels stand at the gateway to hold you in love while offering you strength and courage to step into your new awakened life.

Since digital clocks have come into widespread usage, the image of 11:11 has become more familiar. The representation behind the symbol is less widely known. 11 has long been the number of the Angelic Dimensions offering assistance to those on the Earth. When the 11s are seen together, the 11:11 becomes a gateway symbolizing Heaven coming to Earth, just as the peaks of a great mountain reach from the earth to the sky.

The most important significance of the 11:11 is its availability as a Gateway to higher consciousness, a moment in time where the Angels of Light can take your offered prayers and good intentions to assist their manifestation on the Earth. Whenever the 11:11 presents itself, it acts as a daily reminder to take that one minute to hold your dreams in your heart, acknowledge the support available from the Angelic Realms, and have the courage to affirm your willingness to move into new dimensions of Love. Gathering momentum throughout these past 35 years, a new level of Union with your Angelic Self is available that offers a wondrous moment of ascending liberation from old patterns.

The new opportunities available beyond the 11:11 Gateway are greater awareness and the deeper truth of your choices and possibilities. The choice of many will be opting for the old way, and yet those who are attracted to this time of Grace can avail themselves of the opportunity to soar, greatly empowered by the Archangels. The 11:11 is a ceremony of conscious intention, in harmony with Divine Light that will accelerate the evolution of consciousness within you and on the Earth.

Percolation and Perturbation

It is a time of percolation and perturbation. New perceptions of reality percolate through the energy centers within you. Perturbation occurs as these new perceptions hit the coding in the imaginal system of your body in ways that stir you to change, like the metamorphosis of the caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly.

The Universe will stop at nothing to get your attention and encourage you to fulfill your Soul’s destiny. Perturbation is uncomfortable in its various demonstrations, making you feel very agitated. But know that all such catalysts are designed by your Soul to bring you into a new level of evolution. Because the support of the Angelic Dimensions is so available, this portal offers you a graceful transition so you can see more clearly the world you are choosing to create on Earth while you assist its evolution.

The 11:11 Gateway to the 5th Dimensional shifting of the Ages allows a harmonious flow of Divine Love into your being. This can impact the amygdala in the temporal lobe of your brain in ways that calm this flight or fight center and cause it to resume the dimensions of your original Divine blueprint. Over the years this fear center has been over-stimulated by the pressures, beliefs and electronics of this age. Much of what is called information is designed to increase the flow of fear energy to this center of the brain, causing it to increase in size. The resulting surge of imbalances, such as panic disorders, PTSD and more serious psychiatric conditions have become obviously rampant.

The flow of Divine Love through each person can create an expansion in perception, as though the veils have parted so that new clarity dawns. This increase in clarity incites a sense of liberation and the freedom of spiritual expression within your being. Prayers for the Earth to receive a positive benefit from this moment in time will be of great benefit. The release of pressure from the 11:11 Gateway is similar to the beginnings of a horse race, when the horses are being held within the gate. As the gates are flung open, raw power surges forward and instincts take over. The rawness of this power requires careful training and guidance, so that it moves in directions that allow the goals to be reached and the reaping of rewards. Your prayers assist this process.

The rewards from this time that we speak of are the prevalent desires of a heart seeking Oneness, Peace and Harmony within your being. Access to these exalted states exist beyond the Gateway. The Archangels stand present, holding the forces of Light as pillars at the gate. You can claim this empowerment of Divine Love to use within your own life.

The Intention of the 11:11 Empowerment

The greater intention for this 11:11 empowerment has always been to ground Divine Energy. It is through you that it is meant to happen. Embodying the Divine is our mission as we come into Union with Source energy within each of us.  Planetary evolution will prevail.  It is made more graceful as millions of awakened people access the Divine Light through the Gateways, Unity consciousness is the resulting force pervading the hearts of all humanity. Never doubt the miracle of Spontaneous Evolution as a creative possibility for the fifth dimensional shift on this planet. Asking for miracles at this time is very appropriate

The entwined spiral of the DNA is a strong image for this gateway experience. As the strands of the double helix intertwine in the subtle body, they connect the upper chakras in the energy sheath above the crown to Universal Presence. Spiraling down, they connect the crown chakra through the core of the body to the base chakra. They continue from the base of your spine below the earth and connect to the energy sheath beneath the earth lighting up the twelve chakras of the subtle body.

The image of the Double Helix of DNA strands acts as an allegory for the Glyph of Awakened Consciousness – as above, so below, this glyph represents Embodied Divinity upon an Earth that has become sacred. There is also a deep connection to the flow of Kundalini spiritual energy as it winds through the energy centers of the body. When you use this image, you are linking your most Divine Spiritual Self with your human self, connected to the Earth through the core of your being.

Union with the Self

The 11:11 Gateway opens the way to this union within the self. You can use the image of the double helix to remind you of your alignment from Heaven to Earth. The Archangels stand ready to welcome you into the new creative power of exalted awareness. Retraining and guiding the fearful thoughts that plague your days are only a prayer away. Each prayer raises your frequency of energy and could be the one that unleashes the critical mass for Spontaneous Evolution on the planet.

Imagine that your prayer is the turning point – the key that fits the doorway to Oneness.

A Prayer for your Own Personal 11:11 Ceremony

Divine Presence, All That is, and Archangels of Light:

As I prepare to be guided through this 11:11 portal, I ask that the Light of Divine Love clear any disharmony within my energy field. I willingly let go of the burdens of old beliefs so I may stand tall and move freely through the gateways to Unity Consciousness.

Within the spaciousness of my cleared energy field, I ask that it be filled with the power of Divine Love, Harmony and Peace. I ask to receive the strength and courage to embody these fields of Divine Light and ground the presence of Love, Hope and Healing into the Earth to assist her evolution.

I join with the Angelic Dimensions and the millions of those who work in the Light of God, as we are led through the 11:11 Gateway. I know that as one is lifted up, all are uplifted. I allow new patterns of exalted Light energy to engage my human structure in the completion of Oneness ~ Union within my being with the Divine.

I dance through the Light-filled gateways, feeling your guidance and knowing that loving awareness for new possibilities in my life will be provided in every moment, with every heartbeat. I awaken in your Light and embrace the Divine Gifts being offered to me now with supreme gratitude. You are giving me the Divine Connection to greater life and I gratefully receive this. I am honored to anchor this Light into the Earth as the presence of Nature awaits my awareness.

Hold me with Light and guide me as I step courageously through this gateway into 5th Dimensional awareness. May I use your Divine Love to bring greater Life, Peace and Joy through my being and be a blessing for the Earth.

For this and all your blessings, I say Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

So be it, Be it so. Amen

The new levels of 5th Dimensional awareness that are available beyond this gateway can impact all aspects of your being. You are being offered a supported and liberating path through these exalted portals of Light into new territory for your Soul’s growth on Earth. The 11:11 Gateway is a supreme moment of time, yet the Divine Light causing evolution within you during this moment, is a gift from a Timeless Reality that is in harmony with All of Life.

And so it is.

© Shanta Gabriel
For Archangel Gabriel

November 4, 2021

Please share this message from Archangel Gabriel freely along with the link to my website and the author’s credits.

21 de septiembre de 2021

AA Michael and Council of Radiant Light: Be Alive to It


Dear Ones,

We greet you in love. We greet you as old souls, as souls newly awakening to new levels of your embodiment. We greet you as friends.

The time you are living in now, is one that is wonderful and long anticipated. Your world is in the early stages of new life. Much is up in the air, and therefore, there is tremendous power in your creative choices. In the way you choose to participate.

Never before have you seen so much destruction and chaos. Or so you think. We know that you have been in places like this before, in times like this before, or similar, so that at a deep level within your own wholeness; the light within you knows how to play.

Think on that for a moment and let yourself know what we say is real.

You came here as a way-shower, a light bearer, one who understands nature and the unseen subtle things in life. You came here as a witch, a wonder-oriented woman, a leader, a lover of sport, a powerful seer, a lover, an empath, an artist, a writer, a mother, a new form of gender, a queen reborn into life in a land and time with no queens. A singer, wanting to give voice to the world’s songs.

You have come from many places. Many avenues of expression through this universe and alternate universes. You have been born into bodies and walked into them, too.

Many are here, now, knowing Earth too, for the first time. Those from other Universes, bringing other templates of Light, offering other structures harmonically, to enrich this realm of focus.

And so it is.

Now, time is shifting and turning again. The inner light within you is working it’s magic. This is soul-energy that transforms you. Softening and opening you up, if you let it. It takes the waves upon waves of fast moving, high frequency light moving onto your planet and harmonizes them, using them to elevate and translate your very form; it changes you. It opens up that which must be illuminated and allowed to flow.

You may notice this moving quickly up and out of you. Far faster than ever before. You may feel stuck and find you have drawn back. This is a challenging time. Where the light within you is driving you forward and the world seems so much less stable it’s hard to know where to stand, how to step into new spaces or ways of being where you’ve not yet been. And yet, the inner prompts will drive you thus, if that is your way. If you feel stuck, invite the energy to flow by stating your willingness to evolve, to change, to be changed. Call light to you and invite your energy to refine, reorganize, and show you how to be you, now.

The ways to be you, will be different now. Either in form or experience. For the world is changed and changing.

Your way is being pressed into focus, and flow, you being fueled for maximum coherence in the new setting of your collective co-creation. Divine Order is asking to have it’s way with you, in accord with your world now. To evolve you, as you. This is how things are shifting. Collectively and personally. And you in your agency, get to decide how you want to play.

The Equinox this week will bring you a beautiful opportunity for deep nourishment and re-centering. The center of your being is still there within you but your relationship to everything has moved so much. You must dare to drop that which is complete, obsolete and that which simply does not give you joy, to find the deepest levels of resonance with your soul self.

We encourage you to set aside time to clear and release. To grieve, feel and express all that is there and which naturally wants to move through you — Life is meant to flow — you’ll know what that is, if you give space to yourself to feel your body and ask: what wants to move now?

You can always call upon the light within you — the innate connection to soul, to get clear, to reorient, for guidance and courage, know-how to proceed. The way forward will always feel like truth, even if you’d rather not live it out. You’ll know when it is true and real for you, if you ask, and if it feels like something you’d rather avoid?

Remember — this is our time now. The time for the Light within to come into a far more expansive expression within and then? To flow into the world. This is the time of heaven on Earth the expansion of light, the exaltation of form, the awakening to Oneness.

Dare to trust the tribe, the Legacy of Humanity all arising from the Oneness that is All. Dare to believe that you can honor and open your own flow and that each person will be nudged to their next level of expression.

This is an experience of becoming more and more light. It is your nature always, to go, to shift, to flow, to expand into more and more light. Everything about this journey is natural even though the forms and dynamics on this planet may seem overwhelmingly vivid and the destabilization of the collective patterns may make you pause… Everything within you knows how to return to light, flow light, expand into more light, merge with light, call light to you.

Light, beloved, is who you are.

And, too, be not afraid.

If the fear is real, for your safety or your life in the present, then ignore what we’ve said and take care of yourself now, in whatever practical and immediate way you must.

If the fear is mental or future oriented, as much of it is, see if you might step aside. See what you want to love, experience, know and create. See what your deepest inner knowing calls out to you, to be, and embrace the moment that way. Loving.

You were made to love and made to expand into more and more light.

The other thing that you might remember?

You came here to create as you. And you knew you would be with friends. Kindred spirits in human form and formless fields of Infinite Light. You know us and we know you. We’re in this together. We are friends and family and our way together, is clear.

You did not come here to be someone else. Or follow their path. Yes, some paths are similar to yours and can inspire and uplift you, encourage you and help you to see the way forward is possible. But your path, is yours and yours alone.

Your path is a rich, infinitely unique experience that is coming about through you, and the soul-you, always in constant communion with Life Itself. It is exquisite and beautiful and you, in your agency, can evolve it, receive the ever expanding vision of it and live it out if you wish.

The energy of distant universes expands now, too. And always.

Yours is not the only realm moving into more light.

There is knowledge and awareness of this expansion deep within you and in the world around you. Life knows that glory and reunion is the way this all is going. Everything is going to light, beloveds. Us too, at some point — it’s the way home. The way Life flows. Endless iterative expression and the bliss of reunions in consciousness.

Your vision about this world, this time, your life, matters. It shapes the way you participate. And as we’ve said before, you matter; you’re significant. Your ways of living and being and feeling and thinking and what you hold as your vision, is creative. The way you talk about how life is going shapes your experience and your experience is part of what creates the collective experience.

You are powerful and sovereign and in many many ways, very free. Recognize your innate sovereignty and power. Think more about what you love. Think more about what gives you joy and calls to you. Believe in your inner knowing. Love yourself no matter how much you are doing, or what you feel capable of today. Just love yourself anyway and know that you are always, endlessly, moving toward more light, moving into more light, becoming more light and in that knowing, endlessly alive. Doing what you’re made to do. Being alive and human and loving. As you can. As you do.

This is the true nature of reality, and if you center here, allowing life to flow to you, through you and around you, you will find joy a steady and most beautiful friend.

Take time to realize the energetic potential of this moment: Life is being reborn on Earth. It is the very beginning of a new planetary system of co-creation and love. The very seeds of this have been planted by you and others, in many lifetimes. And now, great cosmic waves of light are energizing and activating this potential.

The way forward will involve much change. There will be conflict as many different views shift and express, and life seeks a higher order of expression. Play your part with vision and the open, willingness to re-make life on Earth, that deep and bold commitment to more Life, that you had before you came here.

Stand confidently, or sit, if you will (smile) in a relaxed and open way and feel this… All of it. And know, Life is good, and you are dearly and most personally loved. Known. Seen. Supported. Valued.

We invite you to make a further commitment to yourself today. If you welcome that invitation, then place your hand over your heart. Call light to you. Call upon your soul, the infinite Oneness as you, and ask to be filled with light and love and deep, deep peace. Ask for whatever consciousness most serves your evolution and presence, right now. And anything else you’d like.

Then open to receive. Let energy flow into you, and over you, through you and be expressed. Dance with Life! beloved. Let yourself be light!

You are here, now, and the time is at hand. The long awaited time. The time in which you can be more and more alive, and more and more aware of All that Is, while being human here.

It is exquisite. Be alive to it all! And let it flow, centered in the conscious connection with All that you are.

We love you very much.

I AM Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light.

Copyright © Ailia Mira Media | Expect Wonderful by Ailia Mira. All rights reserved

18 de agosto de 2021





This healing technique is very simple to use, and at the same time very powerful and effective.

Visualize the colors of the Archangels in the water that falls on your head in the shower at the time of bathing.

 MIGUEL ARCHANGEL: visualize the water of bright and intense blue color, to protect your whole being

 JOFIEL ARCHANGEL: imagine the golden colored water, to increase your understanding and intelligence.

 CHAMUEL ARCHANGEL: the pink water to heal your own LOVE, towards others or the one you receive from other people.

 GABRIEL ARCHANGEL: visualize bright white water, granting you strength and spiritual purity.

RAFAEL ARCHANGEL: imagine emerald green water, bringing healing and regeneration to your physical body and revealing a truth.

URIEL ARCHANGEL: use the Ruby Gold color in the water to ask for abundance and prosperity to be manifested.

ZADQUIEL ARCHANGEL: purple water to bring positive changes to your life, justice, forgiveness and mercy.

26 de julio de 2021



 As a messenger of advanced Cosmic information for the New Age, when you have integrated the rest of your Soul Fragments into the Third and Fourth Dimensions, and are in the process of gaining access to your entry-level SACRED TRIAD within the Fifth Dimension: it is necessary that you demonstrate your ability to directly generate part of the new knowledge of the higher Planes of consciousness.

 This must be accomplished through your own expanded and intuitive awareness.



 Gradually, you tune into and begin to listen to the small voice of your consciousness (your incarnated Soul Self), and you begin the process of healing and harmonizing your Emotional Nature.

 Little by little you allow your I-Soul to be the guide and director of your life experiences, rather than the desire body of the ego.

 You begin the process of updating and refining your Emotional Body awareness, which can be painful and challenging, but also rewarding and enlightening.


 When you begin to delve into your subconscious mind, you begin the process of aligning your emotional will with that of your Oversoul / Higher Self and Divine Will.

 Your most used mantra or affirmation becomes: "Your will be done for the highest good of all."

 As you learn that you are an electromagnetic, energetic Being, you come to understand that you are constantly radiating energetic thought forms out into the world around you.

 Then you must experience these positive or negative thought forms as events or situations of the same frequencies.

 Your personal world is constantly rearranging itself to fit your current picture of reality.

 Through trial and error, you slowly begin to understand the Laws of Cause and Effect or Karma.

 There will be some negative traits or addictive habits that will be emphasized so that you can release, modify or refine them, restoring the negative vibrations to the frequencies of balance and harmony as you go through the process of integration of the Soul and self-awareness.

 There will be times when you will experience "A Dark Night of the Soul" as you strive to clear, harmonize, and balance the many negative thought forms that you still carry within your physical vehicle, your Auric Field, and your DNA.

 You will have peaks and valleys, emotionally and mentally, as you go deeper and deeper into the process of cleansing and refining your four earthly body systems: physical, emotional, mental, and etheric.

 You will gain an understanding of the Universal Laws of Manifestation and begin to use them actively as you slowly refine your abilities as a co-creator on the earthly plane of existence.

 With new awareness, security and confidence in the functioning of the Universe, you will gradually cede control on an emotional level to your Oversoul / Higher Self, as you now understand that enjoying the love, beauty and generosity of your Father / Mother God is your Divine Right of Birth.

 Now you understand that your Higher Self sees things from a higher point of view;  therefore, you will always be directed towards the best result.


 As you move up the ladder of Ascension, you also learn to view the events of your life from a higher point of view.

 You have gone through the painful process of breaking and healing all past agreements with those with whom you have experienced karmic interaction, so that you can sever any remaining energy cord between the two.

 You kindly forgive and ask for forgiveness, so that each person can, once again, become a sovereign Being.

 By healing and transmuting the probable futures that you have created in the experience of your many past lives, you move into the future without the heavy burden of past negative actions.

 Over time and after much searching and processing in your soul, you gradually push yourself and gain a certain degree of emotional detachment.

 You love more deeply and compassionately as you begin to seek and see the best in everyone around you.

 You are gradually moving towards the concept of yourself and unity consciousness, rather than the ego-driven concept of separation: me versus everyone else.

 You have learned to view your trials and challenges as opportunities for growth, rather than punishment and bad luck.

 As a result, your Emotional Body consciousness is now resonating with much higher and harmonious vibrational frequencies.  Now you are ready to focus your attention on elevating and harmonizing your mental body.


 During this stage, your Oversoul / Higher Self begins to play a more active role in your transformation process, as your I-Soul slowly integrates the higher frequencies (attributes, qualities, and virtues) of your Oversoul / Higher Self.

 You begin the process of reviewing your beliefs, habits, and the quality of your mental perception.
 They reevaluate the major judgments and attitudes that have been passed down by their elders, their culture, and their religious and government leaders as they gradually move away from the mass consciousness belief patterns of the lower Astral Planes.


 When you begin to refine the frequency patterns of your Mental Body, you slowly gain access to your Sacred Mind and the treasure chest of higher mental consciousness that is stored in it.

 Your Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart unify with your Oversoul / Higher Self as the guiding influence in your spiritual quest.

 You become more tolerant of other people's beliefs as you learn that there are many ways to go;  however, you are now aware that all routes ultimately lead to the same destination.

 You learn to discern what you will accept as your truth, and you only accept those truths that positively resonate within the Core of your Sacred Self.

 You begin to expand your horizons of thought, and many of you will develop a desire to learn more about your spiritual origins: why are you on Earth, what is your mission and purpose for this life, and what happens to you after you transcend?


 As you raise the frequencies of your mental and emotional bodies, your chakra system begins to spin much faster, in a harmonious way.

 This results in an ignition or activation of the etheric tube of Light that runs along the spinal column, through the Oblong Medulla (the Ascension Chakra) into the Sacred Mind, and exits through the Crown Chakra.

 The spiral energy called Kundalini, containing the Creator's Light Sacred White Fire Seed Atoms called Adamantine Particles, begins to flow into the spinal column.

 The portal to the Sacred Heart has opened, so you are now receiving Adamantine Particles of Light through the posterior portal of your Sacred Heart, as well as a downward flow through your Crown Chakra, and an upward flow of Kundalini Fire along the way. along your Sacred Wand of Light / Power.

 This process will be accelerated and expanded if you use the gift of mindful breathing, such as Infinite Breathing or other deep breathing techniques, in conjunction with affirmations of empowerment.


 At this moment, you have already learned to HEAL THE PAST and WRITE YOUR FUTURE, so that you can focus on the ETERNAL MOMENT OF "NOW", the POINT OF STILLNESS of Creation.

 You will have fused your physical intellect with the spiritual wisdom of the Oversoul / Higher Self that resides within you.  This means that you not only understand and accept the many higher spiritual truths that you have learned, but that you have integrated them, and are now radiating the frequency patterns of those refined wisdom teachings.

 As you attract more and more vibrational frequency patterns from the higher planes of the Fourth Dimension, your Song of the Souls will tune and resonate with much higher vibrational frequencies.

 This triggers a HEAVENLY CLARITY for the remaining Fourth Dimensional facets of your Higher Self to begin the process of slow alignment within your personal column of Light.

 The discharge of the Facets of your Higher Selves with your Oversoul / Higher Self - which is the one that now presides over - begins to accelerate at this point, and your progress on the path of Ascension will also greatly accelerate.

 Now you are ready to enter the Flow of the River of Life - the current of Cosmic Energy or Antakarana - and you know that you will be guided and directed when you begin to “LET YOURSELF BE CARRIED BY THE SPIRIT WITHOUT TUBE.


 Little by little you will feel comfortable with your new State of Being and your new way of seeing the world.

 You value your loneliness as you delve deeper and deeper into your Sacred State of Being.

 You are now living each day as a Living Meditation and Living Prayer while remaining naturally centered within your Sacred Heart.

 The earthly illusion now has minimal effect on you;  however, your loving compassion has now grown to encompass all Beings and all Creation.

 Archangel Michael:

 My beloved Light bearers, we ask that you view each trial and challenge as an opportunity to release outdated thoughts and vibrational patterns that no longer serve your highest good.

 We implore you to see the experiences of your life through the filters of your Sacred Mind and Heart as you extract the White Fire Seed Atoms of Life / Light and infuse them with your love before radiating them to the world and humanity. .

 We are all in this cosmic dance of evolution, and together, we will prevail.

 I AM Archangel Michael.

 (Ronna Herman)
 Translation: Fara González

16 de mayo de 2021

Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Energy Update - May 15, 2021



Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones. 
We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you... 
At this time, your planet is receiving powerful energies to support and uplift you on your path.
Your Divine Inner Being (I AM Presence) is gently guiding you and calling you towards fulfilling your Divine Plan. 
So, take a deep breath, Dear One, and allow for all these loving energies to enter your entire Being: your mind, your heart, your physical body, your aura and your world.
You have reached an important milestone on your journey and it is important for you to know that all is taken care of.
The question is: "Are you allowing it?" 
The more you are acknowledging all the things that are going right around you, the more you are giving it attention. 
The more attention you are giving all these experiences, the more energy is flowing towards them and more of them are coming in.
Sounds pretty easy and yet, many are getting distracted with what is going wrong in their lives... 
That is why we keep gently reminding you to remember to focus on what you are already blessed with and what you can appreciate.
The more you are reading it from our messages, the more you are shifting your mindset and associations with your life experiences.
The human, societal programming is geared towards fear and negativity and therefore, it takes many nudges from the higher realms to remind you of your ability to create your world by way of your focus. 
By focus we mean, your inner dialogue, your observations, your conversations
and your feelings. 
You might think "But, I can't control the way I feel!" 
You can actually control the way you feel. 
When you generate a momentum of Divine Love within you, any experiences and circumstances will not affect you as much and eventually not at all. 
This will allow you to remain in loving harmony at all times.
You can create your Divine Love Momentum with your intent and consistent invocation as you go throughout your day.
First, begin to raise your vibrations with acknowledging how blessed you are with the statement: "I AM so blessed with..." 
Begin with general things that are easy to appreciate. 
Then, you can be more specific. 
When you feel in a blessed state, connect with your Divine Inner Being (Your I AM Presence) by placing your hand on your heart center and say: 
"I AM Divine Love At All Times!" 
Say this at least three times in the morning and pause in between, to allow your heart center to feel the Divine energies of Love entering your being. 
Then, as you go throughout the day, continue to repeat the invocation. 
Notice a powerful momentum being generated and eventually you will respond differently and less affected by experiences and circumstances. 
Furthermore, you will allow for better and better experiences to enter your life. 
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones. 
Welcome Home. 
We are walking beside you, every step of the way. 
Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always. 
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth. 
Thank you, Archangel Michael!


~Asara~ Adams
Founder of The Telos Channel
Trance-channel for
Adama of Telos
Archangel Michael and
The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light

20 de septiembre de 2020



′′We have restored all the axes of Gaia's coordinates, so even your physical bodies are and will continue to be restored in their entirety, follow the guidelines of your internal guide, when you are thirsty, drink water, rest when you are tired or dream, find moments of meditation when your mind can no longer, ideal would be not to wait for this moment but we know that not everyone takes meditative status as a priority but as an option.

These are moments of turbulence in your global and collective world but we know that many are pillars of light that remain neutral and this is what we ask of you: NEUTRALITY in the face of chaos, keep peace and keep radiating love to Gaia and yourself.

Everything is for the good of mankind, as the Creator Father of All That Is told you, embracing all creations is also embracing their darkness, knowing that everything is inside you, as it is inside it is outside as it is above it is Underneath.

Free your heart and mind from doubts about what will happen and trust in the Creation, experience and perfection of your soul that will always take you to the perfect place and situation you should be and with whom.

We love you from Central Fire ".

Channeled Kary Miño.

11 de septiembre de 2020

Shifting Through the End of 2020


Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


As you finish out the last four months of 2020, you will all be going through a series of energetic shifts, one for each remaining month.

As you enter each month, it will be much like stepping onto a new platform that holds its own energetics. You will assimilate those energies and be prepared to step onto the platform of the next month, and so on, in a process that is preparing you well to step up and into the energies of 2021.

With each integration, you gain more clarity and can see a little further ahead. These energies must be experienced in a series of steps because it would be too much to attempt to process them all at once. It is an unfoldment of preparation, if you will, getting you ready to connect into the energies of the new.

The entirety of the progress you make over the next four months will lock in energetically with your Solstice on December 21.

In many ways you might consider 2020 to be the bridge between the old and the new. While it has been intense and unpredictable in many ways for you, it is bringing much to the light to be examined, healed, and released. This year has created many opportunities for you to move into greater clarity about what your new capabilities and true preferences are.

Over the next several months many of you will also start to receive puzzle pieces – clues about where you are going and what is opening up to you as new possibilities.

Be patient. Allow it to flow and unfold, understanding the pacing is perfect for where you are trying to go and what you are trying to accomplish. Lead through your heart and your beingness because your authenticity is the key for the creation and discovery of the next exciting phase of your incarnation

9 de septiembre de 2020

ARCHANGEL GABRIEL : going through a release period


When you are going through a period of release, you may temporarily find your connection to spirit difficult to sense.

This is because denser energies, as they release, make it difficult to feel the subtle energies of your guides and helpers.

You may feel as though you are in a period of isolation or separation, but in no way are you ever left alone without our support!

Even if you cannot feel the presence of your guides at all, we are always here to guide you and support you.

Talk to us!

Tell us what you need.



There is no mediumship ability or special sensitivity required to work with us.

All that is needed is simply a deep desire, a heartfelt request (which gives us permission to step in on your behalf), and a willingness to receive and be moved.

Know that it is always our greatest joy to be of loving assistance to you."

All my Love

Archangel Gabriel

Channelled: Shelley Young...

Source: Myriam Guillis

5 de septiembre de 2020



Greetings loved ones in the light.

In my capacity as a messenger today I am writing to you so that you can feel in your hearts at this moment what is happening.

Your realities have already changed and the timelines are touching.

And what happens now.

Those beings who feel longing for what will not be, will be immersed in other realities that will be of another vibration.

Many have simply lost their way because they want to continue insisting on something that will no longer be the same.

On the other hand, when you walk through life, you will observe many other of your brothers with glowing eyes, with brilliant laughter.

You will see some of them happy, cheerful and singing songs.

And in their immediate contaneity you will always find them creating innovative things and always giving positive and inspiring responses.

These brothers are the ones who are beginning to wake up, these brothers are what are in connection and as you will realize.

Because only with your looks and through your hearts you will already begin to communicate with each other, thus the bonds of love will be intertwined Globally

In these moments your Planet is constantly entering a rain of Divine love that will increase more and more.

Nurture yourself in it, dance under it, embrace its light because this rain has come to bathe you in love so that you can breathe its light in your life.

Barefoot your feet raise your hands to heaven, open your heart and allow each day that love from the Divine Source connect in you.

Now is the time.

Our Great Mother continues to accompany you soon, mediating more intensely for your humanity.

As well as the support of all beings involved in this new awakening.

Look for that connection of hearts because love has begun to multiply and that will unite you and help you to shape the best paths for the new times that are coming.

The Divine light began to flood your world with the waters, love, enjoy it.

Archangel Gabriel

Channeled: Sergio Montera

25 de mayo de 2020

Archangel Michael: Light Codes

archangel michael 2 eraoflightdotcomGreetings, Beloved Ones.
We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you
Beloved One, as you are still in a holding pattern, physically and energetically, it is important to know that you are receiving important Light Codes.
These Light Codes are restructuring your mental body, your emotional body, your physical body and your spiritual body.
Your Mental Body:
Your mental body is letting go of vast amounts of old beliefs and programming that humanity has held for so long.
With the release of these old energies, you are capable of understanding the big picture of this Grand transition of Planet Earth.
With a greater understanding of the big picture comes a stronger connecting with the Source within you and that all is under a Divine Orchestration.
Your Emotional Body:
As you are letting go of the old beliefs and programming and your known systems of living are changing, old emotions are also rising to the top to be reviewed and released.
It is important in this process to always remember the Source within you and to ask your I AM Presence (the individualized aspect of Source) for assistance with returning to Love.
Forgive yourself…
Forgive others…
Return to Love…
Your Physical Body:
With every emotional release, you are clearing the DNA and cellular messaging within your physical body.
This allows for more Light energy to flow through every cell and energy center with more ease.
With the flow of more Light energy, the rejuvenation of your cells is speeding up and allows for faster healing and restoration of your original perfect body.
Your Spiritual Body:
With more Light energy flowing through your body, you are finally able to perceive the Source within you more easily.
The veil and illusion that you are separate from God Source is disappearing.
You are capable to allow Source to express its Divine Perfection of Love, Peace, Harmony, Abundance, Health, Oneness and Wellbeing more and more.
With all these major changes it is now more than ever important to be in stillness, meditate, rest and connect to the Source within you.
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.
Thank you, Archangel Michael!
» Source » Channel: Asara Adams

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