
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Beings of Light. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Beings of Light. Mostrar todas las entradas

26 de abril de 2019


1- From early in their lives, feel they are different.Too often they feel isolated from others, lonely and misunderstood, and have to find their own paths in life.

2- They have problems feeling comfortable within traditional jobs and / or organizational structures.The light beings are naturally anti-authoritarian, which means they naturally resist decisions or goinglords based solely on power or hierarchy. This trait is present even if they seem timid and shy. This is connected to the true essence of their mission here on earth.

3 - The light beings are attracted to helping people, either as therapist or as a teacher. They may be psychologists, healers, guides, volunteers, etc. Even if your profession is not directly related to helping people, their intentions to contribute to the highest good of humanity is clearly present.

4 - Your vision of life is colored by a spiritual sense of how all things are related to one another. They consciously or subconsciously carry memories within spheres of unearthly light, can -ocasionalmente- feel homesick for these cosmic spheres and feel like a stranger on earth.

5 - Honor and deeply respect life, which often manifests as a fondness for animals and a concern for the environment-friendly. The destruction of parts of the animal or plant kingdom on earth by man's actions evokes deep feelings of loss and grief in them.

6 - They are caring, sensitive and empathetic. They may feel uncomfortable when confronted with aggressive behavior.

They may be distracted, naive or idealistic deeply and easily capture feelings and (negative or positive) moods of people around them. This allows them to distinguish between their own feelings and those of others, need time alone to touch base with themselves and with mother earth, always in harmony with the universal consciousness of God.

7 - They have lived many lives on earth in which they were deeply involved with spirituality. They were present in overwhelming numbers in the old religious orders of your past as monks, nuns, hermits, psychics, shamans, priests, priestesses, etc. They were those that provided a bridge between the visible and the invisible, between the daily context of terrestrial and extraterrestrial life, uniting spiritual and plans the kingdom of God.
To fulfill this role, they were often rejected and persecuted. Many of you were sentenced for the gifts they possessed.

So now the light beings no longer wage war with shields and swords, but rather with wisdom and love.
Dedicated to all beings of Light

Posted by Everth THENANSHED 1st Officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Planets.

© misteri1963 this publication may be reproduced freely provided that respects their integrity and acknowledge the author, the translator and the URL as the source and copyright notice

12 de marzo de 2019



   Elohims ... Who are the Elohim?
  To begin with the word we find it strange. This nomenclature is not contemplated in our tradition cristina. Elohim is a Hebrew word (אֱלהִים) meaning "gods". It is the plural of El (אֵל) or Eloha (אֱלהַּ), which translates as "God". [Have ye noticed that the name of all the angels always ends in?]. On the one hand, in Jewish literature is used as one of God's names: "YHVE ELOHIM". It relates to the Creator God. The Word Creator of heaven, earth, plants, air, light ... Therefore Elohim also be translated as "powerful". But then, this word is also alluded to a set of entities considered divine, other than YHVE. Maybe it's the way they got old news,
  The Elohims (or "powerful") are spiritual beings closest to the source of all those Luz interact with the underworld. They argue, hence the closeness, the maximum connection with the co-creative ability that any being of creation may have. Recall: creation is a source capacity. We, as children, we inherit this trait. The difference (huge) is that the source created from Itself. We instead co-created: created from the existing energy in the universe. They are responsible for the material evolution of Existence. Manifest in the material planes, its lifting, modification, if required or co-creción new elements that may be needed. They seamlessly handled with the matrix structure of the universe In our terrestrial plane, they are the beginning of the ladder which is responsible for the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms. Below, working on the ground found the Debas and as members of the very nature of the  planet to all elemental beings, whom they direct.
  We know some of them, one of each ray, and see now how they can help our evolutionary process.
HERCULES: It helps us to express our will. The  holy will of our soul. Help yourself with Hercules elohim become One with your life mission. Facing fears, doubts, limitations imposed or self-imposed, uses the elohim Hercules to strength the internal energy we need to retrieve personal empowerment and take the steps required from the knowledge of Justice and Divine Order our being known.
CASIOPEA: Sometimes the world we find strange, alien. Sometimes we feel disoriented. And this prevents our vital work can be carried out. Cassiopeia uses to reconnect with the divine intelligence which forms part of which you are a manifestation and from which you exert your rightful share in this plane. Return to your interior and connect with your gifts and abilities. The world is imperfect without them.
 ORION: If Cassiopeia helped us balance our lower mental body to connect with the superior mental body, the elohim Orion does the same with the emotional body. Sometimes I love misunderstood, misinterpreted or poorly lived cusa dent in us. Connect with Love Source of the Universe. Love as divine intelligence, livelihood creation. Love as an active spirit of God, whose hands are you on Earth. Help yourself to face with Orion loving your unintegrated shadows.
ASTREA: As a member of Ray White, white-crystal energy from working the  elohim Astrea can raise the vibration of all that you need. People, situations, places ... may lose vibration contact with unwanted experiences, astral dirt, dark ... Requests Astrea that flambé with white-glass vibration all (our bodies, our homes, a conflict situation ...) to energy barriers disappear and misqualified energies that degrade or delay the process of Ascension.
VISTA: With the elohim Vista Truth is at your fingertips. Truth of who you are, beyond belief, limitations ... beyond your earthly reality. Vista helps us connect  with our inner Master. Especially when we lose that connection to fall into criticism, hatred, mental loops and all those known as internal shadows. Make an act of contrition and requests the elohim Vista to help you reconnect with your Master of Light so you can keep manifesting the truth that dwells within you, the truth of your light.
PEACEFUL: The God of Peace. Go to Pacifica to rebalance anywhere that has been disturbed by unwanted actions, whether natural or the product of human hands: natural disasters, catastrophes, wars, bombings ... Requests Pacific to reinstall peace in the territories erasing the memories of pain and helping the harmonious balance that would restore and raise again the situation as soon as possible.
Arcturus: the God of Liberty. Liberate the elohim Arturus of all that narrow the freedom of your soul, everything that tie your wings, that prevents freedom of movement. Inflates, with the help of Arcturus, your whole essence and that nothing interrupt the flight of your soul.
 Gabriel Padilla

13 de diciembre de 2018

MOTHER GOD through Dancing Dolphin Tsunami of Love Update

Recved 12-11-1

Dear Children, many, many things are coming at you now, fast and furious. Not only in your news, and social media platforms, but within and without. Please know that I am sending my Tsunami of Love and it is hitting you all right now. It makes some of you tense and others who have their hearts wide open are feeling my love within their hearts. Continue to open your hearts, dear Children, to allow more of my love to come in. Open your hearts and heart chakras up wide!

Those not accustomed to my love, those who are closed off to me will continue to become more and more agitated as the wave becomes stronger and stronger. It is your job, Lightworkers, to assist others who are having difficulty. How? By being a shining example of LOVE embodied.Show them how to breathe, how to relax and allow these feelings of love tingles enter. Show them that it is OK and that all will be well. Be gentle and kind to everyone. I know this is difficult, especially if someone is shouting or hitting you, for example. But allow me to come into your hearts and I will help you to do this. You are my emissaries, dear Children. You are ME embodied and I need your help at this time!!

Yes, you have taken on many jobs for this lifetime and this is one of them.This is URGENT, dear Lightworkers for we wish to save and help as many as we can. For those who do not receive your assistance or blessings will have a more difficult time. Rash actions can occur. You see this everyday in your news and it will become more prevalent as time passes...until the threshold of love vibrations reach the tipping point to take you all into the next level. When that occurs, anyone who is not vibrating at a specific rate will not be able to go forward. They will be taken care of, not to worry!  However, it is our joint goal that as many people as possible make the transition and ascend together. Do you see? (Yes!)

Yes, dear One you may ask a question. 

Any cosmic events coming in also to coincide with your Tsunami of Love? I've heard lots about the sun lately.

Ahhh, yes dear One, there are many events all joining in together in perfect harmony to bring about this apex of highest vibrations to assist humanity at this time. Some are cosmic events, some are astrological in nature some are more physical (such as sounds) while others are energetically based. This is an incredible time to be alive, dear Children and you all wished to be here NOW. You are the bravest of the brave and my pride and joy. I salute you and applaud your steadfastness and courage during this difficult time.

Please remember that you all have your own entourage of loving Beings surrounding you at all times who would jump at the change to help you!!! Call on them!! They live to serve and to help you as they have also taken on this mission. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance, dear Children. In doing so, you show strength and the wisdom to know when to seek help. There is no weakness or shame in that. We are a family, a grand team and we all have our parts to play.

Remember, shine your lights as brightly as you can and when others are drawn to you, show them grace and love in my name. Teach them to breathe, relax and open their hearts to love. That is all. I AM your Mother God. Live in ease and grace and go with my love, dear Children.

* * * *
Please feel free to share!
Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin

8 de diciembre de 2018

Planet. Alert December 2018

I know there are a lot of chaos in the world now, but this too shall pass after we finish our journey through the dark side. We have been in an extremely dark period from March 20, 2016. That day began our journey through three days of darkness. The Bible says that one day equals one year, which means we have been in three years of darkness and chaos, and this period lasts until 20 March 2019. Uranus moves into Taurus on March 6, 2019. This changes the cycle of being governed by Mars be governed by Venus. Venus is a smooth, soft feminine energy .
Uranus has been in Aries for seven years and Mars is the planet that governs Aries. This has caused alot of violence in the last seven years. This interaction between Uranus and Mars is not the best. Mars rules anger, violence, wars and that has been the energy we have felt over the past seven years. Uranus entered Aries to stay on 11 March 2011. This energy triggered the war in North Africa. This war began with demonstrations in Tunisia and then the violence spread to encompass the entire Middle East. Now there isanother war in Yemen. Hopefully this is the last war. Uranus He is now retrograde in Aries and continues to activate this violent energy that changes the March 6, 2019 when Uranus moves into Taurus. 
The sun is now in the sign of Sagittarius and the positive energy of this sign is freedom. He has always liked the energy of Sagittarius because I consider it a happy sign. There are many Christmas parties and social gatherings during this time of year. The sun will be in Sagittarius until the winter solstice on December 21 at 2:23 PST files. We are in the season of celebration of light. I love all the lights displayed at this time of year and it seems that more and more people are putting lights. It's really nice in my neighborhood with many beautiful lights everywhere.
Then the sun moves to Capricorn on the solstice and this is a quiet signal. It is also a very materialistic sign and that is why Christmas has become so materialistic. From Christmas Day we enter the celebration of the 12 days of Christmas, or maybe should be 13 days now that we are in the power of the Goddess. This is a good time to be still and meditate after the rush to prepare for all festive celebrations. The sun is at the closest point to Earth on January 3 at 11:20 am CST. This is when the sun begins a new cycle, a new year.
November was a month to remember this year. 11-11-11 had the power he felt like a wave of energy worldwide and noise that lasted for 20 minutes. Scientists have speculated that it was a wave of an underwater volcanic eruption off the coast of Mayotte in the Mozambique Channel. I think it was caused by people who meditate worldwide that day and that energy had to go somewhere. Many people who meditate together can cause big changes. I think this energy opened a door to a different frequency.
I know I really felt the energy in the 11-11-11 day. I also felt the energy in the full moon of November 22, 2018, which was also the Thanksgiving. We had a very powerful full moon on that day usually feel like chaotic energy. Instead of chaos, it was as if a wave hit us here in Seattle and it was a very smooth day. That day I felt really happy and that feeling continues to happen in my life. I choose tocontinue experiencing this energy because it feels wonderful. Even if the disturbing things happen as if our furnace broke down, it became an event without event and easily solved the next day. Sure it's nice to have a warm home again.
We have been experiencing the end of the 20  th  chapter of Revelation since March 2016. The second of the last paragraph talks about people walking through the breadth of the earth to the border of the Holy Land. The word Jerusalem has US written in the middle of that word. The caravan has arrived and is now on our border. I just got an email this morning that some people have given upand return home or stay in Mexico.
In the same paragraph you talk about fires. California has really had its share of fires. This year was the worst fire. We are still at the time of the fire because Jupiter is in Sagittarius. Fires have been rampant throughout the world over the last two years or more. Smoke from the fires of the last two summers made itmiserable for people living in Seattle and elsewhere. I had to stay inside because the smoke was so bad. I really feel for the people who lost their homes or loved ones in those fires. Bless them all and find healing in your new venture.
Earth changes will continue to occur because Mother Earth needs to clean itself as we need to liberate all our problems of fear, anger and pain.  Sometimes the pain is because we are so sensitive to what other people say makes us feel very painful inside. We needremember itnot aboutus. We need no longer be a victim. We've all gone through many lessons in our lives and now it is time to "leave everything, we do not need".
The last paragraph of the 20  th   chapter   of Revelation talks all about judging. God speaks of judging. God does not judge us because God is love. We judge ourselves and criticize others until we realize that God is within each and they are all great beings of light. Arguing is another way to judge. No matter who is right or wrong, everyone has their own truth and create your own reality. No need to criticize ourselves or anyone else. We are at the end of the 20 th  chapter and now it's time we stop judging everything and start manifesting the new heaven and the new earth that speaks in chapters 21 and 22 of Revelation.
Love is the glue that holds the world. Love heals everything. The Dalai Lama said: "What is love? Love is the absence of judgment. "  The judgment means criticize or complain about something or someone .  How many times a critical day or you complain about something?  Do not you think we'd have a better world if all we stop judging everything?  This is the last thing we should learn before you can move the world more often.
The original sin was simply the judgment. Judging, each being initiated its own consequences of separation. That's the only way a pure and innocent soul, created in the image of God, might be rejected from the community of love . The direct consequence of judgment is separation. What the world calls sin is the tragic bypass longterm real sin, which is the judgment and separation resulting from God, reality and brotherhood / sisterhood of man. All crimes are a sad fact. However, consideras the real sin only promotes the problem. If all judgment ceases and the spirit of forgiveness prevails, man will return to his innocence by grace . We have been separated from the source for a long time and if we choose to become one with the source, then we should stop judging.
We are now in the time of trial , then how wework through this energy? I know it's really hardstop complaining, even ifchange our attitude to one of gratitude, it would be easier for us. Gratitude is being grateful for everything you have. Bless everyone and everything. When you bless something, you are sending love and love is all there is  Love is the power of God / Goddess. His angels askhelp whenneedor connect with their ET friends because they are here in droves to helpifneed help.
Stop judging and jump from the Matrix. Become an observer of chaos rather than an actor of chaos. Control your emotions and manifest love for all . You'll be surprised when you start doing that because people treat you well because you will feel your love energy. Cure your painful body. Have you ever asked your subconscious to heal your body pain? Speak your truth in a smooth manner. Awakens the energy of love.
Open your heart. There is a place in your heart that gives you access to everything. Jesus said "look inside because that's where you find God". Open this door to your heart and connect to the energy of God. Start thinking with your heart instead of your head, your heart is much smarter. Love is soft and smooth. Walk softly on this beautiful planet and you fill of love and light of God. So be it! 
I command my blessings for a happy holiday!
***** Mahala Gayle *****

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included and the Copyright Notice

28 de noviembre de 2018


I thank you once again welcome to my blog, with a friendly greeting and wishing spiritual well-being. Today I'll talk about a topic that was mentioned in some previous publications, but had promised to expand a little more. Contact and experience with luminous beings, angels and other spiritual beings, and also light beings other dimensions.
It is very common to find these experiences in various parts of the world and different cultures. Many times people come into contact with spiritual entities, claim to have a spiritual sensitivity, as a special gift and are based on various spiritual techniques, channeling, as we showed in a previous video, which told how to contact other beings by mystical rituals.
On the other hand, when it comes to angelic beings, it is more common to find testimonies where people of different faiths, that even had had no spiritual experience, relate how have had contact with angels who have helped them in difficult situations. These people then your first experience, develop greater sensitivity and spiritual development of his being and his soul. In most cases the experiences are repeated and people manage to have a connection with your guardian angel.
The Angels
From this perspective, about the angelic beings, the common factor surrounding these experiences is faith, understand that we are not dealing with material objects or based on tangible experiences, contrary to that, the experience goes beyond the senses, connecting to a spiritual world. No matter what your beliefs be so important to understand that there is a supreme being that goes beyond our logical understanding, a spiritual being who sends his angels to help us, guide us and take care of ourselves in our daily lives.
If you want to feel the presence of angels, it is important to create an atmosphere of harmony, love and peace, an environment with positive feelings, may be in contact with nature. It is important to be relaxed, put aside the worries of the day. Leads a prayer aloud, you can have a Bible handy if you wish, the important thing is to have faith and your prayer is sincere, speak out as if they were next to you, you can also communicate with them in your thoughts. Give a place in your life and feelings. It is a personal relationship based on trust and confidence. If you doubt you will feel better, your presence will bring peace and harmony to your soul away your fears
Bottom line is what I can say about contact with angels, basad in own experiences and from other people with whom I have spoken. It is not easy to describe in words, but it's certainly a unique experience and a special feeling that brings us to our true spiritual essence and guides us in our lives.
It is important to keep this relationship day after day, not to let faith and love, stay in communication with angels, either with your prayers or your thoughts off. If you feel comfortable talking to others about your experiences, you can also be a tool to carry the message of harmony to others. Share these experiences can be an enriching tool for you and those around you who will experience in their lives true love, and feel that spiritual light that guides us on our way. But shares with others only if you really feel in your heart and you have enough confidence, because we must remember that not all people believe in angels and spiritual things,
Contact with beings from other dimensions
I would also give another approach to this article, because I know that many people conceptualize beings of light, like beings from other dimensions or alien beings, but also with certain mysticism, as you remember we spoke in a previous post of Arcturans beings. Based on this approach these beings can also be contacted through rituals and spiritual techniques, as the case we mentioned, would be the so - called  technical and Arcturans messages, by channeling. Basically channeling is to establish a contact with dimensions superior to ours, and thus receive messages of these higher institutions. There are many people that there are other beings in our universe, and also more dimensions. also consider doing a long time since these creatures have communicated with humanity.
Within the Spanish speaking environment one of the best - known channelers and therapists soul, also known healing techniques, is Xavier Gallego, born in Spain and currently lectures in several countries in Latin America, about Arcturans techniques, contact beings in other dimensions, healing techniques of mind and body and spirit guides. If you want to know more about his work and his life, I leave this  link .
The truth is that these conferences and messages and lessons that are taught have helped many people, and have the common goal of finding that spiritual essence within us, to know beyond conception limited we have of reality based only rational experiences defined by our senses. There is something beyond and are able to find and connect with it. It is something that goes beyond a specific religion or belief. It is something that is part of the nature of human beings. We just need to open our minds, remove limitations and be willing to new experiences. It is my sincere hope that these words which I share here, they have served to broaden your vision, finding a spiritual meaning to his life and a new purpose.
© misteri1963 this publication may be reproduced freely provided respecting its integrity and mention the author / a,  as a source of it  and include this URL  and Copyright notice

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