
8 de diciembre de 2018

Planet. Alert December 2018

I know there are a lot of chaos in the world now, but this too shall pass after we finish our journey through the dark side. We have been in an extremely dark period from March 20, 2016. That day began our journey through three days of darkness. The Bible says that one day equals one year, which means we have been in three years of darkness and chaos, and this period lasts until 20 March 2019. Uranus moves into Taurus on March 6, 2019. This changes the cycle of being governed by Mars be governed by Venus. Venus is a smooth, soft feminine energy .
Uranus has been in Aries for seven years and Mars is the planet that governs Aries. This has caused alot of violence in the last seven years. This interaction between Uranus and Mars is not the best. Mars rules anger, violence, wars and that has been the energy we have felt over the past seven years. Uranus entered Aries to stay on 11 March 2011. This energy triggered the war in North Africa. This war began with demonstrations in Tunisia and then the violence spread to encompass the entire Middle East. Now there isanother war in Yemen. Hopefully this is the last war. Uranus He is now retrograde in Aries and continues to activate this violent energy that changes the March 6, 2019 when Uranus moves into Taurus. 
The sun is now in the sign of Sagittarius and the positive energy of this sign is freedom. He has always liked the energy of Sagittarius because I consider it a happy sign. There are many Christmas parties and social gatherings during this time of year. The sun will be in Sagittarius until the winter solstice on December 21 at 2:23 PST files. We are in the season of celebration of light. I love all the lights displayed at this time of year and it seems that more and more people are putting lights. It's really nice in my neighborhood with many beautiful lights everywhere.
Then the sun moves to Capricorn on the solstice and this is a quiet signal. It is also a very materialistic sign and that is why Christmas has become so materialistic. From Christmas Day we enter the celebration of the 12 days of Christmas, or maybe should be 13 days now that we are in the power of the Goddess. This is a good time to be still and meditate after the rush to prepare for all festive celebrations. The sun is at the closest point to Earth on January 3 at 11:20 am CST. This is when the sun begins a new cycle, a new year.
November was a month to remember this year. 11-11-11 had the power he felt like a wave of energy worldwide and noise that lasted for 20 minutes. Scientists have speculated that it was a wave of an underwater volcanic eruption off the coast of Mayotte in the Mozambique Channel. I think it was caused by people who meditate worldwide that day and that energy had to go somewhere. Many people who meditate together can cause big changes. I think this energy opened a door to a different frequency.
I know I really felt the energy in the 11-11-11 day. I also felt the energy in the full moon of November 22, 2018, which was also the Thanksgiving. We had a very powerful full moon on that day usually feel like chaotic energy. Instead of chaos, it was as if a wave hit us here in Seattle and it was a very smooth day. That day I felt really happy and that feeling continues to happen in my life. I choose tocontinue experiencing this energy because it feels wonderful. Even if the disturbing things happen as if our furnace broke down, it became an event without event and easily solved the next day. Sure it's nice to have a warm home again.
We have been experiencing the end of the 20  th  chapter of Revelation since March 2016. The second of the last paragraph talks about people walking through the breadth of the earth to the border of the Holy Land. The word Jerusalem has US written in the middle of that word. The caravan has arrived and is now on our border. I just got an email this morning that some people have given upand return home or stay in Mexico.
In the same paragraph you talk about fires. California has really had its share of fires. This year was the worst fire. We are still at the time of the fire because Jupiter is in Sagittarius. Fires have been rampant throughout the world over the last two years or more. Smoke from the fires of the last two summers made itmiserable for people living in Seattle and elsewhere. I had to stay inside because the smoke was so bad. I really feel for the people who lost their homes or loved ones in those fires. Bless them all and find healing in your new venture.
Earth changes will continue to occur because Mother Earth needs to clean itself as we need to liberate all our problems of fear, anger and pain.  Sometimes the pain is because we are so sensitive to what other people say makes us feel very painful inside. We needremember itnot aboutus. We need no longer be a victim. We've all gone through many lessons in our lives and now it is time to "leave everything, we do not need".
The last paragraph of the 20  th   chapter   of Revelation talks all about judging. God speaks of judging. God does not judge us because God is love. We judge ourselves and criticize others until we realize that God is within each and they are all great beings of light. Arguing is another way to judge. No matter who is right or wrong, everyone has their own truth and create your own reality. No need to criticize ourselves or anyone else. We are at the end of the 20 th  chapter and now it's time we stop judging everything and start manifesting the new heaven and the new earth that speaks in chapters 21 and 22 of Revelation.
Love is the glue that holds the world. Love heals everything. The Dalai Lama said: "What is love? Love is the absence of judgment. "  The judgment means criticize or complain about something or someone .  How many times a critical day or you complain about something?  Do not you think we'd have a better world if all we stop judging everything?  This is the last thing we should learn before you can move the world more often.
The original sin was simply the judgment. Judging, each being initiated its own consequences of separation. That's the only way a pure and innocent soul, created in the image of God, might be rejected from the community of love . The direct consequence of judgment is separation. What the world calls sin is the tragic bypass longterm real sin, which is the judgment and separation resulting from God, reality and brotherhood / sisterhood of man. All crimes are a sad fact. However, consideras the real sin only promotes the problem. If all judgment ceases and the spirit of forgiveness prevails, man will return to his innocence by grace . We have been separated from the source for a long time and if we choose to become one with the source, then we should stop judging.
We are now in the time of trial , then how wework through this energy? I know it's really hardstop complaining, even ifchange our attitude to one of gratitude, it would be easier for us. Gratitude is being grateful for everything you have. Bless everyone and everything. When you bless something, you are sending love and love is all there is  Love is the power of God / Goddess. His angels askhelp whenneedor connect with their ET friends because they are here in droves to helpifneed help.
Stop judging and jump from the Matrix. Become an observer of chaos rather than an actor of chaos. Control your emotions and manifest love for all . You'll be surprised when you start doing that because people treat you well because you will feel your love energy. Cure your painful body. Have you ever asked your subconscious to heal your body pain? Speak your truth in a smooth manner. Awakens the energy of love.
Open your heart. There is a place in your heart that gives you access to everything. Jesus said "look inside because that's where you find God". Open this door to your heart and connect to the energy of God. Start thinking with your heart instead of your head, your heart is much smarter. Love is soft and smooth. Walk softly on this beautiful planet and you fill of love and light of God. So be it! 
I command my blessings for a happy holiday!
***** Mahala Gayle *****

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...